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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

tempted to have stew for the 3rd time since friday :facepalm:. Might have a veggie roast instead. Choice of apple crumble or xmas pudding for afters :)
Slow cooked chinese beef. Or Chinese slow cooked beef. So beef, basically, slow cooked. With chinese spices!

Plus stir fried pak choi and broccoli and maybe a bit of rice
feel sick with work stress so not hungry at all at the moment :( but I'll probably manage to scrape together some kind of stir-fry and force that down...
Which Chinese spices do you use, QoGs? I have a whole shelf of 'em and I never know which ones to use. :oops:

I just made us more pajeon (korean pancakes) for tea, but I used beer instead of water for the batter, which wasn't very Korean of me, but I'd run out of water.
Might have beans on toast before the sleep I think.
Just googling 'beans on toast' and found this wizard item in the image search!

Which Chinese spices do you use, QoGs? I have a whole shelf of 'em and I never know which ones to use. :oops:

I just made us more pajeon (korean pancakes) for tea, but I used beer instead of water for the batter, which wasn't very Korean of me, but I'd run out of water.

This recipe used fresh chopped chilli, garlic and ginger, star anise and chinese five spice powder....though I didn't have any so used Thai Seven Spice powder instead :oops:

Plus rice wine and soy sauce. Along with the beef and spring onions that was about it. Bung it all in a pot with some water and put it in the oven on a low-ish heat for 2 hours. Not tasted it yet but it smelt good!

Here's a link to the recipe
couscous with mint, sesame seed oil, soy sauce, soft apricots, flaked almonds...served with fish and chips! The oven kind, i got Tescos own battered cod (surprisingly tasty) and Sainsburys chunky maris piper chips (supposedly) doused in goose fat.:hmm: Mayo and ketchup (separately) on the side :)
Chilli from the freezer. It was acceptable.

Thinking ahead, today I got some cheap chicken thighs and roasted them, so I've got chicken thigh meat for dinner tomorrow and am yet to decide what to do with it. Suggestions? Not risotto or soup. Maybe chicken fried rice? Other ideas?
:eek: Not YOURS, Mrs M!!! :facepalm: :D

ETA - OH MY LORD - not yours AT ALL in fact - sounds DELICIOUS!!!! *drool* :cool:

This post made me laugh more than any other I have ever read on u75. Genius

Also, I love this thread. Bizarrely this is my literally my first time on it cos I thought it would be too poncey, but I have loved it.

Mrs Magpie what a hero

Question: in a fit of patriotic cluelessness I got given some smoked sea salt by Halen Mon (it's from Wales, see) - what is the point/difference with smoked salt and what shall I use ot for?

Thanks and thanks for this thread you have all made me very happy.

For the record for my tea tonight I had pork belly which I did for 5 hrs in my slowcooker, which I had marinaded in ginger, chilli, olive oil, sesame, pepper. salt and bay. I had it just with bread, it was lush

For my pudding I had half a family-sized bar of Galaxy

Then I had the other half, inevitably
Roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings courtesy of my luvvly mother. It was fantastic.
I dopped in to see the aged parents this afternoon and cadged an invite for tea when I saw what they were having. :D
red wine and a shop bought Pizza Express pizza...one of the 600 cals range.

me too. Which one did you get and what was the verdict? I had chicken and roasted peppers, which started off quite tasty, but by the time i got to the end, the salt overload was overpowering and left me with a nasty taste in my mouth for hours afterwards
ended up eating about half a quorn roast :oops: with taters, peas and gravy. And a banana for pud.
Lemon roast potatoes
Tomato salad, green leaf salad
Chocolate mousse
Syrup oranges
last night was a super-health-points stir fry with smoked tofu. tonight is spicy tomato, aubergine and chickpea stew with quinoa because the boy is away so tomatoes are on the menu :D
It was going to be gammon and chips but I've got no spuds and forgot to take money out on my dog walk this morning :facepalm:

So, it's going to be pasta, bacon and leek with pesto
This post made me laugh more than any other I have ever read on u75. Genius

Also, I love this thread. Bizarrely this is my literally my first time on it cos I thought it would be too poncey, but I have loved it.

Mrs Magpie what a hero

Question: in a fit of patriotic cluelessness I got given some smoked sea salt by Halen Mon (it's from Wales, see) - what is the point/difference with smoked salt and what shall I use ot for?

Thanks and thanks for this thread you have all made me very happy.

For the record for my tea tonight I had pork belly which I did for 5 hrs in my slowcooker, which I had marinaded in ginger, chilli, olive oil, sesame, pepper. salt and bay. I had it just with bread, it was lush

For my pudding I had half a family-sized bar of Galaxy

Then I had the other half, inevitably

Hello *waves*

I've no idea what the point/difference of smoked salt is, but i know I want some! I'm a salt feind.... mmmm

you dinner sounds lovely - especially the family sized Galaxy :D
last night was a super-health-points stir fry with smoked tofu. tonight is spicy tomato, aubergine and chickpea stew with quinoa because the boy is away so tomatoes are on the menu :D

'Rayyyy :D

Think I'm gonna make a veggie spag bol, with quorn mince, courgette, peppers, mushrooms, LG sauce, and tin toms - quite a lot of it given what i'm gonna put in it!

Dunno about afters yet - chocolate of some kind probably, have made myself sick eating too many scones with cream and jam
i get smoked salt, can't tell the difference at all really but i like using it cos i like the smell :)

i'm trying to get it together to use my leftovers tonight. tagine-ish stew with couscous prob.
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