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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

I've just been to pick a big bag of wild garlic, so we're having garlic butter chicken with mushrooms, mashed potatoes and tenderstem broccoli.

We've got about 3 dozen mini gu puddings, which need using up so a couple of those and the rest are being given to the neighbours.
3 day old veggie stew based on miso, red onions, seaweed, carrots, red cabbage, chickpeas, chopped tomatoes...
rinsings from yeast extract jars..
Yesterday I added a can of lentil and veggie soup and mushrooms.
Today I added butter beans, more mushrooms and broccoli. .. tahini, tamari, mango chutney ...
I was out in the garden topless today so I risked a bottle of Bishop's Finger... ("risked" because if I did that regularly, the gout would let rip)

EDIT:- somehow I forgot I also dug up and cooked some potatoes that I planted last year. That they had sprouted didn't affect the flavour much - I wouldn't grow them again...
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Last night was spag bol.

We went to the dairy/farm shop today and got a couple of burgers and some garlic chicken kebabs. So we had those and I made a potato salad.

I’m also necking a slightly rubbish box of porn star martini that I brought home from holiday.

Berries, meringues and ice cream later.
Cooked steak in the air frier. They worked out really well
Boiled new potatoes.
Mashed turnips.
Mushroom and onion gravy.
Followed by home made jam and cream sponge cake.

How long did you cook the steak for and what temp (and was it rare/medium/well done etc.)
I've never done steak in an air fryer and am curious.
I actually have loads of rump steaks in the freezer but am out of chips and I really like them with chips, peas and mushrooms :D
How long did you cook the steak for and what temp (and was it rare/medium/well done etc.)
I've never done steak in an air fryer and am curious.
I actually have loads of rump steaks in the freezer but am out of chips and I really like them with chips, peas and mushrooms :D
Well I put it to 200 degrees (highest setting).
7 mins a side .. for medium well done.
5 mins a side ...for medium
I googled times. Nobody here likes medium rare.
I missed it!!!!

Ah sorry, I thought I was responding to your post about drones on the Corribobs thread and posted (when Perry's set started) something along the lines of "ah, that's what the drones were for"

Drone-fried steak, yum :D
Stan was inside on the sofa, pondering life's great mysteries. Deaf as a post.

Honestly Jakey regularly tries to stick his head in the top of the table lamp shade (can I get him to wear a cone after surgery though, can I fuck) then stumbles round cos he can't see anything - can't trust him around candles, he'd set fire to his whiskers or something.
I have had intelligent cats but Jakey bless his little cotton socks is not one of them, brain the size of a walnut and it shows :D
Honestly Jakey regularly tries to stick his head in the top of the table lamp shade (can I get him to wear a cone after surgery though, can I fuck) then stumbles round cos he can't see anything - can't trust him around candles, he'd set fire to his whiskers or something.
I have had intelligent cats but Jakey bless his little cotton socks is not one of them, brain the size of a walnut and it shows :D

A long haired cat we had when I was child brushed his tail through a candle once. I was on it so fast I'm not sure he realized it was on fire before I slapped it out. He just looked a bit miffed and appeared to blame me for the state of his tail.
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