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Workfare steward the Jubilee

I remember checking this years ago when I drove one - I was quite surprised how large a vehicle I was allowed to drive.
No its not a 3 1/2 ton minibus does not handle like a 14 tonne double decker to pretend it does is silly.
No, it's not a 14-tonne double-decker, but neither is it an MPV. It still needs to be driven with the same care and attention as full-size buses are.
It doesnt handle the same way so the PCV way is not really appopiate hence you can drive one on a normal licence.
Making every minibus driver do a pcv licence would be over kill.
A days course of whats expected should be sufficent. the charity i worked for complained that they were sending people to pass the test whod been driving being failed and not sure why they had failed.
It doesnt handle the same way so the PCV way is not really appopiate hence you can drive one on a normal licence.
Making every minibus driver do a pcv licence would be over kill.
A days course of whats expected should be sufficent. the charity i worked for complained that they were sending people to pass the test whod been driving being failed and not sure why they had failed.
Only in the UK can you drive a mini bus without a full PCV licence. The test is more about making sure you are not a nutter and take care of the passengers rather then are you an inch perfect driver.

You are confusing PCV with MiDAS (minibus driver awareness training). I teach the latter and it's a nightmare. I would happily support ensuring all mini bus drivers have full PCV and thankfully, with time this is happening.

Anyway, Close protection, what a bunch of cunts. :)
It doesnt handle the same way so the PCV way is not really appopiate hence you can drive one on a normal licence.
Making every minibus driver do a pcv licence would be over kill.
A days course of whats expected should be sufficent. the charity i worked for complained that they were sending people to pass the test whod been driving being failed and not sure why they had failed.
Of course it doesn't fucking handle the same way; one is a 14-tonne high-sided vehicle, the other is a small bus. The relative sizes of the vehicles is not what i was talking about :facepalm:

I have also driven minibuses for charities and for work purposes. The fact that you are carrying way in excess of the number of people a taxi would take means that, yes, you do need to exercise extra care and caution when driving one.
Apparently, Private Eye says Tomorrow's People, the charity behind jubilee jobseekers scandal, was give 50K donation by... The Guardian!
i did that MiDAS many moons ago, was full on! filling the bus with a smoke machine and trying to find your way out was bloody good.
then drove to a conference with colleagues, scooter rider crashed into me going up the inside on a tight bend on the south circ making some of his vespa fall off.
lucky there was an experienced motorcyclist behind who got off shouted at them and gave me their details as a witness.
very lucky as the people who i was working for hadn't sorted the insurance :eek: :facepalm:
my responsiblity to check i know
Apparently, Private Eye says Tomorrow's People, the charity behind jubilee jobseekers scandal, was give 50K donation by... The Guardian!

Previously noted:

Generous readers have raised more than £400,000 for the eight youth charities featured in the Guardian and Observer's 2011 Christmas appeal.

The appeal...will distribute the cash equally between the charities...

...The charities are Street League, The Boxing Academy, Tomorrow's People, Just for Kids Law, Magic Me, Community Links, Fare and St Giles Trust.

...The Guardian editor in chief, Alan Rusbridger, said: "I'd like to pay tribute to our readers' incredible generosity. These are excellent charities which make a real, positive difference to the lives of the young people they support."

Only just spotted this:

Following the recent controversy surrounding work programme participants in the Jubilee the Law Centre is looking for a workfare client who may wish to explore taking a National Minimum Wage Act claim against a work programme provider. Please contact Will Stone by email wills@ablc.org.uk or by telephone on 0117 9167725.

ABLC is the Avon & Bristol Law Centre.
'Labour is also calling for armed forces veterans to be given "day one" access to the government's work programme.'

wow aren't they lucky, forced labour from day one for our ex forces

btw, this also shows NL still think the W/P is a good thing, certainly Jim Murphy, a Blairite does...
cunt said:
Back-to-work providers, such as A4e, should not be judged on inflexible targets and crucified when the economy falters'

but sick / disabled / unemployed people should be, presumably?

get to fuck.

:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( :(
'£7bn a year is being given by DWP to workers in the Flexible Supply Chain, ie to thousands of organisations who provide unpaid workers to charity shops, gyms, event management, office cleaners, and hospitals'

Some fantastic info about the WP and welfare in general in the comments in Guardian CIF
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