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Workfare steward the Jubilee


Observer go's to town with two savage articles about Prince, and a wider one on the failure of the work programme,

obviously forgetting only two years ago they endorsed the welfare reforms in a editorial...

the other thing, the whole welfare to work programme is in crisis, yet silence from the LP, they could destroy it if they wanted, its saddening and fucking disgusting....
Oh, and these 'training' providers, like the guy who died in the helicopter crash, have been the one of the main benificarys of the neo-liberal era,funded to the tune of billions by the taxpayer and who have crushed the hopes and futures of millions with their sub par schemes, bizarre US style(and of course Victorian Workhouse) motivational mantras, corruption and neglect.Instead of decent long term training, skills development and apprenticeships, they offered low quality rote training, poor facilities, delivered by abusive, imcompetent and often bullying staff.

Some politicians who facilitated all this should imo, face prison...
'Gareth Thomas, the shadow charities minister, notes: "This is a tragic story entirely of ministers' making. Charities were led to believe that the Work Programme would be a source of new income even as the cuts in government funding bit hard."

This is the LP's only comment, that the charities aren't gettting a big enough piece of the pie...
quote "I have nothing to hide in my businesses, and the only thing that John Prescott has brought up is an 18-year-old incident which I witnessed and didn't deal with very well." :facepalm:

Observer go's to town with two savage articles about Prince, and a wider one on the failure of the work programme,

obviously forgetting only two years ago they endorsed the welfare reforms in a editorial...

the other thing, the whole welfare to work programme is in crisis, yet silence from the LP, they could destroy it if they wanted, its saddening and fucking disgusting....
Well it's clearly because they made it happen here in the first place? But yeah I would have expected enough hypocrisy from a politician to go with it though. EM is spectacularly useless.
The Observer has changed the title of its article on workfare, been nobbled by Max?

"Criminal past" is fair comment. It's a matter of public record. If they have changed the article's title due to Clifford, one wonders what leverage Clifford has that coud get them to remove fair comment.
Independant has just printed a story that a cpuk minibus has crashed with 15 stewards on board driver arrested molly price cant prove the driver was qualified. :(
Apprantly the driver got his qualification in 1997 but awaiting proof from firms records.
I.e they havn't fucking got them and are Now shitting themselves:(
Because if my firm was in the media spotlight I'd have the fucking records out asap because the sharks are senting blood in the water and any pissed off worker is going to be offered cash for their story.
Brendan O'Neill claims that "Talk of 'slave labour' at the Jubilee pageant is idiotic". This from a man who has never had to work a shit job in his life.

I know the commentariat needs a regular fix of squalor porn, a daily dose of Dickensian horrors to keep its moral compass pointing in the right direction, but can we please get the “Jubilee slave labour” story into perspective? Ever since the Guardian revealed that unemployed people served as volunteer stewards at the Jubilee river pageant last Sunday, and that some of them slept under London Bridge beforehand, the outrage has been so shrill that I wouldn’t be surprised to discover that only dogs could hear it. There is much to criticise about the charities that organised the voluntary work, but there is even more to criticise in the OTT reaction to it and in the idea that getting people to do voluntary work is the worst thing ever.


Apprantly the driver got his qualification in 1997 but awaiting proof from firms records.
I.e they havn't fucking got them and are Now shitting themselves:(
Because if my firm was in the media spotlight I'd have the fucking records out asap because the sharks are senting blood in the water and any pissed off worker is going to be offered cash for their story.

I bet its a bit of a funny one. You're allowed to drive a 16 seater minibus on a standard UK license if you're not receiving money, or doing it for commercial value. You have to take a further test if you want to drive a vehicle like that for a commercial reason.

I bet CPUK are well aware of that, but turned a blind eye. A lot of companies are like that, I've been expected to make drop offs and deliveries for work in my car, despite me protesting I didnt have insurance to do that. I didnt do it in the end, but work were arses about it.
i worked for a charity that had a real hard time. Getting people through the minibus test.
There are no set minbus examiniers they are mostly pcv examiniers who expect the minbus to be driven like a bus.:(
Brendan O'Neill claims that "Talk of 'slave labour' at the Jubilee pageant is idiotic". This from a man who has never had to work a shit job in his life.

Brendan O'Neill said:
I know the commentariat needs a regular fix of squalor porn, a daily dose of Dickensian horrors to keep its moral compass pointing in the right direction, but can we please get the “Jubilee slave labour” story into perspective? Ever since the Guardian revealed that unemployed people served as volunteer stewards at the Jubilee river pageant last Sunday, and that some of them slept under London Bridge beforehand, the outrage has been so shrill that I wouldn’t be surprised to discover that only dogs could hear it. There is much to criticise about the charities that organised the voluntary work, but there is even more to criticise in the OTT reaction to it and in the idea that getting people to do voluntary work is the worst thing ever.


Trust a telegraph opinion writer to spectacularly miss the point :facepalm:
Typical fucking RCP faux-controversialist bollocks. If only the likes of him, Fox and Furedi could bring themselves to admit they're reactionary pus-sacks, rather than churning out all this crap, the world would be a happier place.

They have the likes of Monsanto and Pfizer bunging them huge amounts of dosh to churn out reactionary, contrarian shite too. Free speech for the likes of O'Neill means being free to call someone a "Paki".
I bet its a bit of a funny one. You're allowed to drive a 16 seater minibus on a standard UK license if you're not receiving money, or doing it for commercial value. You have to take a further test if you want to drive a vehicle like that for a commercial reason.

It's a bit more complicated than that. If you passed your car test before 1997 you got a D1 (101) entitlement on your licence. This means you can drive a mini bus and get paid for it as long as you work for a non profit organisation ( a charity for instance). If you want to work and get paid for it for a commercial company then you need a D1 entitlement that has been gained by passing your D1 test.

If you have a B licence (e.g. you passed your car test after 1997) then you cannot be paid for driving at all. You also can only drive a mini bus that is 3.5 tonnes maximum authorised mass unless it's wheelchair accessible in which case it can be up to 4.25 tonnes.
It's a bit more complicated than that. If you passed your car test before 1997 you got a D1 (101) entitlement on your licence. This means you can drive a mini bus and get paid for it as long as you work for a non profit organisation ( a charity for instance). If you want to work and get paid for it for a commercial company then you need a D1 entitlement that has been gained by passing your D1 test.

If you have a B licence (e.g. you passed your car test after 1997) then you cannot be paid for driving at all. You also can only drive a mini bus that is 3.5 tonnes maximum authorised mass unless it's wheelchair accessible in which case it can be up to 4.25 tonnes.

Oh i thought it was just non payment.

I passed in 99 and drove one out for a freinds birthday, thats the only reason id looked into it.
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