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What's for tea tonight? (pt4)

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Home from work a hour ago had nothing to eat all day except for cereal and tea around 5 this morning. Just demolished a plate of crispy chicken breast and chunky chips
I'm being taken out for a MYSTERY MEAL! Exciting! A friend has just told me to meet her at Liverpool St. Station at 7.30.
:)turkey burgers were tip top....well be doing them again.:)...as for ce soir...hmmmmm really not sure, the lady is out so may splurge, tuna steaks maybe oh decisions decisions....may just crack open some tinned tuna and have a bowl of spicy tuna and sweetcorn mix with the remainder of the salad....we shall see:)
:)turkey burgers were tip top....well be doing them again.:)...

Great! :cool:

They're very quick and easy to make, very cheap, very healthy and also very tasty too eh (and not as dry as you might imagine from such lean meat)? :D

Kids will be having the last of the frankfurters, with noodles and broccoli and I think I'm going to have a Cauldron burger (mushroom iirc) with salad/mayo/ketchup in pitta bread.
I promised the little one McDonalds for tea as he was crying about going to school because his brother was staying home and I was desperate. :rolleyes:

However, I've got some baked potatoes and chicken wings that need using up so I think we'll have them and I'll move the McDonalds to one night next week.

God, I'm a rubbish mum in the mornings, I'll say anything to get them to school! :D
Just got back from holiday and have nothing in the house, so absolutely no idea at the mo. Will have to drag jet-lagged self to the shops later.

Definitely no noodles or rice though, so probably pasta.
Don't know... the boy laughed at me yesterday when I was worried what we'd eat in between work and going to a gig :(
It was fantastic, thanks, sheo. Vietnamese food is totally made of win. The combination of salty, sweet, sour, aromatic and slightly spicy is amazing. my favourite were the salads of green papaya, vegetables and herbs with seafood/chicken/beef - packed with flavour and very healthy to boot. I also loved the claypot dishes I had (cooked in a claypot, innit?) and the hotpots, where you cook slivers of beef or whatever in an aromatic broth that they put on your table, fondue-style. We also had some good French-style food, and the odd pizza. :D

In Hong Kong, we mainly ate dim sum. Yesterday we had lunch in this enormous place where we were the only Western people in a crowded restaurant. The family on the next table were having a good old laugh as we were presented with a menu that was totally in Chinese (they did relent and give us an English one eventually), and tried to work out how the hell you ordered your food. :D
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