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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

I suspect if we 'learned' one thing for sure in this episode it's that Assange himself is quite limited. Really not going to be the figurehead of whatever it was some people hoped for.
WikiLeaks nominated for 2011 Nobel peace prize

Whistle-blower site WikiLeaks has been nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize by a Norwegian politician who cited its role in freedom of speech, news agency NTB reported Wednesday.

"WikiLeaks is one of this century's most important contributors to freedom of speech and transparency," parliamentarian Snorre Valen said in his nomination.

Valen cited WikiLeaks role in disclosing the assests of Tunisia's former president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his nearest family, contributing to the protests that forced them into exile.

The member of parliament for the Socialist Left Party, part of Norway's ruling red-green coalition, also noted WikiLeaks publication of documents relating to corruption by authorities, governments and corporations as well as "illegal surveillance, war crimes and torture committed by a number of states."

The five-member Nobel Committee advises those making nominations not to reveal their proposals in advance.

However, there are no formal rules against doing so, allowing for plenty of speculation before the winner is announced, normally in early October.
HBGary Federal, as well as two other data intelligence firms, worked to develop a strategic plan of attack against WikiLeaks.
The plan included pressing a journalist in order to disrupt his support of the organization, cyber attacks, disinformation, and other potential proactive tactics.


lol. Its most amusing to see how lame these specialist companies are, how they tout for business, and how easily their own systems and security are defeated by the likes of Anonymous.
'Julian Assange's press conference following the hearing in London's High Court on his extradition to Sweden.'

I'm still hoping for some wikileaked bits proving Blair attacked Iraq for the cash. We all know he did but proof would be great.
Prison awaits (With a bit of luck).
So I see the entire archive came out, without redactions. With the usual subplot of wikileaks sour relations with the media. A story which seems to have reached its peak as the media don't like the lack of redactions, and Wikileaks seemed to be blaming the Guardian for the full archive coming out due to a password that was published in a book months ago.

Well, media weaknesses should not be news to us, so I won't dwell on that stuff here, suffice to say I am not exactly 'on the side of the media' in a clean-cut fashion. The self-inflicted damage wikileaks has done to itself via repeated demonstrations of poor judgement and inability to maintain relationships is the fresher story, although even that is hardly news these days, see how far they have fallen from our grace since this thread began.

Anyways, bollocks to wikileaks and Assange being the story. How about the cables themselves. Are people cautious about talking about the specifics of memos that the media hasn't touched or what?
This site is quite useful:
It works by posting up random things that have been uncovered by wikileaks releases, including a link to a press article on the issue at hand, and in that respect is worth visiting. There was so much stuff that came out in a short space of time that it was too much to take in.

Judging by the extradition thread the 'Assage did not' bit can be inflammatory, but thats not really the point here...
WikiLeaks denounces UNESCO after WikiLeaks banned from UNESCO conference on WikiLeaks


WikiLeaks denounces UNESCO for banning WikiLeaks from conference about WikiLeaks (February 16-17, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris).

WikiLeaks denounced UNESCO for banning WikiLeaks from tomorrow’s international conference about WikiLeaks. The large two-day conference, which has 37 speakers listed, is to be held UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. US organizers have stacked the conference with WikiLeaks opponents and blocked all speakers from WikiLeaks, stating that the decision to censor WikiLeaks representation was an exercise in ’freedom of expression... our right to give voice to speakers of our choice’.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange denounced the conference: ’UNESCO has made itself an international human rights joke. To use "freedom of expression" to censor WikiLeaks from a conference about WikiLeaks is an Orwellian absurdity beyond words. This is an intolerable abuse of UNESCO’s Constitution. It’s time to occupy UNESCO.’

WikiLeaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson expressed consternation in a letter to UNESCO about the exclusion: ’UNESCO has a duty to assure that fairness and balance is secured in important discussions carried out under the banner of the organization. It is obvious that this will hardly be the case, given the selection of speakers. This is both a disgrace to UNESCO and potentially harmful to WikiLeaks.’

Julian Assange calls for an immediate investigation "UNESCO must conduct a full, frank and open investigation as to how its constitution, which tasks it to promote freedom of expression, freedom of information and freedom of communication, has become a blunt instrument of censorship. UNESCO must demonstrate that cold-war style power-plays, by the United States, or indeed any other country, are no longer acceptable."

The following hash tag may be used to follow the story: "#OccupyUNESCO".....

the words 'loaded dice' spring to mind.
If they emailed me using the same tone as below then I'd tell them to stick it up their ego.

Envoyé: lundi 30 janvier 2012 16:19 À: Coudray, Sylvie Objet: WikiLeaks conference without WikiLeaks!!
Ms Coudray
It has been brought to my attention that UNESCO is hosting a conference in mid February where the main topic is WikiLeaks and its effect on for example law and traditional journalism. To my knowledge no one from WikiLeaks has been invited to speak at this conference. I am outraged at the fact that UNESCO has decided to bypasswholly the organization from this discussion.
Furthermore I see that at least two representatives from media that areformer partners of WikiLeaks but have since criticized the organization. May I point out that WikiLeaks is in ongoing collaboration with 90 media organizations from all corners of the wold. None of them are represented at this conference. I believe this needs to be amended.
Expecting your reply
Kristinn Hrafnsson Spokesperson for WikiLeaks
I should probably mention that the reason Im so hard on wikileaks over this sort of thing is that I really like certain aspects of what they have tried to achieve, so its been beyond depressing when they've acted in ways that I think lets them down badly. Especially as in one interview Assange gave quite some time ago, he said that he wanted to make it so that whistleblowers could come to feel that they could reveal stuff without having their lives ruined. Sadly he and the rest of wikileaks have probably achieved quite the opposite, by blundering into trouble and then by playing up their victim status. Understandable and they have the right to whine publicly about stuff if they want to, I just can't help feeling that in their case its quite counterproductive and I certainly struggle to defend it.
Also counterproductive for distracting from the real issues, e.g. contents of leaks. They bitch about the old media and yet seem happy enough to turn themselves into the good old distracting personality-based soap-like story.

Personally I wanted to talk about the leak contents far more than has actually ended up happening. Had a few attempts when the cable leaks were fresh but few takers, personalities squabbling and soiling themselves appears to be more compelling :(

5 million emails released from Stratfor "privatly run CIA dirty secrets"
Wikileaks has published five million emails fromStratfor, an intelligence company based in Texas that, looking at their practices, appears to be America's very own privately run CIA. According to Wikileaks, their deals would also include the use of privileged information to make money in financial markets.

Stratfor's clients are the US Government, other countries and military organizations, as well as private companies like Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman or Raytheon. They have a global network of spies in governments and media companies, including "secret deals with dozens of media organizations and journalists, from Reutersto the Kiev Post." According to the emails, these spies get paid in Swiss bank accounts and pre-paid credit cards.

Wikileaks says that the emails also reveal the creation of a parallel organization called StratCap. Apparently, this organization would use Stratfor network of informants to make money in financial markets. Wikileaks claims that the emails show how then-Goldman Sachs Managing Director Shea Morenz and Stratfor CEO George Friedman put StratCap in motion in 2009.
If that synopsis is accurate then this could be a pretty significant story...
Ahh this sounds like a good one, can't wait to dive into the detail. Its going to deserve its own thread methinks.
Bleh, spent too long reading the ones that wikileaks released today. Skipped a lot of the Yes Men and Bhopal monitoring emails as it because clear that they were just mostly monitoring the internet for new articles about the activists, appearances, film screenings, youtube videos, tweets etc. Some of the other ones had interesting details here and there but nothing quite so stunning that Id recommend non-geeks to spend much time with todays releases. Those interested in international politics may find a dozen of the documents interesting, covering area such as Chavez, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Egypts revolution, which their analyst seemed to think was a palace coup. Probably best to start on the 2nd page of the wikileaks site area that lists todays releases if interested in the international stuff.

Here is a Guardian article which does a shallow but mostly ok job of drawing attention to some of todays topics, other than most of the international stuff I just mentioned.

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