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what's david shayler done for the stop the war coalition?

snadge said:
you don't need them for them cunts, box of matches to set the SW pile ahad'

I often found a carefully aimed beermat to the eye would fell a young cadre/vanguard of the proletariat (and students)
ernestolynch said:
I often found a carefully aimed beermat to the eye would fell a young cadre/vanguard of the proletariat (and students)

A well aimed insult usually does the trick as well :)
RedSkin said:
I really think the left could do without druggy chancers like Docherty even if he has written a few good tunes. We've all had drug problems and got over them without courting media publicity. I don't think he's a good advert for the progressive cause what with the damage hard drugs do in working class areas drugs for us are dead ends not some Libertine adventure.

The left can definately do without public school chancers like Shayler. He's probly spent half his life running hard drugs to inner city areas! Anyone on the left who endorses the point of view of an ex(?) spook seriously has to justify themselves to the rest of the movement. How can anyone on the left expect to be taken seriously we they endorse such a persons point of view uncondotionally? Come on here now and explain yourselves.

However contentious it is, I think Larry O'Hara has a proven track record and anything he puts foward deserves to be taken seriously even if only to be refuted.

P.S. Is Ketamine an 'anarchist drug'?? How? I thought any serious anarchist would be straight edge!

i agree the left are well rid of people like pete doherty. Thank fuck. And the sooner politics are well rid of the left then the better off we all are.

Shayler & the left are one & the same. Elements of control. Who's in charge. Power & the rest.
ernestolynch said:
I often found a carefully aimed beermat to the eye would fell a young cadre/vanguard of the proletariat (and students)

who the fuck are you, mr burns? Or do you get smithers to throw it for you?

"smithers, that young rapscallion is not doing as he's told. Throw something at him"
montevideo said:
i agree the left are well rid of people like pete doherty. Thank fuck. And the sooner politics are well rid of the left then the better off we all are.

Shayler & the left are one & the same. Elements of control. Who's in charge. Power & the rest.
Oh don't talk such bollocks.
montevideo said:
i agree the left are well rid of people like pete doherty. Thank fuck. And the sooner politics are well rid of the left then the better off we all are.

Shayler & the left are one & the same. Elements of control. Who's in charge. Power & the rest.

why are the left better without Pete Docherty? Or people of his ilk, as for the Shaylor comment, why align him with the Left?
RedSkin said:
P.S. Is Ketamine an 'anarchist drug'?? How? I thought any serious anarchist would be straight edge!

well, all the K-heads I know are anarchists...(But this may be an unrepresentative sample ...)
Sorry. said:
well, all the K-heads I know are anarchists...(But this may be an unrepresentative sample ...)

I can back this up - there has been an anarchist working at my place, but he was into dope. But all the anarchists on that enrager site do ketamine every weekend.
ernestolynch said:
I can back this up - there has been an anarchist working at my place, but he was into dope. But all the anarchists on that enrager site do ketamine every weekend.

Tis a damnable lie! :mad:

Strictly cocaine and Jack D washed down with a barrell of guiness here.
snadge said:
why are the left better without Pete Docherty? Or people of his ilk, as for the Shaylor comment, why align him with the Left?

that would be sarcasm.

Because shayler has a pre-occupation with elements of control, who's in charge, the administration of power. All very left themes. There should be no contradiction or surprise when they share the same platform.

Or do you think the left wouldn't use the same agencies of repression & control for their own ends if/when in power?
Ungrateful said:
...Especially as the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, which has won some useful victories recently such as Vanunu winning the rectorship of Glasgow University, are also promoting Shayler. Why?

Just noticed this thread...

I went to the Shayler talk at Glasgow some weeks ago. He certainly has an axe to grind with the UK Govt and security services, but then that's understandable if only half of what he said about was true.

IMO, the Scottish PSC wanted him to give a demonstration from his own experience of the general victimisation (in whatever country) of whistleblowers trying to exposing malpractice or illegal activities in the fields covered by 'national security' legislation such as the Official Secrets Act.

Given that the Dimona nuclear weapons project was both illegal under the NPT and kept highly secret by the Israeli authorities, Vanunu was obviously going to face the same problems (and more) in trying to expose it.

That's my understanding of it, anyway.

PS. The other candidates in the Glasgow rectorial election weren't very inspiring anyway - an actress from River City or a rugby player.
montevideo said:
Or do you think the left wouldn't use the same agencies of repression & control for their own ends if/when in power?
i'm counting on it, so we can destroy not only the obvious enemies, but also the swp and their vile ilk, root and branch.
I agree montevideo. Sometimes I use the term 'left' to mean those that oppose capital which can mean any serious minded socialist, communist or anarchist opposed to capital and at other times I can use the term 'left' to mean the student-orientated, conservative & generally trotskyist barrier to social change.
A response (re Shayler), and a suggestion

After a relevant start, this debate (as sadly seems the norm) was hijacked by sad inadequates going on about Trotsky/ice-picks/illegal substances, presumably to increase their numbers of postings. Is this the virtual equivalent of stamp-collecting?? My suggestion for these people (their posts make it evident who they are) is they form their own discussion site called Ego2005 & all fuck off and bore each other to death there. In a way analgous to carbon trading, I'd be happy to give 100 'virtual posts' as a start up to these people, and they should of course be allowed to carry their accumulated number of posts with them. Perhaps the ultimate sad bastard Keith Flett could be the moderator??

Thankfully, parallelpete (or whoever) made a good point, re the Scottish PSCs motives for having Shayler to speak--and good ones they are too! No way was I, or would I, question their motives.

That does not apply to Shayler. There is reference to him talking of his 'experience', which is obviously why the PSC asked him to speak. However, that experience includes
--lying about Lockerbie
--targeting Leftists/Greens while in MI5
--targeting/lying about Leftists (including Class War & Tony Benn) after he has supposedly left
--repeatedly refusing to answers questions about such matters.
--admitting ongoing contact with MI5

(all claims substantiated in the current Notes From the Borderland issue 6, plus detailed analyses in NFB 5, 4, 3 & 2 also)

He is, in part, a victim of some elements within MI5, but not all, and the antics of Shayler/Machon mean until they answer legitimate questions they should be given a wide berth. In a paradox more apparent than real, the precise reasons why the PSC are interested in what Shayler has to say also apply to the secret state being interested in the PSC.

In what I am sure (well not really) is a coincidence that contributes to life's rich fabric, if you currently click on www.borderland.co.uk then it is 'unavailable' because (allegedly) the domain 'does not exist'. Hopefully that concocted (non-existent) existential crisis can be resolved soon. In the interim, htttp://borderland.ieasysite.com does exist in real time outside the control (direct anyway) of Shayler's (ex?) employers.

The offer still stands_ Class & War and myself debating Shayler/Machon. How about it? I'd be quite happy for proceeds to go to the PSC.....

Or is it that Shayler prefers audiences who won't question him too deeply? Answers on a card to Box 500
Sorry. said:
well, all the K-heads I know are anarchists...(But this may be an unrepresentative sample ...)

i did ket once when i was in the labour party :oops: (probably before most of you chancers ahd heard of it :p )

now i only do beer, acid, or mushrooms
rednblack said:
i did ket once when i was in the labour party :oops: (probably before most of you chancers ahd heard of it :p )

now i only do beer, acid, or mushrooms


what about skag, crack or brown?

Is that the real lara o'hara? Cool. There was a few factual errors in the wombles article in nfb 5, but apart from that good stuff.

PS i'd edit your post lara, you spelt the web address wrong. Too many t's.
Here's another question - why have RESPECT decided to stand aside from directly challenging Blair in Sedgefield as promised in order to give Shayler a free run. Is it anything to do with the Hartlepool result or do they genuinely think he's a force ofr good?
Larry O'Hara said:
My suggestion for these people (their posts make it evident who they are) is they form their own discussion site called Ego2005 & all fuck off and bore each other to death there.
He says before linking to his own articles 30times.

Never has so much shite been talked on one thread. Respect is also standing aside for Reg Keys from Mfaw in another key seat (Geoff Hoon???). And I think they're right in both cases not to split the vote.
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