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Why did Lady Di die?

Why did Di Die?

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An NOP opinion poll for the Channel 4 programme Dispatches indicates that 25% of Muslims in Britain believe that Princess Diana was murdered to stop her marrying a Muslim.

Sunday Times: Muslim integration has come to a halt

Jon Snow writes:

"A sizeable number of British Muslims to whom I talked were convinced that Princess Diana was killed because of her relationship with a Muslim, a view reflected in our survey of 1,000 Muslims — not just angry young men, but the elderly, women, the poor and wealthy businessmen. Half of those polled believe 9/11 was a conspiracy by the US and Israel, while one in four think Diana was murdered to stop her marrying a Muslim."​

No doubt we should respect the beliefs of people of other kulchas, but we are allowed to express our own beliefs.

Personally, I think she was murdered to stop her shagging pixies, snogging owls and in revenge for spurning the lewd advances of dotty conspiracy theorists.

Watcha reckon?
"Casey Jones, high on cocaine, Casey Jones, drive that... limo".

Yuppies die in substance-fuelled crash shock.
Allan said:
Di died, Dodi died, the Dodo died so Dido must be shitting herself.

post of the week

imo she died to boost the ailing commemorative plates & mugs industry
treelover said:
Actually the times story is the big story, imo, anyone brave enough to start a thread on it?
You're allowed to comment here on any part of Jon Snow's article. :)
She predicted Prince Charles would arrange it so that she died in a car crash. So that he could marry camilla. According to Burrell.
DJ Squelch said:
She predicted Prince Charles would arrange it so that she died in a car crash. So that he could marry camilla. According to Burrell.

He's a fuckwit.
She dies cos she was pregnant and she was gonna marry a muslim wasn't she?

I hear Philip ordered it? :confused:
zenie said:
She dies cos she was pregnant and she was gonna marry a muslim wasn't she?

I hear Philip ordered it? :confused:

That's more believable, the jug-eared twat wouldn't have the balls to do something liek this, but old Phil has Cajones the size of pomegranates.
Nemo said:
Personally I'm highly dubious of any claims from that quarter.

But she wrote it in some letter didn't she? Im not sure if the letter has been printed/seen, if not then yeah a pinch of salt should be added.
To be serious (for once)

1) The Diana letter mentioning Charles is authentic, and has been reproduced (Daily Mirror), though the exact date it was written is uncertain. Burrell, I agree, is a lying untrustworthy toe-rag, who intentionally plays fast & loose with the chronology to exonerate his own grubby little pilfering activities.

2) If Diana was murdered (by no means certain) motives may have included
--the marrying a Moslem/being pregnant by same (this question of pregnancy a disputed one, related to body being embalmed immediately)
--her growing interest in visiting Palestinian refugee camps
--her anti-landmines campaign (this gets most votes in arcane insider circles)
--her husband/the Windsor firm generally (little credence).

3) That she could have been murdered isn't in doubt: there are questions concerning the car theft, James Adanson (white Fiat), Henri Paul (MI6 interest), dodgy autopsy, the flashing light technique to blind driver (see Tomlinson affidavit). That the seat-belts didn't work could be explained by the housings having been filed down in the time when the car went missing.

4) Whether she actually was murdered is a moot question--the secrecy surrounding the event needn't imply conspiracy, but just traditional French attitude to celebrities, especially given possibility she was in possession of Class A drugs, and the hypothesis Dodi was on the phone ordering more (the travels of that phone are interesting).

The thing that gets me is that while MI6 are invariably put in the frame (fair enough) very few put MI5 in the frame, despite Manningham-Buller (had just been made MI5 Head of operations) unquestionable Royal pedigree, commented on by nobody but NFB,

In the end, not an open & shut case--that it may have been a tragic accident nonetheless is certainly a strong possibility (even tampering with Henri Paul's blood sample wouldn't preclude this--ties up loose ends).
JHE said:
An NOP opinion poll for the Channel 4 programme Dispatches indicates that 25% of Muslims in Britain believe that Princess Diana was murdered to stop her marrying a Muslim.

I wonder if they'd be interested in buying some real estate?
Larry O'Hara said:
That the seat-belts didn't work could be explained by the housings having been filed down in the time when the car went missing.
Have you any proof for this quite remarkable claim?
DJ Squelch said:
Didn't the bloke heading the current enquiry step down recently?

The coroner did, citing "pressure of work", yes. The ongoing enquiry is headed by Lord Stevens (ex-Met) & due to report sometime this year. The coroner's jury in this case is chosen by the Royal Household, hardly any guarantee of impartiality.

I somehow doubt whether the Stevens' Inquiry will cover the theft of Di's medical records from her doctor after her death--for reasons that will be obvious to readers of my post above.
editor said:
Have you any proof for this quite remarkable claim?

perhaps my use of language was imprecise--I didn't say the seat-belt housings had been filed down, merely that they could have been. I think this technique of disposing of targets in cars is tried & tested. The books by Nick Davies & Cohen cover the topic (not got them to hand sorry). I mention this as a hypothesis because it is evident from the injuries that Di/Dodi were either not wearing seat-belts or if they were, then for some reason they didn't work properly. As stated above, I have an open mind still on this case, but an open mind must mean I do not rule out malfeasance a priori . That I haven't voted in the poll, nor will I, indicates my mind is not made up on the subject despite researching it intermittently for a number of years. As in other areas, reality is too complex to be apprehended by a poll--or do we need a poll on that too?
Larry O'Hara said:
I think this technique of disposing of targets in cars is tried & tested. The books by Nick Davies & Cohen cover the topic (not got them to hand sorry).
Come on: without any actual supporting evidence this wild, wild speculation is bordering on conspiraloonery!
editor said:
Come on: without any actual supporting evidence this wild, wild speculation is bordering on conspiraloonery!

That I haven't those books to hand doesn't mean I can't find the references--and whatever may be thought of Nick Davies, he clearly has extensive contacts inside variuous secret state departments, as shown by his other work on the FRU/Brian Nelson. I am off to sleep (& tomorrow work) now, but will try and dig up some references on Tuesday--even though 90% of my files are in storage (as I keep saying!).
Larry O'Hara said:
That I haven't those books to hand doesn't mean I can't find the references--and whatever may be thought of Nick Davies, he clearly has extensive contacts inside variuous secret state departments, as shown by his other work on the FRU/Brian Nelson.
Unless you've got access to any actual credible evidence to suggest that the seat-belt housings had been filed down in any way, I really don't see much point in bringing up unrelated references and cases.
Larry O'Hara said:
Nick Davies... clearly has extensive contacts inside variuous secret state departments, as shown by his other work on the FRU/Brian Nelson.

But according to the O'Hara Research Paradigm®™ that makes him a state asset :confused:
she isn't dead. she staged it all, and now lives in a secret underwater bunker near the coast of bahrain, sharing premises with wacko jackson's kids after he abandoned them to convert to celibacy in a desert monastery.

apparently there are five aquatic monorail tunnel routes, connecting the main mansion suite to ports across the mediterranean, the longest being the route to monaco, which takes approximately three hours (given enough supplies of eco-organic food oil fuel)
during especially strenous "underwater" tennis matches, the protective shield around the seafloor-resting building have been known to give off a peculiar sound- due to changing air pressure- the tension letting off bubbling undercurrents in a three mile radius, strong enough to suck under even the lightest sea vessel.

...the saga continues.

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