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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

i had a sweet potato with cheese followed by half a pancake with honey and lemon. it would have been a full pancake but my keystudent was making puppy dog eyes at me so i shared it with him, even though he had already had 3 of his own :mad:
Last night
Two lovely savoury pancakes
One lovely sweet pancake to end
Washed down with a couple of glasses of mead :)

Tonight is undecided, it could be pasta...
Right, well my daughter is off school ill so I'm keeping her here tonight which means pancakes will be TONIGHT! WOOOHOOOO!!! :cool:

Bolognese and cheddar followed by lemon and sugar.
Saw these last night in the local shop:


A level of quality that is rarely seen in this modern age.
Plus £1.09 for 265g of frozen chips with cheese is a bargain in anyone's money surely?
No! No, I can't! :rolleyes:
I only half did it, rest to be done tonight :( but boy is cooking tea :cool:...

...baked potatoes with tuna and peas on the side for me, and probably beans and cheese for him (I don't know in what order Badgers).

Peas last night were good, but managed to cook way to much again!
beef stew which smells frankly GORGEOUS as i type.
with pankcakes, if i can find someone to bring me pancakes :)

i didn't have any pancakes, but i did have stew. it was absolutely lush.
and there's more left for tonight :cool:
We're having Mystery Freezer Food. It looks like it's probably a casserole. But what sort? The tension's palpable.
Sausage, chips & beans for the boy and his friend who is coming for tea.
Salmon, couscous and some sort of veg/salad for the grown ups.
Maybe with a sausage chaser :hmm:
I'm actually looking forward to tonights dinner of baked potatoes, gammon and cauliflower cheese.
And the boy got some mystery pudding too :D
Only made half the batter from the pancake recipe cos I thought the whole lot'd be too much and you can only split two eggs one way without having to waste some (*tight* :D ) so we ended up having just TWO pancakes each - one savoury and one sweet - but, tbf, I stuffed the first one full of bolognese and cheese and we were all actually full afterwards! :eek:

Although having said that, I did promise them a Dairy Milk 'Caramel' cone too, to make up for the lack of sweet ones! :D
The Mystery Freezer Food turns out to be bolognaise, so that and rice and lentils. Not very thrilling. But we do have lemon drizzle cake for afters.
I'm back and eating again, recovered from the Bolivian shitting bug that seems to have taken out of half my office.

So tonight it's a curry to test the innards out properly. Mutter paneer, a simple bangladeshi red dal recipe and I may even stay off the meat today again, albeit I'm tempted by making a simple chick pea and beef curry too.
we ended up having gnocchi with red pepper sauce and lots of veggies... it was okay. I've lost my cooking mojo a bit to a serious case of can't-be-arsed-ness :(
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