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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

i've had bolognaise cooking in the slow cooker all day - omg tasted delicious. Think i may have put a liiiiitle too much red wine in it though....
Spaghetti and meatballs. Was nice but realised too late only herb we had was oregano and we'd run out of Worcester sauce.
I made the ottolenghi caramelised garlic tart with potato dauphinose and lemony green veg.
I also made brownies for pud which we had with raspberries and cream and lashings of pink fizz. I could get used to being on holiday :)

that grub sounds heavenly.
We are having Lamb and Butternut Sqauash Curry with (low fat and quite small :() naan bread and rice.

no point :(

I had a bit fat curry, well, actually, another customer commented that there was no fat in any of the food. She was right. The naffly named 'Hot Stuff' in Stockwell was spectacular, every dish tonight was beautifully cooked. we ordered about ten dishes, and every single one was amazing, including the often difficult ones such as prawn vindaloo (perfect, hot and intense - not a gaudy chilli pepper in sight, and Butter chicken, a very difficult dish that often lets down a curry house, this was subtle and flavoursome, really natural in colour and flavour). Hot Stuff is tucked into a rough and ready neighbourhood but as good as Tayyabs in Brick Lane.
Cheesy, Hot Stuff's in Vauxhall - tucked away in an area that's more posh residential streets than rough and ready.

I'm not even sure what to add to the rest of your description, although I would suggest that Hot Stuff's curries do contain both fat and chill peppers. It's also probably fair to mention that the food has more of an East African (Indian) touch than the Pakistani flavours of Tayyabs. Friendly people in there mind and certainly worth a visit.
Tonight I don't know but all this talk of curry is making me drool...most especially the butternut spinach and coconut curry - do you have a recipe sheo?

Oooh sorry etnea, only just saw this - hope you weren't hanging out for it or anything! :D

Errrrrr....not that I have a *recipe* as such - buuuut I fried some onions/garlic/ginger, then added some of my balinese spice paste (recipe is further up the thread - will try and remember to add a search result in a min) and then the cubed butternut, gave it all a bit of a stir, then added some coconut cream (cos I had half a pack that needed using - but coconut milk or whatever would do!) and some veg stock and cooked it till the squash was done (and at this point I saved whatever I wasn't going to use that day as it was, so that the next bit can be done just before eating it, iyswim :hmm: ), then added a chopped tomato and a few handfuls of spinach and cooked it till the spinach was wilted...then loads of coriander on top at the end.

In fact, last night I added some king prawns to it too and will again tonight I think cos it was nice :D so that for me (again...the squash was MASSIVE so froze a fair bit but this is my last portion from the fridge) with another mini naan.
Cheesy, Hot Stuff's in Vauxhall - tucked away in an area that's more posh residential streets than rough and ready.

I'm not even sure what to add to the rest of your description, although I would suggest that Hot Stuff's curries do contain both fat and chill peppers. It's also probably fair to mention that the food has more of an East African (Indian) touch than the Pakistani flavours of Tayyabs. Friendly people in there mind and certainly worth a visit.

you've misunderstood me: when i say 'chilli' i mean an actual full extra hot chilli floating in the actual curry dish, which isnt a pleasant experience I have had in the past. ....

when i say 'oil' i mean a film of oil floating on top of the actual curry dishes
I'm glad this didnt happen. Last nights was excellent, yep.
We've got a pork crackling joint, with roast potatos and parsnips and green beans. And chocolate brownie bites for pudding.
A lovely lump of braised brisket ... tonight with garlic bread & salad, tomorrow with mash and veg, and the day after ... (unlikely due to the gravy addicts in this house) possibly turned into some kind of soup with the addition of pearl barley and root veg, to have with homemade organic seeded bread.
sounds delicious. what sauce will you have with the pork (if any?)

No sauce, can't be bothered. Well, I might be bothered. If I am, I'll just deglaze the roasting pan with some stock and wine. I have home-made chicken stock frozen in ice cubes for just this very kind of occasion. It's like I'm Nigella or something :cool:
burgers & chips

home made vanilla & raspberry icecream

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