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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

Quote - In early 2008, Anonymous launched a campaign against the Church of Scientology, bringing down related websites and promising to "expel" the religion from the internet.

"We're against corporations and government interfering on the internet," Coldblood added. "We believe it should be open and free for everyone. Governments shouldn't try to censor because they don't agree with it." - End Quote.

Seems a touch inconsistant.

The Church of Scientology has it'self been accused of web censorship, I suspect this might be why they attacked it.
You say that because you don't agree with what Scientologists say.

No, I say it because even though I despise organised religion, Scientology is even more of a crock of shit than the usual flavour. Anyhow, this isn't the place for Scientology debates.

/leaves sub-thread
No, I say it because even though I despise organised religion, Scientology is even more of a crock of shit than the usual flavour. Anyhow, this isn't the place for Scientology debates.

/leaves sub-thread

It isn't a Scientology debate. It's a "do you really believe in freedom of speech if you approve of some censorship" debate.
I've no wish to defend the so-called church. I just thing it better not to advocate censorship when defending freedom of speech.
what is that a reply to? nothing that is written here. moon explained why the 'church' was targetted, you have chosen to ignore that reason and are just talking about something else entirely
Publishing diplomats' letters and military paperwork is one thing.

Pissing around with the banking system, however...

Yep. They're even worse than the Phone Cops.

You'll notice that Visa and other banking interests weren't an issue until Wikileaks said they had a huge database of bank information.
Guardian reporting that the DDOS attack has hindered Mastercard payments: http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/blog/2010/dec/08/wikileaks-us-embassy-cables-live-updates

I have a feeling this is going to get serious, and anonymous are in over their head.

Publishing diplomats' letters and military paperwork is one thing.

Pissing around with the banking system, however...

Yeah, possibly. Its the headline story on the FT site where they are going on about it being one of the busiest internet shopping days of the year, and that the outage may have caused SecureCode to be unavailable for up to 6 hours. Mastercard also look a bit silly because they should really have more thoroughly separated their corporate website from all of their service sites/servers.
I've no wish to defend the so-called church. I just thing it better not to advocate censorship when defending freedom of speech.

I see your point and would agree, but using the example of the Church of $cientology, in view of their actions & attempts to censor the internet, doesn't work for me.
I've no wish to defend the so-called church. I just thing it better not to advocate censorship when defending freedom of speech.
the scientologists were targeted precisely because of their persistent attempts to get websites that were critical of scientology shot down.

anonymous was merely responding in kind to warn the scientologists off, and draw attention to their actions. No contradiction at all.
Anyone who thinks the Anonymous campaign against Scientology is about censoring them needs to get their head out of their arse.

It might have started with the attempted removal and legal threats with the bonkers Tom Cruise video, but it's opened a can of worms now, it looks like Scientology run concentration camps, and all tax exempt.

Read more: Google "whyweprotest"

Assange was on board, much of earlier Wikileaks was about revealing Scientology's hidden doctrines.


The oil giant Shell claimed it has inserted its staff into all key ministries of the Nigerian government, giving it access to politicians' every move in the oil-rich Niger Delta, according to a leaked US diplomatic cable.

The company's top executive in Nigeria told US diplomats that Shell had seconded employees to every relevant department and so knew "everything that was being done in those ministries". She boasted that the Nigerian government had "forgotten" about the extent of Shell's infiltration and were unaware of how much the company knew about its deliberations.
the scientologists were targeted precisely because of their persistent attempts to get websites that were critical of scientology shot down.

anonymous was merely responding in kind to warn the scientologists off, and draw attention to their actions. No contradiction at all.

Nor is Scientology's attacks on modern psychology. Apparently anti depressants are evil
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ down.

Is the entire net under attack? :)

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It's cool, my mate the prince will sort them out.

What, The Prince of Persia? :D

bbc said:
The Pentagon welcomed the arrest, with US Defence Secretary Robert Gates saying on a visit to Afghanistan that it was "good news".

I like the sheer honesty of this. Assange is arrested on a rape charge - legally this has no relation to the US information Wikileaks is letting out.

The US government says "hey, we're glad our smear campaign was successful".

In public.

Bare faces hanging out.

Did they even get what "all your secretz belongz to uz" means??
Nah Prince of Nigeria, and Minister of Finance.

Well O.K. then. I still think there's zero probability of him getting done for any of it (except perhaps, remotely in absentia) :)

Back on topic, I see lots of stories/comments of attacks on Mastercard, Visa - people cancelling Amazon and Paypal accounts. Interesting times.
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