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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Tonight will either be takeaway or pub food depending on who I socialise with or feta and salad.
Because the boy bought some of the stuff and I can't throw things away :mad: :(

blend it up and make some rocket pesto?
It wont really get rid of the rockety taste though...

tonight we're having soy chicken strips with egg fried veggie rice..
oh, and that mars bar ice cream i meant to have last night but fell asleep without eating :D
Because the boy bought some of the stuff and I can't throw things away :mad: :(

Yep, know that feeling. I had a major strop on with myself the other weekend after allowing an aubergine, an onion, some celery, and some cheese go off :mad: Took me ages to feel better. Food guilt :(
Woo chilli is made but I'll eat it when I get back from the pub so I'll be well muchied by that point.
One slightly stale pitta bread filled with cold leftover pasta bake and encona hot pepper sauce. Nicer than it sounds.
Sweet stuff, lots of sweet stuff - and before any health fascists start on me I've got a good excuse - coming out of a migraine. :p
The spag bol I was meant to be doing last night didn't happen so it's now bubbling away and will continue to do so for at least another hour. Loads of bacon and red wine in this one. Yum.
The boy has made chilli con Carne which we'll have with rice, I have made guacamole, salsa and a sour cream dip to have with tortilla chips to start and a lime and strawberry cheesecake for pud. Lashings of Corona and bubbly to wash it down with :)
A couple of nights ago I did (if I may say so myself) a pretty good veggie lasagne, served with a bit of salad (cucumber, tomato, green pepper, a small amount of onion, olive oil) - I've never done lasagne myself before, because years of being veggie and being served bland veggie lasagne as a lazy veggie option when eating out really put me off - but this one was awesome and I'm eager to make it again.
^^^ I'm veggie too and heartily recommend mrsfrans puy lentil lasgne from her blog www.101things.wordpress.com (may have cocked up the address?)

Tonight I reckon I will mane a curry that will include button mushrooms as I seem to be loving mushrooms ATM after all my life of just tolerating them!
I've been eating fucking shit all weekend (it's my birthday weekend so I have a good excuse! :D )...we ended up having the pizza for a late lunch yesterday so then I had a chinese in the evening. :facepalm:

Today, for my breakfast, I've had two bags of crisps, a piece of quiche and have finished off the last two bits of tart my mum brought down on Thursday (one chocolate and one pecan).

This evening I'll have the spring roll and couple of salt and pepper ribs leftover from yesterday and maybe have the last piece of quiche and another bag of crisps, too. :hmm:

Quite looking forwards to having some *normal* food again tomorrow, tbf. :D
I've gone a bit rubbish at cooking this week. Last night we had steak, celeriac chips and roasted cauli... really wasn't all that. Tonight, going for parcel roasted (so kind of steamed) chicken with broccoli.

sheo you will get that birthday dancing broccoli... promise. x
Made a damn fine chilli but let down by badly cooked rice. No matter how hard I try, I always seem to fuck up when cooking rice. :facepalm:

you will never mess up if you use black and white rice. Sainsburys do a good one and it aint even that expensive. Totally worth it.
Nothing on Friday. Yesterday had a delicious homemade lasagne with a green watercress and bean salad in some posh cafe in shoreditch at around 4pm. Got a big portion and was hungry, it did the trick. Some Swedish pear cider in 'Fika' swedish restaurant in the area - my mate ordered salmon in a cheesy cream sauce and mashed potato (grilled) and served on a charming wooden 'plank' for a plate. Regarding the food, the salmon wasnt cooked in the middle and looked quite raw, our Swedish friend (who hadnt orderd the meal) said she reckoned it was just about cooked. The waiter (English, but very knowledgable) came over and asked my other friend had he enjoyed it. My mate said 'hmm, yes but it appeared a bit undercooked.' we were informed that it was cooked 'rare.' i never heard of salmon being cooked that way but anyhow, waiter was so polite we just said okay....the divine allure of curry was in the brick lane air...sauntered to some other watering holes and a good gig. Had crispy chilli beef and singapore vegetable noodles when i got home from the chinese. Did the trick.
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