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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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I'm in farm harvest hell. Food, for the next several weeks or so, will consist of whatever I can coax out of the freezer, pop into the oven and dump onto covered plates that get taken out to the field to indifferent nephs and partner-- stuff eaten while I run a tractor to get a few steps ahead of the crew who's shovelling it in. Last night I was doing laundry at 1 AM and contemplating a complicated murder/suicide scenario that could easily be written off as the last desperate attempt of an over-wrought man to bring order to the Universe.

In the meantime, I passed a lovely cluster of ripe morels at the edge of our bush lot today that were just itching to be hung and dried for some winter extravagance. Due to time constraints, they'll rot.

Pray for me. :(
I'm in farm harvest hell. Food, for the next several weeks or so, will consist of whatever I can coax out of the freezer, pop into the oven and dump onto covered plates that get taken out to the field to indifferent nephs and partner-- stuff eaten while I run a tractor to get a few steps ahead of the crew who's shovelling it in. Last night I was doing laundry at 1 AM and contemplating a complicated murder/suicide scenario that could easily be written off as the last desperate attempt of an over-wrought man to bring order to the Universe.

In the meantime, I passed a lovely cluster of ripe morels at the edge of our bush lot today that were just itching to be hung and dried for some winter extravagance. Due to time constraints, they'll rot.

Pray for me. :(

Blimey YI - I'm a-praying for ya! :eek:

Gonna have potato salad with spring onions, a cheese omelette, and green salad for tea tonight :cool:
same as last night- cous cous, roast carrots, fried courgettes, spinach. the cous cous is out of a packet but otherwise i feel very proud of myself.
Well, if you will be AMBIGUOUS.

I might not have seafood though. It is the middle of summer, not exactly seafood season.
A steak, stilton, fried onion and cherry tomato sandwich. And a bottle of Peroni. The ribeye steak was reduced from £8 to £2 in co-op. It was all bloody lovely :)
The minions hacked away at a top-of-the-stove roast of pork, apple sauce, rice & peas, tarragon carrots and green salad today. I had the dregs of Enid's bean soup, bread and a g&t (which was a suppertime hit around here for two days running, btw-- the soup, not the g&t :) )

Tomorrow-- Friday-- it'll be back to some thawed thing from the freezer; vegetarian lasagna, likely as not. I'm off to defrost it right now, on the way to well-earned six hours of sleep.
Nasi gila.

That's crazy rice in English. Two or three way to do it but my favorite is fried rice but spicy enough to launch the shuttle with a bit of chicken.
I picked up some Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxes and some Chix Nuggets with ranch sauce from Wendys....should be eating in a bit here. :)

nom nom nom
ambiguarse :D

BaddummTISH! :D

I was gonna make a pea and potato curry, but am in Macc today doing viewings, so might not feel like dedicating some time to it

Soooo, it's a-gonna be roasted peps/onions/garlic/mushrooms with pesto pasta and a good glug or 3 of some chilean cab sauv dahhlinks
Back with lamb chops, spinach/feta flatbread, beetroot, lentil and carrot salads. Gingerbread men and iced sponge squares from bakers.
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