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Royal lickspittlery: the platinum jubilee edition

The jubilee weekend isn’t just an opportunity for us to reflect on the 70 years since Her Majesty’s accession to the throne – although it will, of course, be that.

And it isn’t simply a chance for a country wearied by the extraordinary circumstances of the past few years to let its hair down – although it is, of course, your patriotic duty to do just that.

No, the first Platinum Jubilee in our nation’s history is a chance to celebrate a truly extraordinary Queen, to reflect on the difference she has made to her country, and to consider what our Elizabethan age has meant – and what it will mean for our future.

Over the coming days, there will be time for rich explorations of the history. How Her Majesty has guided us through turbulent times and stood alongside us during the good and the bad.

But I want to reflect on the values the Queen represents and how they have made her such a popular, unifying and enduring figure.

We live in a time in which our attitudes towards authority have changed. The deferential culture of the early part of Her Majesty’s reign has long gone.

But the Queen has been able to rise above much of the archness and cynicism: the hope and surety she represents sometimes feel like a throwback to that former age. The admiration people have for her goes far beyond the typical relationship between monarch and people.

There is no great secret as to how she has managed this. Her Majesty’s commitment to duty and her passion for furthering our country on the world stage have not just benefited each of us – they have also conferred on her the respect and love of people here and across the world. She has shown us that integrity, hard work and selflessness are the antidote to pessimism.

It is a truism that with great power comes great responsibility, but the Queen’s reign has been a continuous reminder of the way to deal with that – to block out the noise and get on with the job at hand.

The Western world has changed beyond recognition since the 1950s. This has led to fundamental questions about what it means to be a citizen and what it means to be patriotic. Britain has been no outlier in this. Her Majesty’s constant presence – a bridge between different eras – has been an important part in helping us to wrestle with those questions.

That Britain has at every juncture rejected extremism is in no small part due to our idea of who we are as a people: an idea borne of a sense of stability that cannot exist without strong institutions.

Watching last year’s Euro 2020 tournament, it was striking not just how many of the home nations’ players were first, second or third-generation immigrants but how many of those wearing replica shirts in the stands or the pubs were as well.

This weekend’s celebrations will feel the same. i encourage everyone to get involved – and I endorse this newspaper’s call for local authorities to try to ensure that as many events can take place and as many people can celebrate as possible.

Just as at the Queen’s coronation in 1953, our country is at a crossroads. Just as then, we have gone through great change. And just as then, there are siren voices who claim that our best days are behind us.

But they will once again be proven wrong. The Britain that is emerging at this Platinum Jubilee is one that is again ready to move on from the tribulations of recent years, stronger for its experiences, and more than able to seize the opportunities ahead. A new patriotism, one that is easy, self-confident and inclusive, is being born all around us.

Just as the Queen has led us through the past 70 years, all that she has taught us – about duty, tolerance, humility and responsibility – will continue to guide us into this next era. We are a better, brighter country because of her. Our history is richer, our future built on firmer foundations and our great country made greater still by her rule.

Now that’s something worth celebrating.
Gammontastic in Leicester!
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That pub is dead fashy. It used to be called Winston's and, I think, Churchill's before then. They had to change the name a couple of times because of the mither there. It's frequented by gammonites, Faragists, Johnsonites and fash inclined knuckle draggers. If you're ever in Leicester, give it a massive swerve.
That pub is dead fashy. It used to be called Winston's and, I think, Churchill's before then. They had to change the name a couple of times because of the mither there. It's frequented by gammonites, Faragists, Johnsonites and fash inclined knuckle draggers. If you're ever in Leicester, give it a massive swerve.
I had a look at that about the Churchill etc. Looks like the filth are often attending disturbances.
The jubilee weekend isn’t just an opportunity for us to reflect on the 70 years since Her Majesty’s accession to the throne – although it will, of course, be that.

And it isn’t simply a chance for a country wearied by the extraordinary circumstances of the past few years to let its hair down – although it is, of course, your patriotic duty to do just that.

No, the first Platinum Jubilee in our nation’s history is a chance to celebrate a truly extraordinary Queen, to reflect on the difference she has made to her country, and to consider what our Elizabethan age has meant – and what it will mean for our future.

Over the coming days, there will be time for rich explorations of the history. How Her Majesty has guided us through turbulent times and stood alongside us during the good and the bad.

But I want to reflect on the values the Queen represents and how they have made her such a popular, unifying and enduring figure.

We live in a time in which our attitudes towards authority have changed. The deferential culture of the early part of Her Majesty’s reign has long gone.

But the Queen has been able to rise above much of the archness and cynicism: the hope and surety she represents sometimes feel like a throwback to that former age. The admiration people have for her goes far beyond the typical relationship between monarch and people.

There is no great secret as to how she has managed this. Her Majesty’s commitment to duty and her passion for furthering our country on the world stage have not just benefited each of us – they have also conferred on her the respect and love of people here and across the world. She has shown us that integrity, hard work and selflessness are the antidote to pessimism.

It is a truism that with great power comes great responsibility, but the Queen’s reign has been a continuous reminder of the way to deal with that – to block out the noise and get on with the job at hand.

The Western world has changed beyond recognition since the 1950s. This has led to fundamental questions about what it means to be a citizen and what it means to be patriotic. Britain has been no outlier in this. Her Majesty’s constant presence – a bridge between different eras – has been an important part in helping us to wrestle with those questions.

That Britain has at every juncture rejected extremism is in no small part due to our idea of who we are as a people: an idea borne of a sense of stability that cannot exist without strong institutions.

Watching last year’s Euro 2020 tournament, it was striking not just how many of the home nations’ players were first, second or third-generation immigrants but how many of those wearing replica shirts in the stands or the pubs were as well.

This weekend’s celebrations will feel the same. i encourage everyone to get involved – and I endorse this newspaper’s call for local authorities to try to ensure that as many events can take place and as many people can celebrate as possible.

Just as at the Queen’s coronation in 1953, our country is at a crossroads. Just as then, we have gone through great change. And just as then, there are siren voices who claim that our best days are behind us.

But they will once again be proven wrong. The Britain that is emerging at this Platinum Jubilee is one that is again ready to move on from the tribulations of recent years, stronger for its experiences, and more than able to seize the opportunities ahead. A new patriotism, one that is easy, self-confident and inclusive, is being born all around us.

Just as the Queen has led us through the past 70 years, all that she has taught us – about duty, tolerance, humility and responsibility – will continue to guide us into this next era. We are a better, brighter country because of her. Our history is richer, our future built on firmer foundations and our great country made greater still by her rule.

Now that’s something worth celebrating.
The image that accompanied the Telegraph piece was quite a corker...possible caption comp material?

'The queen has lived her life for the benefit of others'? I must have missed that bit. Fucking hell!
Welby has also put his foot in it by going on about forgiveness in regards Andrew. He probably thought he had done a good job of balance by mentioning victims and peoples personal pain, but a spokesman was forced to 'clarify' stuff later.

Welby has also put his foot in it by going on about forgiveness in regards Andrew. He probably thought he had done a good job of balance by mentioning victims and peoples personal pain, but a spokesman was forced to 'clarify' stuff later.

I watched the full interview on itv news last night. It was sickening. Never took much notice of him until he was on question time a little while ago. The man's a complete bellend. Think he was big in the oil industry before he found the big man?
Yeah he was an oil man and he is also part of the modern church of england evangelical shit, including admitting to speaking in tongues.

Anyawy I just realised that this stuff about forgiveness has already been discussed on the Andrew thread, sorry for not checking there first.
Yeah he was an oil man and he is also part of the modern church of england evangelical shit, including admitting to speaking in tongues.

Oh fuck me, I thought that kind of shit was limited to the batshit Yankee snake-handler cults.
Nice friendly story about kicking the shit out of someone :hmm:

I don’t understand why people bother go to those parades as spectators
From the replies it would appear they used the opportunity to protest government inaction regarding climate change though to me it's not in the least bit obvious particularly from the original tweet. I hope they didn't get a good kicking but it's all too likely that they did.
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