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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange 'to be charged with spying by the US'

By David Gardner
Last updated at 4:56 PM on 10th December 2010

US prosecutors are said to be finalising their case against Assange, who published more than 250,000 secret diplomatic messages

US prosecutors are said to be finalising their case against Assange, who published more than 250,000 secret diplomatic messages

America is set to bring spying charges against jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, claims his lawyer.

US prosecutors are said to be finalising their case against the 39-year-old Australian behind the publication of more than 250,000 secret diplomatic messages.

Mr Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson said she understands US charges are ‘imminent’.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-Assange-charged-spying-US.html#ixzz17jTvlnrJ


There's a good venn diagram in the whole 4chan/anonymous/wikileaks thing.

Read somewhere that Assange was involved with the original set up of anonymous during the camaign against the scientology freudsters. You heard anything of that pk?

Assange posted up the complete collection of secret "church" documents, back in the early inception of the Project Chanology thing against the cult. So he was a key player in that side of Anonymous action.
They can't try Assange for spying unless he's on US soil though, right??

Maybe a rendition flight, like they do illegally anyway, might do it.

Not that it'll make the leaks stop, the trickle will turn into a waterfall...
Why does everyone remember the scientologist bullshit?
I'll presume you're talking to someone else, and not me, as nowhere in this thread have i mentioned scientology (appart form there)

Protest tomorow 11am for Assange. Gutted i can't make it, this is something i'd much rather be doing.
Sky News has this twist to the WikiLeaks saga: Inmates at Wandsworth prison are pushing notes of support under the cell door of Julian Assange.

A source at the prison said, among several notes Mr Assange received one said:

Dear Julian,

Welcome to the real 'Frontline Club'.

Referring to the journalists' club in London where he was staying before his arrest
From what I have read, Mr Assange did not actually commit "rape" or anything like it. In Sweden, does "rape" include doing it with two girls who then dislike you when they each find out you've been doing the other one? Oh, and having a rubber split?

These charges are trumped-up.

Who is Anonymous
In their most recent public statement, WikiLeaks is the only group of people to identify Anonymous correctly. Anonymous is not a group, but rather an Internet gathering.
Both Anonymous and the media that is covering it are aware of the percieved dissent between individuals in the gathering. This does not, however, mean that the command structure of Anonymous is failing for a simple reason: Anonymous has a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives.
We do not believe that a similar movement exists in the world today and as such we have to learn by trial and error. We are now in the process of better communicating some core values to the individual atoms that comprise Anonymous - we also want to take this opportunity to communicate a message to the media, so that the average Internet Citizen can get to know who we are and what we represent.
Anonymous is not a group of hackers. We are average Interent Citizens ourselves and our motivation is a collective sense of being fed up with all the minor and major injustices we witness every day.
We do not want to steal your personal information or credit card numbers. We also do not seek to attack critical infrastructure of companies such as Mastercard, Visa, PayPal or Amazon. Our current goal is to raise awareness about WikiLeaks and the underhanded methods employed by the above companies to impair WikiLeaks' ability to function.


From what I have read, Mr Assange did not actually commit "rape" or anything like it. In Sweden, does "rape" include doing it with two girls who then dislike you when they each find out you've been doing the other one? Oh, and having a rubber split?

These charges are trumped-up.


It's hard to say there's so many conflicting reports of the time line going around and confused opinions about the charges...
He shagged a few groupies. It's not like he stuck a telephone up anyone's cunt and got them to ring their mother.

Well maybe or maybe he did force himself on them and this was rape. He's innocent till proven guilty but these are serious allegations that should be answered.
Well maybe or maybe he did force himself on them and this was rape. He's innocent till proven guilty but these are serious allegations that should be answered.

All allegations of rape should be investigated fully I agree.

But if this was anyone else, it's massively unlikely (had it been in the UK anyway) that the police would have pursued a case like this at all*, let alone him having bail refused. The Interpol notice takes it into the realms of the surreal.

Leaving aside his guilt or innocence until due process - his treatment so far reeks to high heaven of political motivation.

*I'm not saying that's a good thing, just making the comparison.
Leaving aside his guilt or innocence until due process - his treatment so far reeks to high heaven of political motivation.

*I'm not saying that's a good thing, just making the comparison.

Quite, I wouldn't make a judgement in either case but a suspected murderer in possibly two cases gets bail and Assange doesn't?
All allegations of rape should be investigated fully I agree.

But if this was anyone else, it's massively unlikely (had it been in the UK anyway) that the police would have pursued a case like this at all*, let alone him having bail refused. The Interpol notice takes it into the realms of the surreal.

Leaving aside his guilt or innocence until due process - his treatment so far reeks to high heaven of political motivation.

*I'm not saying that's a good thing, just making the comparison.

I think that's a fair observation, just don't like the idea that rape or sexual assault charges can be so readily dismissed just because we like the person. I'd have the same attitude if it was Chomsky on a charge like this or Norman Tebbit...
Well maybe or maybe he did force himself on them and this was rape. He's innocent till proven guilty but these are serious allegations that should be answered.

I completely agree.

But, he had 'no case to answer' in the summer. Perhaps that was his warning to back off with wikileaks. Now he's persona non grata he magically has a case to answer again.

Rape is a serious crime that shouldn't be taken lightly. So why have the Swedish authorities pissed around like this? Is it any wonder that people are now questioning the timing and political relevance?
Tbh I think we should tell the American 'government' to Fuck. Right. Off. And Gary McKinnon too.

If their security systems wern't so woefully inadequate in the first place, they wouldn't find themselves embarrassed in this fashion.

And that's partly whats's pissed them off: It makes them look like the arseholes they are.
I completely agree.

But, he had 'no case to answer' in the summer. Perhaps that was his warning to back off with wikileaks. Now he's persona non grata he magically has a case to answer again.

Rape is a serious crime that shouldn't be taken lightly. So why have the Swedish authorities pissed around like this? Is it any wonder that people are now questioning the timing and political relevance?

Those are some pertinent points but he does have a case to answer now. It is strange that this went nowhere until a politician decided to push for it to be revisited...
It would seem naive to think the bod figureheading Wikileaks could continue to swan around the world while upsetting the Yanks like this. I'm not sure he'd have predicted calls for assassination, but certainly must have expected serious American attempts to have him locked up. So even without the Swedish issue surely he'd have planned a strategy to ride out the storm in a safe haven where he could anticipate resistance to extradition requests.

Then there's the warrant from Sweden which, ok, maybe he didn't think would resurface, but even so it's part of the background.

So why did he choose to be in Britain when the balloon went up? This is a close ally of the US, implicated in their wars, the most Atlanticist of the Europeans countries, home of the 'special relationship' and, crucially, with a heavily imbalanced extradition treaty with the US- apparently unwilling or unable to protect McKinnon in a case with clear parallels. We're also tied in to Interpol and likely to be responsive to whatever comes from Sweden.

There are countries around the world seemingly less tied to the US and perhaps more likely to protect him- Switzerland, Finland, Spain, Venezuela, New Zealand come to mind or maybe his native Oz, I don't know I haven't done the research, but he (presumably) has and yet he came here.

It was clearly his choice, why choose here?

One of the counterpunch sources responds.
While it’s somewhat gratifying to see an uptick in blog stats based on an article reiterating the links between Las Damas de Blanco and Posada Carriles, and especially important for the general public to become aware that the Western Hemisphere’s biggest terrorist is wandering free in Miami, while five Cubans who tried to stop this sort of nonsense languish in U.S. federal prisons, the six degrees of separation argument crafted by Shamir/Bennett to demonstrate a link between Ardin and Posada is pure laziness as a journalistic sourcing technique, and honestly, motivationally questionable.
On Anna Ardin, Israel Shamir and glass houses
December 8, 2010 / machetera (blog)
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