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What's for tea tonight? (pt 2)

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i have chicken and veg for tortilas which need using up. and i am very hungry as didnt eat well yesterday, and nothing so far today, but i think soup may be the way to go, as i seemed to have swallowed sandpaper and put hot pokes up my nose and in my ears :(
sojourner said:
Not too difficult to do

Bung saussies in oven

Do steak on griddle when they're ready

*polishes perfect housewife fingernails* ;)
The sticking point in the debate is the humble potato :D I've found some tuna pasta from last night in the pan that we do the mash in so I'll have that with some sweetcorn fritters and the boys are peeling potatoes for their sausage and mash (you'd think I'd asked them to climb up a fucking chimney :rolleyes: )
I've got loads of beans (haricot and kidney), tomatoes (tinned), purple-sprouting broccoli, onions and mushrooms. Should I make a casserole or summat else?
Orang Utan said:
I've got loads of beans (haricot and kidney), tomatoes (tinned), purple-sprouting broccoli, onions and mushrooms. Should I make a casserole or summat else?
With the onions,mushrooms and beans I'd make beanie rissoley type things and have them with the psb :)
I'm not sure I know what rissoles are, but I'm not so keen on beanburgers. Too many as a child. Not had any in years.
Home made beanburgers can be lush though - try mashing up the beans with some chopped onion, garlic, herbs, loads of black pepper, lemon juice, then coat the shaped burgers in cumin seeds and fry them on a low heat. I suppose you could add mushrooms too, if you were some kind of mackerel-hating pervert.
I grew up with blackened homemade beanburgers. I can't go back there. It's too painful. I've ignored the advice and gone for my casserole. May eat the PSB separately though, as I'm not sure it would survive the oven
No worries, I too know the pain of having hippie parents. My mum tried to make us drink Floradix and other such rank tonics, although she did make the best chips in the world.

Casserole is also a tasty tea option.

At least I'm compiling a useful list of what not to cook if you ever come to stay!
Orang Utan said:
I'm not sure I know what rissoles are, but I'm not so keen on beanburgers. Too many as a child. Not had any in years.

sound too close to (ah)rissoles for my liking.
go for the casserole orang!!!;)
Home grown new potatoes, salmon fillets with parmasan on top, ,home grown purple french beans and garden peas, followed by a rasberry Tortes, its looking like good things might be on the cards this evening, I better take a nap for an hour:oops: :D
northernhord said:
Home grown new potatoes, salmon fillets with parmasan on top, ,home grown purple french beans and garden peas, followed by a rasberry Tortes, its looking like good things might be on the cards this evening, I better take a nap for an hour:oops: :D

sounds really good NH:)
I'm boiling a huge chunk of SALT BEEF that i got from sainsburys..fucken great value.
Going to cut it into thick slices and then ram it in bagels with cream cheese and pickles.
Tomorrow I'll have the rest with boiled potatoes and pickles.
Mediterranean chicken salad using the leftover roast chicken from last night, chucked in a bowl with cherry tomatoes, olives, capers, a jar of artichoke hearts, small pasta shapes and a handful of raisins. Dressed with a dijon mustard vinaigrette with a hint of tarragon. :cool:

Washed down with ice cream.
It was sausage sarnies last night in the end and then me picking at the broccoli later and crunching through it. Tonight is lasagne :cool: which I'm making :D
Dunno, but can't seem to stop braising vegetables in saffron, olive oil and veg stock, so might be that again. The littlun has already put her order in for spinach and cheese omelette, the decisive little madam, which also sounds nice.
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