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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives


Sarah Palin claims her website and credit card details have been attacked by Operation Payback, according to an email she sent to ABC News's Jake Tapper:
Sarah Palin herself isn't a great source as far as accuracy goes.
Not on twitter folks. Was just looking for a read if it was out there. Sceptical about the woooer Palins claims 2 though :)
No wonder others are keeping silent about Assange's antics," Palin wrote in her e-mail to Tapper. "This is what happens when you exercise the First Amendment and speak against his sick, un-American espionage efforts."

Palin's been making headlines for more than 2 years now but she still manages to surprise me by saying incredibly stupid things. Does she actually know that the First Amendment guarantees freedom of press and is so, is she capable of making any connection between that and WikiLeaks?
Twitter have restored operation payback's account claiming it was suspended accidently. ie they have backed down
paypalls partial cave in's obviously not enough, the ddos attack on paypal has been resumed as they're still refusing to take further donations for wikileaks.
I love this shit. If i had the faintest idea how to do this, i would :)


Me too! It's all over the news this morning... (the attacks that is)

big day for freedom today: freedom on the internet, and freedom to have an affordable education!
So have I got this about right?

Paypal - we've suspended Wikileaks account for breaking our terms & condition.

Anonymous - fuck off; you've bent over for the US government. *DDOS attack*

Paypal - err, OK, we came under pressure from the US government, but guys there's nothing we can do.

Anonymous - fuck off, you don't know the meaning of the word 'pressure' *DDOS attack again*

Paypal - err, OK, we're releasing the funds in the Wikileaks account, but we can't allow further donations.

Anonymous - fuck off, too little, too late. *incoming DDOS attack*
They all use a simple programme called Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) as mentioned in the img above.

Nobody will be using their home computer (you stick the software on a usb stick). There are so many of them doing it at the same time it's almost impossible to get caught.

It sounds really complicated and hardcore, but it's not.

If I was a teenager again, I would definately be participating. :cool:
Somebody, somewhere, is going to make a fucking great film about all of this. I can just imagine the rousing music as the global hacker army goes to work against megacorp and its snivelly subsidiaries.

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