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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

Of course they profit from it.

However, it's at the expense of the other 98% of the population. You can't sustain a "free society" with that level of corruption--either you fix it, or you live with the inevitable repression that is needed to maintain it. It's in the long-range interest of the majority to fix it instead of living with it.

If figures such as the 98% told the whole story then a 'free society' wouldnt be sustained for more than a moment, youd need an overtly totalitarian regime that rules by little more than force and fear in order to sustain such imbalances.

I believe that governments, economic systems and ideologies like ours use rather more genuine carrot than the 98% figure would suggest. Trickle down is bullshit but there are plenty of carrots for people on rungs lower than just the top 2% of the population. Lots of people still have plenty to lose, which is a major factor in keeping a lid on things. Arguably the powerful push their luck when it comes to how much greed they think they can get away with, but at least until recent times they have managed not to push so hard as to seriously jeopardise their future. In part this is of course because the developing world can be exploited at arms length and a share of the unfairly gotten benefits can be shared with quite a chunk of the population of developed nations, not just the top 2%.
"whoever controls the freedom of information controls democracy - keep the internet free"

"whoever controls the freedom of information controls democracy - keep the internet free"


The fact that we're celebrating these fuckwits demonstrates how rapidly we're going down the rabbit hole.

I mean anonymous, really?


They're a bunch of fucking morons. That much is patently obvious. And the opposition is being driven by them? It's ludicrous.
The fact that we're celebrating these fuckwits demonstrates how rapidly we're going down the rabbit hole.

I mean anonymous, really?


They're a bunch of fucking morons. That much is patently obvious. And the opposition is being driven by them? It's ludicrous.

I don't think you have any idea what "anonymous" is, as an ideology.

Besides, my enemy's enemy is my friend.

And the shit they've pulled against the Scientologists is fucking hilarious...
I don't think you have any idea what "anonymous" is, as an ideology.

Besides, my enemy's enemy is my friend.

And the shit they've pulled against the Scientologists is fucking hilarious...

Well, you're a prize idiot. That much has been demonstrated time and again on here. Didn't you once try and arrange a fight or something?

Or was it all just chat, as per...
Well, you're a prize idiot. That much has been demonstrated time and again on here. Didn't you once try and arrange a fight or something?

Or was it all just chat, as per...

What the fuck are you on about??

You just said "Anonymous are morons" - which includes a raft of people from Wikileaks to the masked protesting students in London yesterday, and plenty inbetween. I was just pointing out your apparent lack of a clue.

If you want to drag up some old arguments as a way of trying to evade your obvious ignorance of the topic, that's up to you, all I was saying is that Wikileaks and the principle of internet freedom without government interference must be defended by any means.

If you disagree with that, fine, but since I'm not given to wearing Guy Fawkes masks even though I find their antics funny, you're perhaps chucking the wrong toys from someone elses pram.
The fact that we're celebrating these fuckwits demonstrates how rapidly we're going down the rabbit hole.

I mean anonymous, really?


They're a bunch of fucking morons. That much is patently obvious. And the opposition is being driven by them? It's ludicrous.

They're a bunch of moronos who are willing to fight for what they believe in. That's more than most morons can muster. Most morons are so preoccupied with the x-fucktor results, that they think it's important. They're so mixed up in the things in life which are so meaningless, they have no clue how to really see what is outside of their little bubble of convinience. You are the moron. Go back to your little telly, it knows what is best for you.
What the fuck are you on about??

You just said "Anonymous are morons" - which includes a raft of people from Wikileaks to the masked protesting students in London yesterday, and plenty inbetween. I was just pointing out your apparent lack of a clue.

If you want to drag up some old arguments as a way of trying to evade your obvious ignorance of the topic, that's up to you, all I was saying is that Wikileaks and the principle of internet freedom without government interference must be defended by any means.

If you disagree with that, fine, but since I'm not given to wearing Guy Fawkes masks even though I find their antics funny, you're perhaps chucking the wrong toys from someone elses pram.

Yep, idiot.
They're a bunch of moronos who are willing to fight for what they believe in. That's more than most morons can muster. Most morons are so preoccupied with the x-fucktor results, that they think it's important. They're so mixed up in the things in life which are so meaningless, they have no clue how to really see what is outside of their little bubble of convinience. You are the moron. Go back to your little telly, it knows what is best for you.

Harsh, but fair. :D
They're a bunch of moronos who are willing to fight for what they believe in. That's more than most morons can muster. Most morons are so preoccupied with the x-fucktor results, that they think it's important. They're so mixed up in the things in life which are so meaningless, they have no clue how to really see what is outside of their little bubble of convinience. You are the moron. Go back to your little telly, it knows what is best for you.

Why does everyone remember the scientologist bullshit?

Like that changed a damn thing or was anything else than some circle-jerk.

Anonymous isn't characterised by that.

If you want to see anonymous for what it is, look what happened when they got involved with boxxxy or that kid who committed suicide. You know the one. Where they rung up his parents and left voicemails telling them to collect him from the graveyard.

It's an amorphous mass of profound stupidity.

The fact that they have cottoned on to wikileaks is nothing more or less than a fad. The worrying thing is that they can escalate the situation without knowing or caring about it.
The fact that we're celebrating these fuckwits demonstrates how rapidly we're going down the rabbit hole.

I mean anonymous, really?


They're a bunch of fucking morons. That much is patently obvious. And the opposition is being driven by them? It's ludicrous.
If it's so "patently obvious" to you that they are "a bunch of fucking morons", how about enlightening us lesser beings as to why that is so?
theres no point riding the high horse about 4chan and anonymous. They are simply what happens when you give internets anonymity to wierdos. Some good, some bad.
You just said "Anonymous are morons" - which includes a raft of people from Wikileaks

Which is why Wikileaks and JA have both publicly distanced themselves from the activities of Anonymous.

4chan is...somewhere that has to exist. I personally find it by turns hysterically funny and downright scary, which is the response of a sane person I suspect.

It's also quite funny to see an impassioned defence of a site where racism, sexim, anti-semitism and homophobia are not only tolerated, but positively welcomed and seen as part of normal discourse.
4 chan are manga obsessed fuckwits on the whole, anonymous is bigger than that.
The funny thing is that the more 4chan/anonymous get involved with this, the more discredited the information becomes and the easier it is for politicians to dismiss the whole thing as some juvenile prank that merely disrupts, rather than reveals, the process of government.
4 chan are manga obsessed fuckwits on the whole, anonymous is bigger than that.


There's a good venn diagram in the whole 4chan/anonymous/wikileaks thing.

Read somewhere that Assange was involved with the original set up of anonymous during the camaign against the scientology freudsters. You heard anything of that pk?
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