"had some interesting questions on coalitions.
60% of people now think it was a bad thing that we had a hung Parliament in 2010, 32% a good thing. This compares to 40% good, 52% bad when it was asked in May 2010. Looking forward, only
26% think it would be a good thing if we had another hung Parliament at the next election, 65% see if as a bad thing (thought 51% of people think it is very or fairly likely). MORI also asked if people would support the party they support going into a coalition in the event of a hung Parliament.
- 70% of Tory voters would support another coalition with the Lib Dems, only 40% would support a coalition with UKIP.
- 62% of Labour supporters would support a coalition with the Lib Dems, 63% would support a coalition with the Greens
- 65% of Lib Dems would support another coalition with the Tories, 53% would support a coalition with Labour"