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What's for tea tonight? (pt4)

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We had noodles with spicy peanut beef and kale in oyster sauce. The beef was actually like an Asian version of spaghetti bolognaise - it was really nice.
So last night I ended up with pasta with putanesca mix out of a jar which was surprisingly nice with lashings or parmesan. Then went to mates and ate my own bodyweight in ginger cake, biscuits and cashew nuts....
something healthy... i have to eat something healthy....

something involving leeks and red cabbage, for that is what I ahve in the cupboard.

Probably leek and potato soup :)
a cheat sauce - country french - with chicken, red peppers, onion...and rice

and more cake, seeing as how my girl got 4 different types of cake on her birthday
we're going to have a good thai curry I think :) they always seem to make colds go away :D *adds chilli's to the shopping list*
we're going to have a good thai curry I think :) they always seem to make colds go away :D *adds chilli's to the shopping list*

either that or you're in so much pain/ecstacy from the thai hot chilies that you forget you have a cold :p
i'm taking the mr mr out for an italian nr ours cos he's a lush-head and cos i got paid today! :)

I'm doing the same tomorrow with my bird :cool:

Tonight though.......the mother in law is staying at ours. It'll be some kind of mashed onions and cabbage or some shit. I'm trying to hide at the pub but its all
'but she'll know you are hiding at the pub'
'well tell her I'm always at the pub so it seems normal'
'then she'll think your an alcoholic'
'well I am'
'well I dont want her to know that do I'
'I'm an alcoholic, you think I give a fuck about shit like that?'
'fair enough...................hang on.......your not an alcoholic'
'Something to tell you love'
'Back at closing time' :)

In reality however, it'll just be
'can I hide at the pub?'

Probably left over dahl, maybe with some broccoli chucked in, and chicken too if I can be bothered to stop at the shops :D
I'm doing the same tomorrow with my bird :cool:

Tonight though.......the mother in law is staying at ours. It'll be some kind of mashed onions and cabbage or some shit. I'm trying to hide at the pub but its all
'but she'll know you are hiding at the pub'
'well tell her I'm always at the pub so it seems normal'
'then she'll think your an alcoholic'
'well I am'
'well I dont want her to know that do I'
'I'm an alcoholic, you think I give a fuck about shit like that?'
'fair enough...................hang on.......your not an alcoholic'
'Something to tell you love'
'Back at closing time' :)

In reality however, it'll just be
'can I hide at the pub?'


the mother in-law eh?? come on now, everyone knows the only "bird" you've got is of the blow-up variety... :(
Spag bol tonight.

You know how it's always said that our real national dish is curry because we eat so much of it? I reckon spag bol gets eaten more.
Smoked salmon and boiled duck eggs for me tonight :D

all the more for me as the GF wont be talked into eating anything that comes out of a ducks arse.
Enjoying now a bowl of my de-lish home made veggie soup and at 7pm going out to the cheapie carvery place though since Im veggie it will be all the veg , roast spuds (what Im going for) and yorkshire pud with my own little jug of veg gravy. I think it costs about £3.50.
Chilli from the freezer with either rice or a jacket potato as magic sam is at his folks and the houseguests have gone out for a meal with friends. :cool:
I have got some beef shin cooking gently in the oven with onions, garlic, chestnut mushrooms, red wine and stock. Will have it with jacket spuds and cauliflower cheese.
Tonight I am thinking Linda McCartney sausages with beans and possibly a fried egg should I decide I deserve one :cool:
I dunno - everything I've planned to cook this week has gone out of the window - had scallops and pork medallions last night instead of a healthy curry.
I might just have a Matthieson's Pork Sausage with 6 slices of Cheddup cheese food wrapped around it, a tub of ice cream and four cans of Skol Super or Kestrel
Pizza, just ordered it.

Been at some stupid fuckwitted training thing for work, just got back pissed off and hungry. Sure, there's plenty I could cook, but it'd all be really basic - like plain wholewheat pasta or cheese on toast, I've nothing exciting in at the moment. So I've decided to be gluttonous and eat greasy fattening pizza.

I did go for the reduced fat cheese option though.

Although I ordered a double helping of it. lol.

And it's all mine because Mr Paw is at a meeting. Om nom nom nom.
I wasn't going to bother with much. For some reason I've no appetite this week and cooking seems too much effort to bother with. :confused: However, I forced myself to make a simple vegetable stew, and now it's starting to cook and smell nice I am actually feeling quite hungry after all. :cool:
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