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Why the Lib Dems are great

Well moon said the lib dems had won the case on trident and as their policy was no like for like replacement of trident, I presumed this was what he meant. Has this not really happened?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
nope, more asinine moon23 spin, they've just deferred it - for now
LIb-dem manifesto commitment:

So another lib-dem defeat. In what way does putting it off meet either of these commitments?

Delaying it is a step towards that, the Lib-Dems have ensured that the Tories are not just going ahead to replace Trident. Todays announcement sees a 25% cut in warheads which meets the manifesto promise of striving towards nuclear diarmament.

More evidene of the Lib Dems taking some of the worse off the Conservatives.
Delaying it is a step towards that, the Lib-Dems have ensured that the Tories are not just going ahead to replace Trident. Todays announcement sees a 25% cut in warheads which meets the manifesto promise of striving towards nuclear diarmament.

More evidene of the Lib Dems taking some of the worse off the Conservatives.

Delaying is not a step towards not replacing it like for like; it is simply a deferment of some of the cost. Please stop making stuff up.

Louis MacNeice
Delaying it is a step towards that, the Lib-Dems have ensured that the Tories are not just going ahead to replace Trident. Todays announcement sees a 25% cut in warheads which meets the manifesto promise of striving towards nuclear diarmament.

More evidene of the Lib Dems taking some of the worse off the Conservatives.
No it's not. Please stop this we stopped the tories nonsense - no one is buying it. Without your formal agreement to and participation in the coalition none of this extremism could or would have happened. This is your program being enacted. Time to own it.
Delaying is not a step towards not replacing it like for like; it is simply a deferment of some of the cost. Please stop making stuff up.

Louis MacNeice

Er.. the Tories want to replace it, the Lib Dems have prevented them from being able to do this and caused it to be delayed. If the Lib Dems are voted into power in the next election they can then scrap it.
agree with stret, at local level some of the lib dems are more decent than the lp ones, in fact some rw lp councillors are appalling.
Which of the lib-dems manifesto commitments as regards Trident have been met moon?

This one?

Saying no to the like-for-like replacement of the Trident nuclear weapons system, which could cost £100 billion. We will hold a full defence review to establish the best alternative for Britain’s future security.

Clearly not as you've not said no at all.

We will strive for global nuclear disarmament, showing leadership by committing not to replace the Trident nuclear weapons system on a like-for-like basis

Clearly not this one either as you've not committed to not replacing trident.

So which one?
Er.. the Tories want to replace it, the Lib Dems have prevented them from being able to do this and caused it to be delayed. If the Lib Dems are voted into power in the next election they can then scrap it.

Couple of fantasies there. Go on. say compromise.
Er.. the Tories want to replace it, the Lib Dems have prevented them from being able to do this and caused it to be delayed. If the Lib Dems are voted into power in the next election they can then scrap it.

The lib dems have foregone their policy of no like for like replacement in exchange for a limited delay; trying to claim this as winning their case is simply dishonest.

However, I can quite see why you would rather engage with this, than deal with the attack on council/social housing tenants; party loyalty before the interests of a bunch of thieves and scroungers (you've lived on an estate, you know what they're like).

Louis MacNeice
People are being hit accross the board, banks are allready having a levy placed on them, and CGT has allready gone up

Bank Levy £8.3Bn
Rise in CGT
50% rate on tax
Hitting high earners on > £44K by removing child benefits
Reducing Defense spending

The coalition levy is smaller than what Labour costed and proposed, and no good justification for having done so has been given.
The 40% tax rate was already in place.
The CB "reforms" do not solely hit "high earners".
Defence spending is a nuanced area. The proposal on the table appear to have been devised by a spotty 20-year old policy wonk with no working knowledge of defence procurement or military needs.
In today's session on the defense review it emerges the Lib Dems have won the case on trident which won't be renewed in this parliment.

So you've won nothing. A victory would presuppose a non-renewal of Trident, not a postponement of the purchase.
Er.. the Tories want to replace it, the Lib Dems have prevented them from being able to do this and caused it to be delayed. If the Lib Dems are voted into power in the next election they can then scrap it.

Dont want to piss on your fire moon23, but a straight question, what makes you think the Lib Dems would ever get back into power again?

They have done many u-turns over the manifesto they produced over the last election and if my memory corrects me, in the live debate's, Clegg accused both party leaders of lying and cant be trusted, so please explain to me why Clegg would go into joint power with a guy he stated couldn't be trusted.
Er.. the Tories want to replace it, the Lib Dems have prevented them from being able to do this and caused it to be delayed. If the Lib Dems are voted into power in the next election they can then scrap it.
yeah RIIIGHTT! like if by some miracle you and your tory chums get back into power, and it's the choice of 'renew, or not', the tories are REALLY gonna accept non-renewal. like fuck will they! They've thrown you another sop - you sap.
honestly, is this part of some comedy routine on your part?
Delaying it is a step towards that...
No it isn't, it's merely a procurement postponement. They happen all the time.
...the Lib-Dems have ensured that the Tories are not just going ahead to replace Trident....
They wouldn't "just have gone ahead" anyway. The procurement process has to be gone through first, which hadn't been done by Labour, so all that's really been done is that a short-term spending decision has been made.
Todays announcement sees a 25% cut in warheads which meets the manifesto promise of striving towards nuclear diarmament.
The cut in warheads is no sort of victory, it's obsolescence. Reduce the number of weapons platforms (for whatever reason) and you reduce the need to hold so many warheads.
Don't credit the Lib-Dems with having "cut warheads"< because they haven't.
More evidene of the Lib Dems taking some of the worse off the Conservatives.
More evidence of mendacity.
You've got about 3 hours left.

3 Hours, plenty of time to get to my bunker... Lets remember that new-Labour increased (real) spending by £232bn (53%) in 10 years. The interest , even with these cuts will increase from £44bn to £63bn in 2014. The large cuts in some departments today will be spread over four years, and are also due to the NHS,DFID and schools being protected.
I wish they'd increased it more. More housing benefit, more child benefit, more money for schools, more nurses, more social workers.
That's right spend spend spend, there are never any consequences to debt. :facepalm:

Yes that's right it was us lot 'spending' that caused this crisis. And, of course, the level of 'debt' has never been so high.

Oh, hold on.... that's all bollocks. *double facepalm*
Yes that's right it was us lot 'spending' that caused this crisis. And, of course, the level of 'debt' has never been so high.

Oh, hold on.... that's all bollocks. *double facepalm*

Public spending has caused the Sovereign debt crisis, a big chunk of that was on trying to prop up a failing banking system but also spending was high before the crisis hit. We started with a bigger deficit then places like Germany that have been better able to weather the storm.

Level of debt is only one aspect, previous period of high debt have been with low fixed interest in the form of US War Bonds. Our current debt is largely on the international bond markets and as such vulnerable to the sovereign debt crisis that has swept the Eurozone.
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