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What's for tea tonight? (pt 2)

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Badgers said:
Not sure yet....
Getting to the end of the month so the cupboard is fairly bare and what is there is basic at best.

Will be something quick and simple I think..
Possibly beans on toast with grated cheese :)

Had a good lunch:

Cheese Sarnie
Scotch Egg
Muesli Bar
Carrots dipped in sour cream

Definitely gonna be a small dinner tonight :)
Rack of ribs with courgette and potato cakes and peas - all veg from the plot.

Gonna make a spinach, mushroom and potato curry for tommorrow too.
Not sure - forgot to take anything out the freezer from my stash... might have fish cakes and green beans :)
dunno. i don't do the cooking and cheg is in a meeting so i can't ask him :(

mebe a healthy _______ salad tho. or some steamed ______ with steamed veg... :confused:
dolly's gal said:
dunno. i don't do the cooking and cheg is in a meeting so i can't ask him :(

mebe a healthy _______ salad tho. or some steamed ______ with steamed veg... :confused:
You know, you're one of the few people I actually fantasise about tying up and stuffing with a bakers dozen of fresh cream cakes?

Well - I say a few...

;) :p
dolly's gal said:
dunno. i don't do the cooking and cheg is in a meeting so i can't ask him :(

mebe a healthy ___LARD____ salad tho. or some steamed ___HAGGIS___ with FRIED veg... :confused:

Leftover roast lamb made into a nice stew with some vegetable rice.....

banoffee pie for afters if there's any left....
Not sure yet. Maybe pasta with sausage sauce. Although I'm also liking the sound of the sausages with potato wedges and beans!
There are some childhood comfort meals being chosen tonight...:) Im having cheese n onion quiche, baked sweet potato and salad.
Leftover curry, padded out with spinach and potato. And maybe some homemade chapatis/rotis to make me feel less slack
i had 5 mini sausage rolls and a glass of cranberry juice. there was cake but no one saved me any :mad:
feyr said:
i had 5 mini sausage rolls and a glass of cranberry juice. there was cake but no one saved me any :mad:


I would like you to know that not only would I save you cake, I would actually make a whole entire cake just for you, you're that worth it :)

And no, this isn't an ironic post :)
08:40 and I am already thinking about tonight's tea :rolleyes:

Last night was a big plate of potato wedges covered in melted cheese.
Washed down with four pints of Guinness :)

Not sure about tonight yet but might just be pasta..
tonight will be a chorizo'y rice dish :) but quick cos I have to be at a class at 6.30pm!
A vast veggie curry to provide as many meals as poss, as I found out that to get my shower replaced will actually cost me £150 more than I thought it would :mad:

So - onions, garlic of course, 2 tins cheap toms, leftover borlotti beans, tin chickpeas, bag of spinach, peppers, spuds, aubergine and owt else that's in my fridge and can be chucked in a curry, some veg stock, maybe bit of tomato puree
home grown rocket and tiger prawn salad. chargrilled veg. and erm something else. not sure what. maybe tomato and red onion salad. hmmm...
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