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What's for tea tonight? (pt 2)

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Just for the record I had my mackerel with lemon and cumin, accompanied with garlicy fried potato and a tomato and red onion salad.

Wasn't the finest mackerel ever so was glad of the lemon and cumin marinade.
Last nights dinner plans were scuppered by several pints of Guinness and a takeaway burger :)

No idea about tonight

Tomorrow is shopping day so will be more creative :)
Got some tender lamb chops and will be having them plain grilled with some mash and cauliflower!
I love lamb chops but there's never enough of em!
stir fry and rice I think, need to try and eat better and rectify the naughtiness of all the cake and gin at the weekend :D
Phew. We're settling back into things again now with the new kitties.

They are lovely but...

*looks at torn up arms, hands and shins*

So last night was a soupy thing using a boiled hock and lots of veg including shucked pea pods, carrots, celery and sweetcorn. It was really tasty and so sweet. Tonight is sausages with something spud like from town or maybe something else, if I can find an exciting assortment of veg, like mashed celeriac and kale.
aqua said:
stir fry and rice I think, need to try and eat better and rectify the naughtiness of all the cake and gin at the weekend :D

Stir fry for us too - with king prawns.

And a frankfurter in a roll with tomatoes with salt and pepper for the boy, just cos it's his fave dinner and he's not mad keen on stir fry.
mine is with chicken or turkey - nowt exciting but I'm a bit skint (payday tomorrow :D) and it was in the freezer
dolly's gal said:
maybe some kind of oil-less chicken stiry-fry with loads of veg and beansprouts. no noodles bah :(
There's no way on this earth that I could stick to what you eat doll - no way

I'd kill if I didn't get a daily dose of carbs
I've got a couple of lamb neck fillets. I usually make curry with them. I'll probably do that. But I might not.
sojourner said:
There's no way on this earth that I could stick to what you eat doll - no way

I'd kill if I didn't get a daily dose of carbs

it's hard :(

but i eat plenty at weekends so no need to worry! :)
CharlieAddict said:
salad made of kiwi fruit, avocados, tomatoes, boiled eggs, kidney beans.

I'm getting all the ingredients except kiwi fruit. Boiled eggs and kiwi fruit? Kidney beans and kiwi fruit? WTF?
dolly's gal said:
maybe some kind of oil-less chicken stiry-fry with loads of veg and beansprouts. no noodles bah :(

a little tad of olive oil in the stir fry isn't gonna kill you dolly.
and make sure them veggies are varied in colours and that you have LOADS LOADS!
missfran said:
I'm getting all the ingredients except kiwi fruit. Boiled eggs and kiwi fruit? Kidney beans and kiwi fruit? WTF?

i'm the one that eat canned tuna in soup...
yeah but i know what you mean...it sounds gross but it's actually quite nice. and more importantly, it's healthy.
CharlieAddict said:
a little tad of olive oil in the stir fry isn't gonna kill you dolly.
and make sure them veggies are varied in colours and that you have LOADS LOADS!

hm mebe (re: the oil) - have been cooking in lemon juice of late which works well. and yes, loads of BIG VARIED COLOURFUL VEG is where it's at! :cool:
prawn and asparagus rissotto....never made this particular one before though have a p*ss easy recipe so reckon I'll be laughing....yumma yumma:)
dolly's gal said:
hm mebe (re: the oil) - have been cooking in lemon juice of late which works well. and yes, loads of BIG VARIED COLOURFUL VEG is where it's at! :cool:

Or if you use the low-cal spray olive oil, that works well in stir fries.
Today I've had sausage sandwiches, pizza and I'm having a curry later.....

My blood pressure is high as well.....I should really stop eating so much shit and get some exercise but its too nice and I'm too lazy. Fuck.
CharlieAddict said:
ahem...since when was olive oil anti-diet?

i said i'm anti diet products ie low cal food and suplements designed by the diet industry to keep people fat and miserable.

and missfran, good idea re the spray bottle :)
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