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What's for tea tonight? (pt4)

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I did pan-fried duck breasts, potatoes sauteed in the duck fat and peas, with a sauce made from some caramelised onions (from a jar) and tomato puree. It was very nice.
Well I still haven't had my burger :mad: :rolleyes: had beer and crisps and a huge chunk of roast gammon shank that I got from Sainsburys hot food counter (what's left will make a lovely soup).

So I'm gonna have my burger for brunch! :cool:

Later on a salmon/veg/pasta bake for the kids and a salmon/chickpea/red onion/coriander/tomato salad with a nice lemony dressing for me.
I had what was left of last nights curry this morning whilst watching the motor racing. Never done that before - brilliant.
Did have to resist having a beer at 7.30 though :)
I haven't been posting on here the past few weeks cos this month I am mostly improvising and trying not to use recipes - it's been largely successful so far.
Tonight I'm going to a friend's house, so I dunno, but I'm bringing some home made chili chocolate truffles cos it's International Day Of Chocolate or something apparently.
Had chilli garlic prawn pasta last night, it was quite nice. A bit stumped for tonight's tea, but fancy something vaguely healthy to offset the dessert mountain in the fridge :)
My middle child has come over to stay for Easter and is cooking tonight so that when I get back from doing the quiz it will all be ready........ I know it's a Welsh leg of lamb but I have no idea what she's doing with it. She's a much more creative cook than I am. I think it's because she doesn't have children. My eldest daughter and I tend to do automatic pilot cookery since we've had kids.
I've got a leg of lamb stuffed with garlic and Rosemary slowly cooking in the oven. We'll have cauliflower cheese, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, sprouts, carrots and brocolli with it I think. And apple tart and cream for pudding. :cool:
I was very tired yesterday when I went shopping to Waitrose and could not think what to buy. I wanted to buy veg to make a soup but even that beyond me. Laters Im having a Waitrose curry box that has 4 hand prepared black eyed bean tikkiis flavoured with royal black cumin served with a mixed veg stir fry and spinach dal. Also comes with a coriander dip and I shall make a little mound of basmati rice.

I may be able to make tomato soup too.
Homemade steak and mushroom pie with roasted new potatoes, carrots, peas and broccoli. :cool: Hope it turns out ok.

Then we will have chocolate tart and vanilla ice cream.:)
me and the gf went out last nite and she ordered lamb chops crusted with gorgonzola cheese. it was out of this world (she gave me 2 or 3).

don't know what's for tea tonite. I have to call her in an hour or so and we're going to figure it out.
me and the gf went out last nite and she ordered lamb chops crusted with gorgonzola cheese. it was out of this world (she gave me 2 or 3).

don't know what's for tea tonite. I have to call her in an hour or so and we're going to figure it out.

my gosh...you've evolved.
you were like the Junkfood God a few months ago!
Either chilli beans and rice or leek and potato soup, depends how hungry we are. Probably chilli beans tbh as wonderful lovely boyfriend has spent all day cleaning like fury and will no doubt be starving come tea time.
I'm off out to an Italian place for a friends birthday meal. Don't know what I shall be having but I know I want a starter and salad. I love going out to eat.
the ubiquitous chicken/chorizo/bean thing with rice or pasta. It's what I had in, and I have to use what I have because of waiting to be paid
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