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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

an anonymous spokesperson from the anonymous hacking group was on R4 this morning, talking about 'the need for an open and transparent internet' I think his name was Redcloud or something

irony piled on irony, wrapped in a thin pastry of irony
I just want them to start releasing stuff on the banks now. DDOS AWAY!

Should so do this just before Christmas...:D

an anonymous spokesperson from the anonymous hacking group was on R4 this morning, talking about 'the need for an open and transparent internet' I think his name was Redcloud or something

irony piled on irony, wrapped in a thin pastry of irony

Is that vegetarian? Sounds quite tasty.
Hmph, some people have all the fun, while I have to wait for someone to wake up before I could even afford a memory stick, let alone do anything with it. :mad:

Ok TBF probably just put some tunes on it for world techno day, but still!
an anonymous spokesperson from the anonymous hacking group was on R4 this morning, talking about 'the need for an open and transparent internet' I think his name was Redcloud or something

It was Coldblood. But then this tweet came up:

@Op_Payback: Attention all media: 1. We don't have a spokesperson named Coldblood. 2. This is the official payback twitter Profile
Letter from Anon

Hello World. We are Anonymous. What you do or do not know about us is irrelevant. We have decided to write to you, the media, and all citizens of the free world at large to inform you of the message, our intentions, potential targets, and our ongoing peaceful campaign for freedom.

"True, This! —
Beneath the rule of men entirely great,
The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold
The arch-enchanters wand! — itself a nothing! —
But taking sorcery from the master-hand
To paralyse the Cæsars, and to strike
The loud earth breathless! — Take away the sword —
States can be saved without it!"

- The Cardinal
Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy by: Edward Bulwer-Lytton

The message is simple: Freedom of Speech. Anonymous is peacefully campaigning for Freedom of Speech everywhere in all forms. Freedom of Speech for: The Internet, for journalism and journalists, and citizens of the world at large. Regardless of what you think or have to say; Anonymous is campaigning for you.
The recent news of our campaigns has been, at best, misinformed. Anonymous is not always the same group of people. The Constitution of the United States is said to be a living document, because it can be edited, amended; changed at the will of the people to suit the peoples' needs. In that same vein, Anonymous is a living idea. Anonymous is an idea that can be edited, updated, remanded, changed on a whim. We are living consciousness. We are not a terrorist organization as governments, demagogues, and the media would have you believe. At this time Anonymous is a consciousness focused on campaigning peacefully for Freedom of Speech. We ask the world to support us, not for our sake, but for your own. When governments control freedom they control you. The Internet is the last bastion of freedom in this evolving technical world. The Internet is capable of connecting us all. When we are connected we are strong. When we are strong we have power. When we have power we are able to do the impossible. This is why the government is moving on Wikileaks. This is what they fear. They fear our power when we unite. Do not forget this.
go to link for more
Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person of the Year?
Rank 	Name 					Avg. Rating 	Total Votes
1	Julian Assange				90		226206
2	Recep Tayyip Erdogan			83		214240
3	Lady Gaga				74		132791
4	Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert		82		68481
5	Glenn Beck				31		74747
6	Barack Obama				60		22241
7	Steve Jobs				63		20031
8	The Chilean Miners			49		22101
9	The Unemployed American			68		15986
10	Sarah Palin				32		24359
11	Mark Zuckerberg				52		13814
12	Liu Xiaobo				67		9773
13	David Cameron				34		16088
14	Hu Jintao				50		9300
15	Robert Gates				42		10297
16	Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf			49		7663
17	Nancy Pelosi				38		9971
18	Craig Venter				56		6427
19	Arne Duncan				29		10689
20	Elizabeth Warren, Mary Sc...		47		5825
21	David and Charles Koch			34		7209
22	LeBron James				22		10866
23	Jonathan Franzen			23		9505
24	Tony Hayward				22		8994
25	Hamid Karzai				29		6738

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2028734_2029036_2029037,00.html #ixzz17NhhosmH

I don't see Nick Clegg on there? :confused:
I suspect that in the long run it's in the best interests of the US keep Wikileaks up and running. Exposing some of the banana republic style corruption that's going on, is surely a good thing all the way around.
The US (and others, UK included) profit from that corruption. Why on earth would they want to stop it?

an anonymous spokesperson from the anonymous hacking group was on R4 this morning, talking about 'the need for an open and transparent internet' I think his name was Redcloud or something

It was Coldblood. But then this tweet came up:

@Op_Payback: Attention all media: 1. We don't have a spokesperson named Coldblood. 2. This is the official payback twitter Profile

Whoever 'coldblood' is, he's a bit of a dick. Sounded useless and uninformed on Today, and kind of gave the game away that he was a small-time nobead by giving himself a name.

The whole point is a nebulous group with no command structure and direction dictated only by the cloud.

We are anonymous, as they say. Not we are anonymous, and my name's Terry.
More lols buried in this story:


In a twist to the story it has emerged that Amazon, which last week refused to host Wikileaks, is selling a Kindle version of the documents Wikileaks has leaked.

Ooh tangled interwebs, how you illuminate our double-standards for all to see.

Also can see why wikileaks are concerned that their name is going to get associated with illegal DDOS activity & revenge attacks, as the headline writers cannot help themselves from saying 'pro-wikileaks attacks', which is not misleading to anyone paying proper attention, but in the minds of some out there in the world, especially the ones who have some reason avoid thinking about this stuff too deeply, Anonymous and Wikileaks can be become one cartoon rogue dangerous irresponsible illegal evil that should be crushed.
The US (and others, UK included) profit from that corruption. Why on earth would they want to stop it?

I think you're confusing the average person in those countries with government/corporate hacks. The corruption has reached such a point that government doesn't function for anything but the interests of a few people in those countries--say the top 2%. We have wealth distribution similar to the years before the Great Depression. That's no accident and it's in the long run interests of the average person to expose the corruption and fix the more eggregious examples. You arn't going to end it, but you can beat it down into a more manageable levels.
I think you're confusing the average person in those countries with government/corporate hacks. The corruption has reached such a point that government doesn't function for anything but the interests of a few people in those countries--say the top 2%. We have wealth distribution similar to the years before the Great Depression. That's no accident and it's in the long run interests of the average person to expose the corruption and fix the more eggregious examples. You arn't going to end it, but you can beat it down into a more manageable levels.

We're definitely at cross-purposes here.... When you said:

it's in the best interests of the US keep Wikileaks up and running.

I assumed that you were talking about the state. Was that not right? What did you mean then? :confused:
We're definitely at cross-purposes here.... When you said:

I assumed that you were talking about the state. Was that not right? What did you mean then? :confused:

Both, in a way. In theory, it's supposed to be "by the people, for the people", etc., etc. I realize in practice it's different. If I have to choose, I'm much more interested in the general welfare of my neighbors. Government officials (and their corporate partners) can go hang.
Both, in a way. In theory, it's supposed to be "by the people, for the people", etc., etc. I realize in practice it's different. If I have to choose, I'm much more interested in the general welfare of my neighbors. Government officials (and their corporate partners) can go hang.

And my point was that govt and state officials profit from "banana republic style corruption" - I'm lost now, were you disagreeing with this? That's how I read your post.

:confused: :confused: :confused:
And my point was that govt and state officials profit from "banana republic style corruption" - I'm lost now, were you disagreeing with this? That's how I read your post.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Of course they profit from it.

However, it's at the expense of the other 98% of the population. You can't sustain a "free society" with that level of corruption--either you fix it, or you live with the inevitable repression that is needed to maintain it. It's in the long-range interest of the majority to fix it instead of living with it.
Of course they profit from it.

However, it's at the expense of the other 98% of the population. You can't sustain a "free society" with that level of corruption--either you fix it, or you live with the inevitable repression that is needed to maintain it. It's in the long-range interest of the majority to fix it instead of living with it.

So governments govern in the interests of the elite and not the majority?

Well..... yeah.....

Sorry, but I'm not sure what point you're making, and the 'discussion' just doesn't seem to be working, so I'm going to bow out of this one now.
So governments govern in the interests of the elite and not the majority?

Well..... yeah.....

Sorry, but I'm not sure what point you're making, and the 'discussion' just doesn't seem to be working, so I'm going to bow out of this one now.

I guess the point I'm making is that if we deal with the corruption head on instead of hiding from the problem, we'll have a government that throws a few more crumbs toward the average person.
Both, in a way. In theory, it's supposed to be "by the people, for the people", etc., etc. I realize in practice it's different. If I have to choose, I'm much more interested in the general welfare of my neighbors. Government officials (and their corporate partners) can go hang.

You are right, though I like these comments from Jefferson.

Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
Thomas Jefferson

I am mortified to be told that, in the United States of America, the sale of a book can become a subject of inquiry, and of criminal inquiry too.

hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."]I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.

Hope crushed but never extinguished.
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