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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

Apple have joined Amazon, Paypal and Mastercard in pulling the rug under Wikileaks:
Now here's a first for Tech Digest. No sooner did we make the unofficial WikiLeaks app our App Of The Day yesterday, than we wake up this morning to find it removed from the iTunes App Store completely.

After being onsale for no more than three days the app, which collated the WikiLeaks cables old and new as well as pulling in info from the Twitter feed and #wikileaks hashtag has had its status set to "Removed From Sale"

It makes Apple the latest in a growing list of companies looking to distance themselves from Julian Assange's whistle-blowing gang. Amazon, Paypal and Mastercard have already made a point of disassociating themselves from WikiLeaks, much to the uproar or the site's many web followers, some of home have led hacking attacks against the companies in question.

The WikiLeaks app, though unofficial, was still generating cash for the WikiLeaks team, as a large percentage of its £1.19 price tag was offered up as a donation to Assange's gang.

Seeing as how Steve Jobs comes across as a bit of a control freak I can't say I'm particularly astonished.
Why would you need an app for that anyway? It's a website.
To help raise funds for the wikileaks team? Because it's more convenient?

Besides, there's loads of apps for websites and some are preferable to looking at the site.
This from ABC chat show with Condoleezza Rice's 'View' of WikiLeaks. Interesting to hear this and indicates clearly what the US would like to see happen to Assange and WikiLeaks. Also interesting to hear the comments from such "Liberals" as Whoopi Goldberg.


Jullian Assange in an interview with David Frost, stating, amongst other things, that pressure is being brought to bear on Bradley Manning 'to coerce him into testifying against Assange himself and WikiLeaks'.



Search for Leakspin vids for short versions of the cables being released.
Sorry if this has been suggested but i never read every post in the thread.

Here's one:
Long live the 'leaks.
This thread is behaving strangely.

The forum listing shows the last post by "Anonymous1" @ 26-12-2010 17:30.


Clicking 'Go To Last Post' or 'View First Unread' only takes me to the top of page 21.
The last post visible at the bottom of the page is by "audiotech" @ 24-12-2010 12:48

The 'Go To Last Post' / 'View First Unread' links work fine on other threads, just not this one.

Has this thread been blocked by the spooks?

It now seems that THIS post is the last. Curiouser and curiouser...
"it was a christmas gift"

Rick Falkvinge is a Swedish politician, in the minority party. Here is an article about something which he has been forwarded from the cables. Article isn't in English.
Here's a google translation.

Long story short (as it is a long article)

Every single law against the internet, against youth and civil rights in Sweden, have been ordered by the US.
Banks and WikiLeaks
New York Times. December 25, 2010
What would happen if a clutch of big banks decided that a particularly irksome blogger or other organization was “too risky”? What if they decided — one by one — to shut down financial access to a newspaper that was about to reveal irksome truths about their operations? This decision should not be left solely up to business-as-usual among the banks.
The banks are already trying to silence those who ask awkward questions:
See: Banks attempt to censor student thesis

The letter was passed on to Ross Anderson of the university's Computer Laboratory to deal with - and he's refusing to take the association's orders lying down.
"Cambridge is the University of Erasmus, of Newton, and of Darwin; censoring writings that offend the powerful is offensive to our deepest values."

Indeed, he says, he's now authorised the thesis to be issued as a Computer Laboratory Technical Report. "This will make it easier for people to find and to cite, and will ensure that its presence on our web site is permanent," he explains brightly.

The UK Cards Association really hadn't thought this through, had they? :D
Prof. Anderson is an admirable chap :D

Aye fair play to him, I remember Mythbusters were going to do a piece on this. The guy adam posted online that when they made the segment they were called into a meeting in Discovery channel HQ with about 20 lawyers representing the credit card companies who obviously got very heavy handed. Discovery obviously pulled the segment, so its nice to see it published in some format.
This leak concerns syrian ( SARG - Syrian Arab Republic Government) involvement in deliberate escalation/manufacture of the muslim/danish anti-cartoon protests.
Assange threatened to sue the guardian to stop it printing leaks he thought he 'owned'.

On the afternoon of November 1, 2010, Julian Assange, the Australian-born founder of WikiLeaks.org, marched with his lawyer into the London office of Alan Rusbridger, the editor of The Guardian. Assange was pallid and sweaty, his thin frame racked by a cough that had been plaguing him for weeks. He was also angry, and his message was simple: he would sue the newspaper if it went ahead and published stories based on the quarter of a million documents that he had handed over to The Guardian just three months earlier. The encounter was one among many twists and turns in the collaboration between WikiLeaks—a four-year-old nonprofit that accepts anonymous submissions of previously secret material and publishes them on its Web site—and some of the world’s most respected newspapers. The collaboration was unprecedented, and brought global attention to a cache of confidential documents—embarrassing when not disturbing—about American military and diplomatic activity around the world. But the partnership was also troubled from the start.
And now he's doing it via The Times after he fell out with the Guardian over their publishing the sexual misconduct allegations. Clearly a leak too far for Julian.

He did the same thing to the NYT when they printed an editorial critical of the fact that the leaked Apache gunship footage had been selectively edited (which it had) prior to it being released by wikileaks - the NYT was subsequently not included in Cablegate.
Rapidly coming to the conclusion that Assange is a twat.

Love his work though.
It's not 'his' work tho, is it? Wikileaks is a collaborative group spread over many countries, and most of the people who work for it do so without looking to turn themselves into a martyr.

The man's a narcissistic twat IMO, and his comments about those Swedish women 'getting in a tizzy' is a pretty good demonstration of his attitudes thereof.
There are signs that he is an utter twat for some time, seems like they are true, fuck him, and fuck the way wikileaks release stuff.
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