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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Puy lentils are LOVELY soj! They taste like SAUSAGES! :D

And another vote for mushroom ketchup here too - great in casseroles and the like, too. :cool:
Nice peppery, MEATY ones! :cool:

:D:p I do still eat a bit of meat now and again - we had bangers and mash tother night and I had the stonkingly lovely ones from the local butchers :D

But wow - didn't know they tasted like that. Will get some and have a go then. Bet they're good for something like cannelloni aren't they?
:p :D

Yeah, I reckon anything where you'd traditionally use minced meat'd be great with them (they have a firmer texture than other lentils too). :cool:
anyone ever used beluga lentils before? i seem to have a bag of them which I bought when I was trying to buy puy lentils :rolleyes: but I reckon they'll be the same :hmm:

i've already had my dinner. ooops.
anyone ever used beluga lentils before? i seem to have a bag of them which I bought when I was trying to buy puy lentils :rolleyes: but I reckon they'll be the same :hmm:
I have a pre cooked pouch of beluga lentils by merchant gourmet and got them out the other week to eat instead of puy lentils but the blurb on the pack made them sound like a salad lentil?

tonight i'm having plaice and asparagus melting middle fish cakes with peas and sweet corn

ight for forage for a pudding too :D
sweet baked potato with tuna mayo. was meant to have been pasta bake but i got called into work for 2 hours :mad: and i cant be bothered to cook it now
Crispy chicken strips.
Green salad, tomatoes, cucumber with chilli salad dressing.
Some grated cheese and cider on the side.

Not bad :)
Dunno yet - it's my daughter's birthday today (20!! :eek:) so I shall wait for her to arise from her pit, sometime around early afternoon I expect, and give the orders for us tea

I bloody bet it's takeaway pizza :rolleyes::D
Ooooooh HAPPY BIRTHDAY *little* soj!! :D :cool: :D

We are having another 70's REVIVAL DINNER - boil in the bag cod in butter sauce (I used to LOVE them! :D And again, kids have never tried them!) with new potatoes and sugar snap peas. Except for the small girl who will be having beans on toast (due to the *small creatures from the sea* issue). She said she will *try* it, though. :hmm:
We had baked/steamed in the over parcel type chicken with broccoli for me, broccoli and chips for him (don't tell moonsi).

Homemade burgers tonight, with salad and no bun for me (I will do this no carbs in the evening thing dammit!), maybe a bit of cheese on top though :D he can have his in bread :)
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