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Workfare steward the Jubilee

Logged in to urban cos I was proper shocked at this. How the FUCK has it come to this? Unemployed people coerced into sleeping rough for £2.80 an hour, long shifts, no accommodation or food or protection or minimum wage. Women sleeping under a bridge and changing in the rain to steward an event costing millions for the fucking QUEEN at a time when so many people are unemployed.

Honestly I feel as outraged as a tabloid journalist on paedos. It just seems fuckin INCREDIBLE that you can read an article like that in 2012 yer :eek: What the fucks to do? :mad:
Logged in to urban cos I was proper shocked at this. How the FUCK has it come to this? Unemployed people coerced into sleeping rough for £2.80 an hour, long shifts, no accommodation or food or protection or minimum wage. Women sleeping under a bridge and changing in the rain to steward an event costing millions for the fucking QUEEN at a time when so many people are unemployed.

Honestly I feel as outraged as a tabloid journalist on paedos. It just seems fuckin INCREDIBLE that you can read an article like that in 2012 yer :eek: What the fucks to do?

aye. fucking parasite scum.
Fuckin Jubolympics! Why are we spending money on this shit?!

Why are these not proper jobs, paying proper wages for these people. It's us spending the money on these show off bollocks events, I guess we've been told they create jobs or improve trade and industry. But it's fucking crap. Instead of creating jobs people are working for less than the minimum wage and being handed out fuckin ponchos. So companies can make money.

It's all so totally totally fucked it's like a joke yer. Completely transparent now, they don't give a fuck. But there's no alternative so what can you fuckin DO except join a union if your not self employed and try and support others? But it's like putting a plaster over a fuckin amputation. I hate em all so much but it's so fuckin pointless trying to do anything cos it's all so intricate.
<snip>I hate em all so much but it's so fuckin pointless trying to do anything cos it's all so intricate.
When you say that and believe it, you're already beaten. Do what you can, when you can, and hope that enough others will also do what they can when then can.
I can't say I'm surprised

It wouldn't even surprise me if there are unemployed people cleaning the Queens arse as part of a workfare scheme
Front page of the Guardian? Fantastic, the firm will have to get fucked over this now. Free Spirit has basically said everything I would have said, exactly right on everything.
Hopefully bring workfare generally back in the spotlight too, with the added bonus of it being the Jubilee so it'll anger daily mail royalist types as well.

Btw, on twitter - @molkellyprince is the boss of the security firm
This is grotesque even by Cameron's standards. Prosecutions, termination of contracts, questions in parliament and compensation for those exploited, please. I wonder if there are some employment solicitors out there willing to take this up? I'd really like to see this as the beginning of the end for workfare.
Has Russia Today picked up on this, they will certainly use it...

btw, tried to post the G's photo on here for posterity, didn't work, anyone else try?

It's amazing that people (just read a few responses on twitter) can still blame these poor sods for their unemployment when it seems they were so keen to get just temporary work far from their homes (at the olympics) that they felt they had to work for free.
Everyone involved in this busing project should go to their doctors when they get home and check that they are alright following being forced to sleep rough under London Bridge.
I wonder what the sanitary arrangements were?
how will they know? sfaics it's not mentioned on the Mail, Telegraph or BBCnews websites

Have you looked to see if it's on mumsnet yet? I'm sure it will be... then there's twitter, facebook, friends, relatives... news travels faster these days. Front page of the guardian means more will see it at the newsagents as well. I'm not saying this story is likely to go any further than the guardian, not unless there's some new revelation, but people will hear about it even if they don't read the guardian.
Even if you generously cut this company some slack for good old-fashioned management incompetence, it's impossible to avoid the fact that they've treated these people inhumanly. How could they possibly bus a bunch of people into central London on one of the busiest weekends of the year and not provide a bed for the night?

Absolutely disgraceful. Has anyone written to the minister, Chris Grayling? I have. Briefly, I have highlighted the abuses of working practices, and the deception of using apprentice wages when there are no permanent jobs on offer. That's got to be a criminal offence, surely? I have suggested immediate payment of NMW and suspension of First Protection UK and all related companies pending an investigation.
CPUK's finances don't look too healthy, and its sole director has a string of failed/dissolved security companies under her belt. Probably best not to hold out for one of those promised "well-paid" Olympic jobs.
CPUK's finances don't look too healthy, and its sole director has a string of failed/dissolved security companies under her belt. Probably best not to hold out for one of those promised "well-paid" Olympic jobs.

...that and someone somewhere is probably gonna have to at least pretend to make an example of these fuckers. The workfare guys will be OK though, with that NVQ2 in crowd management the world is now their oyster.
Yea no loady re liberal conspiracy. I see this has taken off bigstyle. I stuck a couple of links to blogs I came across on Twitter on the Jubilee thread and I think they just got lost in all the other stuff. Didn't say anything about people having to sleep/change under bridges though. Fucking disgusting indeed
Logged in to urban cos I was proper shocked at this. How the FUCK has it come to this? Unemployed people coerced into sleeping rough for £2.80 an hour, long shifts, no accommodation or food or protection or minimum wage. Women sleeping under a bridge and changing in the rain to steward an event costing millions for the fucking QUEEN at a time when so many people are unemployed.

Honestly I feel as outraged as a tabloid journalist on paedos. It just seems fuckin INCREDIBLE that you can read an article like that in 2012 yer :eek: What the fucks to do? :mad:

Fuckin Jubolympics! Why are we spending money on this shit?!

Why are these not proper jobs, paying proper wages for these people. It's us spending the money on these show off bollocks events, I guess we've been told they create jobs or improve trade and industry. But it's fucking crap. Instead of creating jobs people are working for less than the minimum wage and being handed out fuckin ponchos. So companies can make money.

It's all so totally totally fucked it's like a joke yer. Completely transparent now, they don't give a fuck. But there's no alternative so what can you fuckin DO except join a union if your not self employed and try and support others? But it's like putting a plaster over a fuckin amputation. I hate em all so much but it's so fuckin pointless trying to do anything cos it's all so intricate.

This is Edie the Tory, yeah? :D
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