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Why the Green Party is shit

Meltingpot is Christopher Hawtree, & I claim my quid!

You really are totally incapable of backing away from the keyboard aren't you meltdownpot? Just stop looking at the thread and it can't offend you any more.
I was going to put this in the isn't the Green Party great, rob green working his way through a couple of trees.
He once had a story about going an entire year without filling more than a single bin full. After a fanfare of publicity, this vanished without trace.
Interesting that while rob ravages the reams, his fellow greens a far less active
"Cllr White, who works as a gardener, said: "I am very active in Park ward, I think it's really important to represent the voice of my constituents. It is my duty, so when people raise issues with me I am happy to take things further and get them logged with the council. That is how I got elected, that is how all the Green party councillors got elected."

His Green colleagues in Park ward, Melanie Eastwood and Jamie Whitham, logged 54 and 17 items respectively."
I don't recall anything like that, although you're correct to think that I'd be annoyed at anyone promoting snakeoil alternatives medicines like homoeopathy and stuff.

Maybe it was someone else?

Yeah must have been, sorry. You're pretty clued up on environmental stuff aren't you? What's your take on the GP?
I have voted Green in the past - this Brighton shit will put a stop to that - first time they have a sniff of power and this is how they behave? I would have expected this off the Tories, and the Lib Dems.
The Greens lost my vote when they initially started proposing cuts budgets in Brighton a year ago and made some piss-poor excuses which could have come right out of Labour's playbook. I was thus unsurprised when the issue with the striking bin workers raised its ugly head.

Also, David Icke used to be their media representative.

And is that openly antisemitic conspiraloon cunt Tony Gosling still a member?
He is unless I have heard different since recently. (Edit: no, just read in the thread that he got kicked out - about bloody time and it speaks volumes he survived for so long).

I know a Green in Manchester whom has an issue with the Freemasons, although thankfully he doesn't buy wholly into the Illuminanti/NWO/Bliderberg BS.

What do people think about the Green Party opposition to GM crops? The Green Party members take part in sabotage of publicly funded GM wheat trials and their opposition seems to me to be based on ideology rather than science.

I am vehemently opposed to GM crops since in the main they are a profit-making ploy for Monsanto et al, which utterly fail to redress the unfair global trading system we have, nor do they provide solutions to the environmentally damaging agricultural practices which have become commonplace over the past century. There is plenty of food out there but the system prevents it from being where it's needed the most.

Even if you have no qualms about taking genes from different genomes and plopping them in your food crops in a manner that would never have happened in nature (speeded-up evolution my arse!), you can still consider the practices of the biotech and agribusiness companies utterly objectionable.

Speaking of that ideology, I've met a few Green voters and self-proclaimed environmentalists who absolutely delight in what seems to me to be classist conspicuous consumption by bragging about how they only eat organic food. I even met one 'environmentalist' (also a yoga instructor lol) once who told me that she thought it was absolutely immoral to eat meat that you haven't bought, raised organically and slaughtered yourself.

On the other hand, that does get on my nerves, since for most people it's just plain impossible, due to financial and socio-economic barriers.

The Irish Green Party pretty much committed suicide by going into a right wing government as junior partners, and supporting every insane measure to prop up the banks. And then, after an economic catastrophe they shared responsibility for, they then became gung ho supporters of austerity. They even sold out on most of their environmental policies. Then they were surprised when they were completely wiped out at the last election.

They pretty much played the role the Lib Dems currently do here, and paid the price. What went down in Ireland (and realising how much that an election manifesto isn't worth the paper it's printed on/the hard disk space it's saved to) made me extra wary of the Greens here, even before the Brighton betrayal.
I know a Green in Manchester whom has an issue with the Freemasons, although thankfully he doesn't buy wholly into the Illuminanti/NWO/Bliderberg BS.

I have a funny feeling he might post here, and if it is the same person then the extent to which he believes various conspiracy theories varies according to the audience and the extent to which he's losing the argument. Taffboy is from Manchester isn't he?
I have a funny feeling he might post here, and if it is the same person then the extent to which he believes various conspiracy theories varies according to the audience and the extent to which he's losing the argument. Taffboy is from Manchester isn't he?
AFAIK he isn't on Urban. I wouldn't count my Manc Green acquaintance as a full blown conspiracy theorist, but someone whom likes to rant about the Freemasons (whom, let's face it, are just another old boy's network). His FB profile says he's originally from Shrewsbury, which whilst near isn't in Wales, so that doesn't make him a "taffy".
AFAIK he isn't on Urban. I wouldn't count my Manc Green acquaintance as a full blown conspiracy theorist, but someone whom likes to rant about the Freemasons (whom, let's face it, are just another old boy's network). His FB profile says he's originally from Shrewsbury, which whilst near isn't in Wales, so that doesn't make him a "taffy".

taffboy's just his username - dunno if he's welsh or not. I'm surprised he's not turned up on this thread for a bit of a whine tbh
taffboy's just his username - dunno if he's welsh or not. I'm surprised he's not turned up on this thread for a bit of a whine tbh
Has he ever mentioned any grievances with the Cooperative (as in THE Cooperative), and/or how Usdaw fucked him over (which, to be fair I am 100% behind him over)? If so then that's probably him.
The following was posted on libcom, as the first response to the Brighton bin workers 'statement on community cleanups.' I have no evidence it is written by a GP member, but I'll give you damned good odds that is is:

"Maybe those 'scabs' who you think are purposely trying to undermine you are taking action to prevent wildlife from being harmed by your reckless action.
But yes of course, humans are the MOST important species, right?"
Ahh, rabid misanthropic animal rightists... who only care about themselves, their clique, and "teh fluffy bunnie wunnies". I saw that too, and the comments soon descended into the nit-picking, how-many-primitivists-can-dance-on-the-head-of-a-pin discussion I have long associated with Libcom.
Jonathan Porritt is still a member and supporter.

Porritt, Chancellor of Keele University imposing massive fee increases, management board member of Wessex Water Major £ from Major's privatisation, also on the board of blacklist-using Willmott Dixon Construction Ltd the massive contractors firm, advisor to Prince Charles and also strategy adviser to anti-union heroes Marks & Spencer; President of Sustainability South West, former chair of Blair's Sustainable Development Commission, still patron of Population Matters/Optimum Population Trust and author of the dystopic fantasy Capitalism: As if the World Matters.
I got that book out of the library a few years ago. I read the first 20 pages of so and subsequently returned it rather than waste my time on such BS. I thought I wasn't in the Greens anymore though, read something about him falling out with them, or it could just refer to him not having any leadership positions.

Keele's my alma mater (along with Lancaster) BTW :)
They're so shit even about their only decent asset couldn't be arsed to lead them any more, preferring to focus on being a decent MP instead of having to actually try to get some semblance of coherence from the rest of the dippy hippy infused rabble that makes up much of the party around the country.
Who then turned out to be a scab.
Anne Marie Waters has this to say about Caroline Lucas and the Greens. (She's the one Andy Noman and Tony Collins are witchunting over at Stalinist Socialist Unity:

Sounds fine to me.
...and to think I once supported the Greens because they seemed above pandering to reactionary religious right Islamists vis-a-vis the SWP/Respect.
The Greens lost my vote when they initially started proposing cuts budgets in Brighton a year ago
Sorry to piss on your tirade, but the Greens didn't just propose budget cuts out of the blue. All councils have had cuts imposed on them by central government and all councils are having to cut hard. Just blaming the Greens lets Osbourne and Pickles and the other tory shitcunts in government off the hook. The Greens initally tried to avoid cuts by increasing council tax, which Labour and the tories joined forces to stop. Where they are shit is where they chose to target the cuts: at council workers. There's plenty wrong with the Greens, but try to keep criticism based in reality.

Who then turned out to be a scab.
I've seen Caroline Lucas accused of scabbing a few times in the past week, which surprised me, as she's solidy supported the strike and is generally a reasonable MP. So I had a look at what happened rather than just believe any old crap on the internet. She says:

Caroline Lucas said:
earlier this week, I joined a small group of residents to help bag up some of the nappies and broken glass on their street.
For me, this is community activism, and sits squarely with my support for those taking action to secure a fair income.

This was the day before the statement on community clean ups was posted, whoever posted it. Seems reasonable enough. I cleaned up some used tampon applicators from outside my flat last week. Hope that doesn't make me a scab.

For me scab is a harsh insult which shouldn't be thrown around lightly and it seems a bit unfair on her. If you want to criticise her, pick on something tangible, such as her support for homeopathy or something.
I've seen Caroline Lucas accused of scabbing a few times in the past week, which surprised me, as she's solidy supported the strike and is generally a reasonable MP. So I had a look at what happened rather than just believe any old crap on the internet. She says;

This was the day before the statement on community clean ups was posted, whoever posted it. Seems reasonable enough.

The 'community clean up' statement was from GMB City Clean workers. As for Ms Lucas, she was undermining the strike by litter picking on Elm Grove. The PR stunt backfired.

New Labour? Ouch :( That hurt.

I don't want to come over all Meltingpot, but if you're just going to throw around made up shit then you might as well accuse Jason Kitkat of the Kirov murder or Natalie Bennet of kidnaping Maddie.
This is a load of bull:

I have joined workers on the picket line and am doing my utmost to put pressure on all sides to reach a fair resolution.

If she wants to do pressure all she needs to do is resign the Green Party membership - that will knock the Brighton Greens to their senses in no time at all.

The claim is:

these voluntary cleanups do not in any way replicate the crucial and skilled work usually undertaken by refuse workers

You can't have your cake and eat it. If she as a resident needed to do something essential and otherwise absolutely life-threatening, she ought to have asked the strike committee first.

They are clear that:

Any attempts to lessen the impact of a strike completely undermines our action.
There was one thing, and one thing alone that could have redeemed Caroline Lucas and restore my faith in her being a "good egg" regardless of what party she was in - Acknowledge that as well meaning as her intentions were, that she did the wrong thing, and then make a statement actively supporting the GMB and discouraging anyone from doing the job of striking workers.

Although I wouldn't mind so much if they dumped it all on Jason Kitcat's front lawn :D
The 'community clean up' statement was from GMB City Clean workers. As for Ms Lucas, she was undermining the strike by litter picking on Elm Grove. The PR stunt backfired.
If it was a PR stunt, it wasn't a very good one as it was only publicised by a tweet from someone who drove past her. I think she actually thought she was helping out, and the statement seemed to come out a day later.

Anyway, this is all making me sound too much like a green apologist: like most people I spoke to last week I support the strike; and fuck Kitkat - he's proved himself a complete shitstick and certainly lost my vote (yeah, I voted for him last time, not expecting the Greens to actually win :rolleyes:).
This is a load of bull:

If she wants to do pressure all she needs to do is resign the Green Party membership - that will knock the Brighton Greens to their senses in no time at all.

The claim is:

You can't have your cake and eat it. If she as a resident needed to do something essential and otherwise absolutely life-threatening, she ought to have asked the strike committee first.

They are clear that:

tbh though, I doubt the wisdom of that attitude from the strike committee. Forcing the city to wallow in their own shit, and objecting to them voluntarily clearing up the worst of it is a pretty shit way of maintaining public support for your strike IMO.

Certainly a high risk strategy.
If it was a PR stunt, it wasn't a very good one as it was only publicised by a tweet from someone who drove past her. I think she actually thought she was helping out, and the statement seemed to come out a day later.

The statement was kind of directed towards her antics of undermining the strike.

She certainly didn't don rubber gloves & litter pick on Elm Grove 'cos she had fuck all else better to do that day.
tbh though, I doubt the wisdom of that attitude from the strike committee. Forcing the city to wallow in their own shit, and objecting to them voluntarily clearing up the worst of it is a pretty shit way of maintaining public support for your strike IMO.

Certainly a high risk strategy.

GMB City Clean did say that they have no problem with residents/businesses bagging up rubbish outside their premises - but not to empty city bins.
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