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What's for tea tonight?

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i cooked curry for derv, juttug, myself and my little bother.

it woz good :)

then we had jamaican ginger cake
ricotta salad with seared pears, soya beans and pickled grapes
halibut on a bed of parsnip and leeks and beans
quince pannecotta with baked goats cheese
fresh mint tea

I went out too ;)
was meant to have roasted veg but ended up having a chinese with mates . was good and only had 1 sensible sized plate and no beer. today i must use up the now very wrinkly and dying peppers:D
I've got a leg of lamb slowly roasting in the oven, I'm having it with carrots, red cabbage, peas, roast spuds, and yorkshire pudding:)
dynamicbaddog said:
I've got a leg of lamb slowly roasting in the oven, I'm having it with carrots, red cabbage, peas, roast spuds, and yorkshire pudding:)
bikergrrl said:
I'm benig lazy and having a jacket spud. Not sure what I am going to put in/ on it yet.

Jacket spuds aren't lazy - you have to plan in advance - thinking is still doing :D
moose said:
I'm off to Pizza Express with my family for garlic and wine.
just garlic on its own?


i quite liked pizza express. bit bored of it now though as i've tried everything. some of their branches are quite nice and romantic-y, i've only been to the 'alright for getting together with mates' ones
It's the only non-curry restaurant in this small town that's open on a sunday.
I love them :)

I don't know what I'm having for tea, cooking for just me with nothing in the fridge is going to be interesting (and no doubt end up in ringing for a takeaway :oops:)
Orang Utan said:
I don't think I've ever been to one

You've never been to a Pizza Express? :eek: Their pizzas are smaller than they used to be.

I've got a butternut squash. And not much else so I'll be having that in some way, shape or form.
do you have any sage and parmesan?

cos roasted and served with pasta (or as a risotto) is really yummy :)

or roasted with cheese grated over the top :D
trashpony said:
You've never been to a Pizza Express? :eek: Their pizzas are smaller than they used to be.
Pizza has never excited me enough to want to go out and eat it - seems like a waste of an eating out opportunity to me IYSWIM
aqua said:
I love them :)

I don't know what I'm having for tea, cooking for just me with nothing in the fridge is going to be interesting (and no doubt end up in ringing for a takeaway :oops:)

Nothing at all in the fridge Aqua? And nothing at all in the cupboard? :(

Tell us what's in there and we'll concoct a dinner for you :)
I'm currently debating whether to have pasta with pesto (sure I've seen some pine nuts somewhere) but last time I had it I was starving about 30mins after and still ordered takeaway :oops:

or we have potato waffles and beans :D but thats a bit dull too

I don't have any fresh veg (shopping tomorrow)

I have an inckling I really just want takeaway :oops: :D
dynamicbaddog said:
I've got a leg of lamb slowly roasting in the oven, I'm having it with carrots, red cabbage, peas, roast spuds, and yorkshire pudding:)
I'm just about to cook a Bone in NZ Lamb Leg Roast. But we've having it with cheesy onion mash, baby carrots and peas.
nope, its in a jar and i'm hoping its not gone all manky as its been there a while :oops:
I'm thinking of having home-made lamb burgers. On ciabatta bread with salad and melted smoked cheddar and barbeque sauce.:p
I'm having friends over & will be dishing up lemon & rocket risotto with parmesan. And possibly a bit of chicken on the side. Which I really should go start preparing very soon....
MsShirlLaverne said:
I'm having Gin :D
:D I'm having a glass of rioja, and wondering what to put with lamb chops. I could have mashed sweet potato, with sweetcorn, or a simple buttery baked potato, or cous cous with almonds and apricots.
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