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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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chicken stew i think , i'm at work so its whatever is on the menu. if not i'll make toast.
I've got a salmon fillet marinading in soy sauce, garlic and ginger which I'll bake in the oven and have with noodles. A change from pasta and spuds.
i ate my korean bbq leftovers last nite before bed so the fridge is empty :oops:

i don't know what it will be tonite. maybe pizza, haven't had that in a bit
A mahoosive takeaway curry. Not sure what yet but something with chicken I expect and all the trimmings. I will eat it on a plate with cutlery and stuff which is very exciting. :cool:
Oh yes, because you're the king of balanced diets aren't you McDetroit? Yeh, I forgot about that :rolleyes::p

i'll have you know that last night I had healthy korean bbq with rice for dinner, so there! :p

i don't think there was an ounce of fat in the entire meal

AND...i'll have you know that i've lost 25 lbs in since Nov
what are you having soj? maybe you could give me a little inspiration here...?

Spahahahahag bol mate. Not tewwibly inspiring - dead common really - but I haven't had it for ages (well not since last night anyway) and it's loveleh.

And a fuck off big piece of key lime pie for afters :cool:
I have a hunger for beans on toast topped with grated cheese right now.
I may add black pepper and a dash of Worcestershire sauce to the beans as they simmer on the pan.
There could be a sausage on the side if I am feeling racey.
Spag bol for me. Just finished it - very nice. Can't go wrong with it, really, although I did overdo the garlic a bit. Well, a lot.

It's a good job I live on me tod.
A few bits left over from my barbeque last night minus chicken, burgers and erm, most of it actually, (it got stolen by a crackhead :rolleyes:) but plus pavlova (more like Eton mess now :hmm:) and pimms :)
I have a hunger for beans on toast topped with grated cheese right now.
I may add black pepper and a dash of Worcestershire sauce to the beans as they simmer on the pan.
There could be a sausage on the side if I am feeling racey.

I had EXACTLY that (minus the sausage) for breakfast the other morning.

Sometimes you really cannot beat beans on toast.
Yeah but that was just cos Theresa was cooking for you, so you reduced your take away allowance to 4 or 5 nights a week instead of 7. :rolleyes:

But she's dumped you now, so it'll soon pile back on. :cool:

It may take a while longer if he is still out of work...as he won't be able to afford the dizzy culinary heights of pizza and burgers together.
It may take a while longer if he is still out of work...as he won't be able to afford the dizzy culinary heights of pizza and burgers together.

Well he did say that, but so far, much to my great surprise :rolleyes: ;) he seems to be consuming as many take aways/meals out as ever! :D :hmm:
Clusters + cravendale (yes, I really need to do some food shopping or at the very least commit to spending more than 3mins on dinner)
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