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What's for tea tonight?

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onions, garlic, ginger, chilli fried with cardomon seeds, ground coriander seeds and cumin seeds then stock and potatoes added and then cooked for 10mins, then spinach added and wilted then king prawns added with creme fraiche at the end

served with brown rice :cool:

was fucking lush and more spicy than I was expecting :D

I'll have a stab at it it all got a bit random :D

an onion, chopped as you like but cos bees doens't like them :rolleyes: we have to have it quite small. 3 fucking HUGE cloves of garlic (cos I love it) chopped small and a good chunk of ginger (probably an inch and a half) chopped small too. 1 green chilli deseeded and chopped

oil in frying pan, add spices (cardomon seeds from 1 pod, 1/2tsp cumin seeds and 1/2tsp coriander seeds that have been crushed) and cook briefly then

add onion, garlic, ginger and chilli and cook till nice and soft (adding oil if needed), then add stock (150ml) and about 150g new spuds (though I cheated and used a can of them I had around :oops:) stir well and simmer for 10mins on low

then add spinach (we had about errrr 100g ish?) and stir till wilted. The add king prawns (whatever size the packet is! i love king prawns) and stir, then add 2tbsp creme fraiche (leaving loads on the spoon so I can lick it off!) and stir well and simmer for another 3-5mins :)

add freshly chopped coriander and eat rapidly :D
it was supposed to be chicken in it but thats still in the freezer :oops: so I got some prawns at lunchtime, if it was chicken, that would go in before the onion :cool:
I just accidentally made the world's best salad :)

Ripped up half a roast chicken over some rocket, spinach & watercress, chucked in some pumpkin seeds, put some honey, ginger, balsamic vinegar, olive oil & ground in some mixed spice/black pepper, shook it up for ages, poured it on, then threw in a large handful of raspberries (I'd just been shopping)

An amazing, piquant, sweet, tangy crunchy salad, which was kind of main course & pudding all in one :cool:
1st up: griddled brocollii with canellini beans, garlic, herbs and a splash of balsamic falsification vinegar.

2nd up: olive flatbread with plum tomatoes.

3rd up: porcini mushroom risotto supplemented with bog standard mushrooms, sage, white wine and the water from the soaking of the porcini.

later: maybe a mushroom & olive pizza, maybe some griddled aubergine... depends what I can be arsed to do
i had a pasta bake :) made with onions, garlic (loads :D), red pepper, courgettes and mushrooms :)

was lovely and tons of it :D
we just made a rice stirfry with lots of fresh veg and diced chicken although we forgot the rice on the broil and it burnt slightly so the whole thing tasted a bit like smoked sausage :confused: but was rather tasty to be honest. :oops: :D
Herbsman. said:
3rd up: porcini mushroom risotto supplemented with bog standard mushrooms, sage, white wine and the water from the soaking of the porcini.
Where did you get your porcini from?

I was gonna make a Porcini risotto, but the dried ones in Sainsbury's were £8 for 100g :eek:

I'll have to ask a friend to bring some back from Italy.
Inspired by craigxcraig's post last week, spaghetti con aglio, olio, olivio e peperoncino.

Followed by fresh pineapple with a dollop of coconut yoghurt and a splash of rum, with a ginger biscuit on the side. Totally tropical innit :D
Cheese on toast, followed by lots of carrot sticks and hummous. And some Stella. S'alright. *burp*
That looks like spaghetti with garlic, olive oil and chilli peppers to me...

We had oven roasted veg (carrots, sweet potatoes, beetroot, onion, parsnips and celery) with cashew nuts, chopped celery tops and garlic, cooked with olive oil, bay leaves, Herbs de Provence. Served with couscous, brocoli and peas. Very filling, yum.
Maggot said:
Where did you get your porcini from?

I was gonna make a Porcini risotto, but the dried ones in Sainsbury's were £8 for 100g :eek:

I'll have to ask a friend to bring some back from Italy.
I got them from Tossco, cost me about £3.50 @ £7.92 per 100g or something
story said:
That looks like spaghetti with garlic, olive oil and chilli peppers to me...
. . . and margarine!

There's no such word as olivio, I expect moose meant olive/oliva (olives).
I had surf n tuf, fillet steak with king size prawns and potato wedges. I think I ate too many prawns again.


*waddles around looking for a glass of milk*
Soba noodle salad with king prawns, broccoli and red pepper in a sweet soy dressing. Bloody lovely, it was.
roast beef, yorkshires,veg,gravy and roast potatoes. and ice cream, and lots of wine

all my healthy ideas are gone, allweight and bloatedness is back

Maggot said:
. . . and margarine!

There's no such word as olivio, I expect moose meant olive/oliva (olives).
Yes, I did. Did I mention that I had to finish the bottle of rum off, which skewed my Italian a bit? :D
we didn't have much in and I felt lazy, but adding dill to scrambled eggs makes them much more than a basic breakfast staple :)
I was entertaining so was all posh again: tuna steak (marinated in balsamic vinegar, soy sauce & fresh ginger), a salsa type thing I made by cooking red onion, tomato puree & cherry tomatoes, a splash of balsamic vinegar, worcester sauce & chilli, served with diced sweet potato, par-boiled then fried with spring onion & ginger. T'was yum.
trashpony said:
Leek and bacon tart and salad followed by banana and yoghurt. :)

I *heart* my new oven :cool:
do you make your own tart? its ages since I have and now you've inspired me :D

though what tonights tea is going to be I have no idea :D bees is working till late and i have to do some shopping first too :D
i am completely skint so will be eating strange concoctions of food for the next 2 weeks til i get paid, using up whatever's in the freezer / cupboard.

i think tonight will be spicy bean burgers (no burger buns) with home made potato wedges and some veg - not too strange a concoction...it'll get stranger from here on. there are lots of noodles, pasta, couscous and brown rice to be consumed. to accompany them, there is a selection of frozen veg, onions, courgettes, garlic, pasta sauces, chicken nuggets and pizza.

roll on pay day!
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