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Workfare very quietly abandoned?

Seeing my normal counsellor for a sesh on thursday and going to tell her i was ok doing the self confidence course until she started to offer me one on one counselling and bombarding me with info about jobs when i told her loads of times im not ready for work. Up in counselling offices tm as well so no doubt itll come out then. Shell probably phone and ask where i am, ill say counselling which is what i need atm and not psychobabble from you. Probably wont say the psychobabble bit to her but will tell my counsellors what im feeling.
Seeing my normal counsellor for a sesh on thursday and going to tell her i was ok doing the self confidence course until she started to offer me one on one counselling and bombarding me with info about jobs when i told her loads of times im not ready for work. Up in counselling offices tm as well so no doubt itll come out then. Shell probably phone and ask where i am, ill say counselling which is what i need atm and not psychobabble from you. Probably wont say the psychobabble bit to her but will tell my counsellors what im feeling.
It's generally not a good idea to have more than one therapeutic intervention going on at once: if you are already seeing a counsellor, this new "counsellor" should know better than to even be suggesting it. It's unethical, and also quite discourteous to her professional colleague.
Last dau of course today and theres an interviewer coming, wtf meant to be a confidence course. Wasnt going to go but we all had to bring in food and bought some stuff so ill go for that and to say bye to other 3 people there. Will post later and see what they do cos on monday told them i wasnt ready for work. Oh what fun i will have today.
Thanks j ed, went in and told them i was feeling overwhelmed and couldnt participate in any of the activities but i came in to say goodbye to everybody and id stay for the party. She said ok, you just can sit at the other table when youre not feeling gd. So went for a few walks and fags. She said we will stay in touch. Saw my housing officer in there again cos her office is next door to theirs. Anyway told her colleague i wasnt feeling well so my housing officer called me and said youve been doing great lately and whats triggered this and told me to keep on doing stuff, like going to counselling and allotment and to go on course again. A woman from the volunteer centre came in and assured us that she wasnt anything to do with the awful job centre so she said if you deal with me itll be ok. Refused to take or fill in paper work but signed to say id completed the course.
There's always a 'major defeat for Cameron/the government' if you read the Canary. Whilst this should be a big story, not just workfare but the vast resources pissed away on defending it in the courts again and again, I'm not sure it really registers with most people. Will be interesting to see if Corbyn is able to put the boot in over this.

Still not clear on what the verdict is though, is it a vindication of the original ruling that the workfare rules were unfair or is it a rejection of the retrospective legislation IDS conjured up to cover his own arse?
There's always a 'major defeat for Cameron/the government' if you read the Canary. Whilst this should be a big story, not just workfare but the vast resources pissed away on defending it in the courts again and again, I'm not sure it really registers with most people. Will be interesting to see if Corbyn is able to put the boot in over this.

Still not clear on what the verdict is though, is it a vindication of the original ruling that the workfare rules were unfair or is it a rejection of the retrospective legislation IDS conjured up to cover his own arse?
This verdict was a rejection of the retrospective legislation. So it goes back to DWP to have another go. I suspect the chances of all those unemployed people ever seeing any of the money they were screwed out of is minimal, but this is bigger than that now: it's about shredding any possible claim to credibility or justice that DWP/government continue to try to cling to.
So it goes back to DWP to have another go.


I wonder how long it wil be before the legal costs of all this come to more tha it would have cost to just pay back the money.

I see in the DWP's statement that they're unwilling to pay people a windfall they haven't earned, when of course they'd be doing no such thing. Giving people money they were entitled to and were unlawfully swindled out of is not a 'windfall' it's merely righting a wrong. Talking about the cost of paying up is disingenuous as well, it's money that should have been budgeted for in the first place because people were entitled to claim it.

I wonder how long it wil be before the legal costs of all this come to more tha it would have cost to just pay back the money.
It's probably way past that point already. They actually don't seem that bothered at the idea that it is now obvious this is no more than a punitive demonstration of viciousness towards a group of people - sure, they trot out the usual "making work pay"/"it's not right..." guff, but that's just for the True Believers.

I see in the DWP's statement that they're unwilling to pay people a windfall they haven't earned, when of course they'd be doing no such thing. Giving people money they were entitled to and were unlawfully swindled out of is not a 'windfall' it's merely righting a wrong. Talking about the cost of paying up is disingenuous as well, it's money that should have been budgeted for in the first place because people were entitled to claim it.
In that statement is the encapsulation of everything that this government believes about welfare: that it's like a State equivalent of pocket money, something for the proles to spend on fags and flat-screen TVs. I think it barely occurs to most of them that this isn't a handout - it's a lifeline. Of course, they know that to some extent, because they are trading on the desperation of beaten-down unemployed and disabled to do anything to improve their lot, which helps push wages down and keeps the employed on their toes into the bargain.

Scumsucking bastards, the lot of them.
No, but she told my housing officer she wanted me to give a speech about how the course was for me, housing officer hasnt mentioned it again so dont think ill be hearing off them again. Hope not. But they seem to be getting in everywhere i turn now even counselling, ffs. Am seriously thinking about travelling and am offski to bank on monday to change my bank card so i can have a debit card and can then pay for a years subscription to help x which is volunteering in exchange for accom and food, been speaking online with another woman whos also keen to go and we are meeting up when i finish uni in 2 weeks to set a go date. Had enough of it here, feel like am rotting away on benefits.
Still not well enough to work a full time job but hoping volunteering especially if its picking fruit or something outdoors or part time for 3 to 4 hrs a day in a hostel cleaning would be good. Because the stress and the worry about the state of this country is i reckon much more of a threat to my well being than a part time volunteering job abroad. Been having palpitations again today worrying. Feel that if i stay here i will die an early death, grim i know but true.
Still not well enough to work a full time job but hoping volunteering especially if its picking fruit or something outdoors or part time for 3 to 4 hrs a day in a hostel cleaning would be good. Because the stress and the worry about the state of this country is i reckon much more of a threat to my well being than a part time volunteering job abroad. Been having palpitations again today worrying. Feel that if i stay here i will die an early death, grim i know but true.
Be aware that if you leave the UK for more than 3 months (even to go elsewhere in the EU), you won't be eligible for any benefits when you return, because you'll have lost "habitual residency".
For six months after you return I think. Used to be 3.

Edited - actually I think its still three months.
And people wonder why British passport holders don't just piss off elsewhere in search of work... :(
I'm so glad you posted this - I had no idea!!! This is fucked.
The slightly less bad news (again, nothing new) is that contribution based benefits can be taken with you to elsewhere in the EU (because of reciprocal agreements), but income related ones can't. It's a huge financial barrier. :(
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