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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

i understood the NY Times - as o0ne of the 5 papers chosen by wikileaks to hook up with - is committed to running the leaks? or is that now not so?

I believe they had a parting of the ways.

In any case, its not national coverage. Try finding anything other than coverage of the possible charges against Assange in the Omaha World Herald (for instance) and you'll see what I mean.
So very "liberal". Beat the drum for the acquisition of Iraq for starters.

These leaks are aiding rather than harming USA interests.
Along with the Washington Post I presume? The US doesn't really have 'national' newspapers in the way the UK & Europe do.
Along with the Washington Post I presume? The US doesn't really have 'national' newspapers in the way the UK & Europe do.

The only papers that are read nationwide that I can think of are USA Today (mass market conservative) and the Wall Street Journal (elitist conservative). If you want news you really have to surf several different sources.

Further proof that SF fans shouldn't be allowed out on their own.

You have to give the broad with the purse some credit for balls, but she should have used the handle as a garrot instead.

Or, she could have used a frying pan like this 71 yr old Kansan:


WikiLeaks: Swedish government 'hid' anti-terror operations with America from Parliament
The Swedish government asked American officials to keep intelligence-gathering “informal” to help avoid Parliamentary scrutiny, American diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks show.

The secret cables, seen by The Daily Telegraph, disclose how Swedish officials wanted discussions about anti-terrorism operations kept from public scrutiny.

They describe how officials from the Swedish Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a “strong degree of satisfaction with current informal information sharing arrangements” with the American government. Making the arrangement formal would result in the need for it to be disclosed to Parliament, they said.

They disclose officials’ fear that intense Swedish Parliamentary scrutiny could place “a wide range of law enforcement and anti-terrorism” operations in jeopardy.

Under the heading “teams visits to discuss terrorist screening information exchange with Sweden”, they show Dr Anna-Karin Svensson, Director of the Division for Police Issues, saying the Swedish government would strike controversy if its intelligence methods were disclosed.

The cable claimed that the "current Swedish political climate makes any formal terrorist screening information agreement highly difficult". Swedish citizens are said to place high value on the country’s neutrality.


Interesting the Torygraph has gone with this one and not the Guardian.
anonymous will, ironically, be directly attributed for the architecture of a regulated internet.
Who gets to regulate global comms networks?

Nobody does. We've come too far for that.

Assange has trolled the Western world and there is fuck all anyone can do about it.
can't be done, so they say. By design.

great fire wall of china? iran? Sure there will always be some hackers who will be able to bypass such things, but for the common man it may soon get a bit more difficult to get your porn/drugs/subversive info.
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