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Why are Urban liberal leftists/@s so racist/prejudiced against non immigrants??

tbaldwin said:
Most Labour voters are more likely to agree with me about crime and migration than most Urban Liberal lefties.....
You mean they are basically conservatives who, being poor, vote for their self interest (Labour).
It sickens me to see leftists in the UK defending immigration - immigration destroys communites and families, it is a sick society that forces workers thousands of miles to get a decent job, of course middle class leftists don't give a fuck as long as they can get decent jobs what do they care?

Immigration is anti working class, there is no such thing as a socalist pro immigration argument.
TeeJay said:
You mean they are basically conservatives who, being poor, vote for their self interest (Labour).

Are you saying that the well off don't vote for their own self interest? You fucking ignorant little prick.:mad: The pro immigation argument is all about liberal self interest, it's about lower prices and less bolshy workers so you can have an easy life.:mad:
SuburbanCasual said:
Are you saying that the well off don't vote for their own self interest?
I am not saying that at all.

Well off conservatives voting for their own self interest vote Conservative.

Poor conservatives voting for their own self interest vote Labour.

You fucking ignorant little prick? Seems like you can't even understand the basics of UK politics so that would make you the fucking ignorant little prick.

"...there is no such thing as a socalist pro immigration argument..." - so you don't think that millions of the poorest people in the world who want to move to find a better life are not 'working class'?

What exactly is your suggestion for helping them? What is your policy for letting them have at least some kind of share in the global economy? And why do you think you know so much better what they want than they do, to the point that you keep them from travelling by force?

No, forget it. You a fucking ignorant little prick and there is no point in me wasting my time for you to fire up your single celled brain and start smashing on your drool-covered keyboard. let alone bother the resulting putrid crap that you will spew everywhere. Go crawl back up your hole.
SuburbanCasual said:
Go back to reading the Economist you rightwing little cunt.

I wonder how long I would last in this place, if I went around calling people "leftwing little cunts"


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SuburbanCasual said:
....... immigration destroys communites and families, it is a sick society that forces workers thousands of miles to get a decent job,............
You're half right. It is a sick society that forces workers thousands of miles. But it is as equal a sick society that prevents workers moving where they will.

Over the centuries British workers and families have been saved by emigration. It's a sick society that forced that as well. But it would have been a sicker one that forced them to stay here and rot.
The right wingers on here professing left wing/socialist ideology are so transparent in their deception/lies it's farcical.

But will they carry on here and elsewhere?

You betcha bootstraps :p :D
What progressive about the T.U.C? Brendan Barber the head of the TUC has come out in support of the Welfare Refrom Bill with all the cuts and harassment of disabled and ill people that entails.

The TUC supports the free movement of labour:
tbaldwin said:
What a moronic comment....Cos somebody comments on something the BNP comment on "theyve adopted all their issues" have they?????
comments? comments??? are you seriously trying to claim that durutti merely 'comments' occasionally on the subject of immigration? when the only thread the obsessed get ever posts are on the subject? unbelievable.

To run away from issues that the BNP profit from just means leaving them a clear playing field..

The Left has to think again and start telling the truth about immigration.
you are at least slightly more honest than d- he pretends to oppose immigration controls, except he wont tell anyone that and hopes to bfuddle people with his fantasies of re-introducing the closed shop in the near future (I wish! sadly, no chance). you are more straightfroward, as you've said, you oppose all immigration except for 'genuine' refugee's and upon absolute necessity - a few family ties. Not that far from the official position of the BNP actually (tho still quite far from what the real position of the BNP would be I grant you). And it's the left who needs to 'get real'?

You wont defeat the BNP by adopting their issues and/or policies, you'll obly stregnthen them.

you keep on living in your reactionary fantasy world, I'll keep on trying (and sometimes succeeding) in recruting the Poles & Slovaks to a union, and helping them to fight for their rights.
treelover said:
What progressive about the T.U.C? Brendan Barber the head of the TUC has come out in support of the Welfare Refrom Bill with all the cuts and harassment of disabled and ill people that entails.
whilst not trusting Barber particularly, he does still seem to be willing to oppose aspects of it, and to demand that it any training etc is fully funded and not just a subsidy to the private sector. Its not that different a position from many disabled rights charities (from the bits I've read anyway)
Julie said:
The right wingers on here professing left wing/socialist ideology are so transparent in their deception/lies it's farcical.

But will they carry on here and elsewhere?

You betcha bootstraps :p :D

A totally shallow comment.....Why dont you actually think about who benefits most and least from mass migration?
refugee said:
You're half right. It is a sick society that forces workers thousands of miles. But it is as equal a sick society that prevents workers moving where they will.

Over the centuries British workers and families have been saved by emigration. It's a sick society that forced that as well. But it would have been a sicker one that forced them to stay here and rot.

Your thinking is all over the place...... Its sick but lets encourage it anyway ermm??????????
The key question, we should have for you, and try to pin you down on Mr B is agency, as hinted in Belboid's comparison of your and Durutti's contrasting positions. It is all very well ranting on about controlling immigration - but how do you expect to achieve this? Who are you calling on to enact what you are demanding? And do you seriously expect any of the current major political players to pay any attention whatsoever to your arguments?
Regardless of whether we think your assertions about the effects of current immigration into the UK are correct or not, the real cut of your political jib (and that of those who oppose and disagree with you as well) is defined by who and what you are expecting to influence, and how you see change happening.
It seems to me that what would be required to seriously change this area of politics and economics in the favour of the working class (as a whole - the working class is international, it does not end or change at Calais, and you are always claiming - despite all evidence to the contrary - to be an internationalist) would be the acqusition of such community and workplace strength that the question of immigration would be an irrelevance in the new balance of forces - there would be much more serious fish to fry.;)
greenman said:
the working class (as a whole - the working class is international, it does not end or change at Calais, and you are always claiming - despite all evidence to the contrary - to be an internationalist) .;)

Greenman..... "evidence to the contrary" what kind of evidence is that?

Have you read what ive said on fair trade?International Labour rules? Reparations? The consequences of taking skilled workers from developing nations?

Exactly what evidence are you talking about?
tbaldwin said:
Greenman..... "evidence to the contrary" what kind of evidence is that?

Have you read what ive said on fair trade?International Labour rules? Reparations? The consequences of taking skilled workers from developing nations?

Exactly what evidence are you talking about?

Answer the question.
My mates used to get 70 for 10hours of back breaking work
Now my same mates get 40-45 for the same hours and its fucking hard to find work on the building

And one seems to give a fuck if they can't afford to live, sucks to be working class, i wonder if it was office jobs if people would care more

everyday i see the working class people black and white getting more and more pissed off
stevepinker said:
My mates used to get 70 for 10hours of back breaking work
Now my same mates get 40-45 for the same hours and its fucking hard to find work on the building

And one seems to give a fuck if they can't afford to live, sucks to be working class, i wonder if it was office jobs if people would care more

everyday i see the working class people black and white getting more and more pissed off
a- they should get unionised and go and demand they are paid the minimum wage
b - office workers are working class, and equally badly paid
c - of courrse they are - the question is who we blame
greenman said:
The key question, we should have for you, and try to pin you down on Mr B is agency, as hinted in Belboid's comparison of your and Durutti's contrasting positions. It is all very well ranting on about controlling immigration - but how do you expect to achieve this? Who are you calling on to enact what you are demanding? And do you seriously expect any of the current major political players to pay any attention whatsoever to your arguments?
Regardless of whether we think your assertions about the effects of current immigration into the UK are correct or not, the real cut of your political jib (and that of those who oppose and disagree with you as well) is defined by who and what you are expecting to influence, and how you see change happening.
It seems to me that what would be required to seriously change this area of politics and economics in the favour of the working class (as a whole - the working class is international, it does not end or change at Calais, and you are always claiming - despite all evidence to the contrary - to be an internationalist) would be the acqusition of such community and workplace strength that the question of immigration would be an irrelevance in the new balance of forces - there would be much more serious fish to fry.;)

What a long winded question????????? I think that govts do bend to public pressure.....The vast majority of people in the UK are against large scale immigration and rightly so....The govt will catch up in time.....
Looking at the independent today the letters page has quite a few people who disagreed with the shit they printed the other day..Todays Guardian talks about ever rising house prices.....It doesnt make the connection between supply and demand but many of there readers will..

The people i hope to influence on urban75 are people who want to see a better world and look at the lefts orthodoxy on many subjects and realise its a dead end..
I would like to see a new left that is democratic,honest and genuinelly trys to reflect the views and aspirations of ordinary people....
I dont think im trying to influence the govt............But i think all political parties eventually have to reflect on where they are so out of step with public opinion...Unless like the greens,respect,BNP etc they only hope to reach a few people....
stevepinker said:
My mates used to get 70 for 10hours of back breaking work
Now my same mates get 40-45 for the same hours and its fucking hard to find work on the building

And one seems to give a fuck if they can't afford to live, sucks to be working class, i wonder if it was office jobs if people would care more

everyday i see the working class people black and white getting more and more pissed off

Exactly....As a lettet to the Independent said today " Maybe theyd care if Poles came to take their highly paid jobs on newspapers"
belboid said:
a- they should get unionised and go and demand they are paid the minimum wage
b - office workers are working class, and equally badly paid
c - of courrse they are - the question is who we blame

So they should start a union and lose more jobs to immigrants :D
belboid said:
a- they should get unionised and go and demand they are paid the minimum wage
b - office workers are working class, and equally badly paid
c - of courrse they are - the question is who we blame

a) fair enough not exactly a magic wand though is it.
b) What all of them?
c) The Political establishment and those who support free market policies on capital and labour.
I've got three friends that were kicked off site for rufusing to work as late at the polish on site, if they had they would have worked a 16hr day moving bricks

Their sitting at home today jobless,To hear on the news how lazy workers in the uk and how hard working polish people are
stevepinker said:
So they should start a union and lose more jobs to immigrants :D
why would that happen? sorry, but thats just a daft answer.

A decently unionised workplace would make it all but impossible for such expoitative practises as you have described to take place.
tbaldwin said:
a) fair enough not exactly a magic wand though is it.
b) What all of them?
c) The Political establishment and those who support free market policies on capital and labour.
a) you're a prick
b) you're a thick prick
c) you're a thick reactionary prick
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