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Just Stop Oil

Sure, but if you're a mother taking a kid to a hospital apopintment, or a delivery driver on a tight schedule (upon which your wage depends) then it's a different proposition.
This applies to every strike, riot, and large sanctioned protest. If we're only ever to use strategies that don't inconvenience anyone we might as well just lie down and wait for the end. Somewhere out of the way, of course.
It was the suffragettes who were law-breaking. The suffragists behaved themselves.

Fair enough, the ones who got arrested were a subset of the movement as a whole though so suffragists as well as suffragettes.

Anyway these people now, doing very similar stuff (for arguably even more important reasons) we're all "tsk tsk counterproductive, roads are for everyone this is just rude" etc. Which happened then too, but of course 100 years later they were bold courageous heroines on the right side of history and the people tutting were wrong.
Tiny diversion; whilst Emily Davidson lay dying in a hospital bed in Epsom for four days after the Derby she received hundreds of hate-letters via the double-daily post deliveries, the 1913 version of vicious trolling.
Yes those circumstances would clearly permit violence :rolleyes:
I don't know what this means. There's a clip of JSO blocking a woman who, unless she's lying, is trying to take her baby to the hospital. I assume it's a non emergency (otherwise it'd be an ambulance). They also admit this actually happened in a separate interview. I don't know who said mother is meant to appeal to wrt permissible violence, but she didn't attack anyone she just screamed at them to get out o fthe way. They didn't seem to care or even listen.

I'm not saying random angry blokes having a pop is ok. I'm saying that blocking the roads affects no one but the general public. It doesn't stop the oil companies nor the government. It's a completely counter productive activity.
I don't know what this means. There's a clip of JSO blocking a woman who, unless she's lying, is trying to take her baby to the hospital. I assume it's a non emergency (otherwise it'd be an ambulance). They also admit this actually happened in a separate interview. I don't know who said mother is meant to appeal to wrt permissible violence, but she didn't attack anyone she just screamed at them to get out o fthe way. They didn't seem to care or even listen.

I'm not saying random angry blokes having a pop is ok. I'm saying that blocking the roads affects no one but the general public. It doesn't stop the oil companies nor the government. It's a completely counter productive activity.
You don't know and aren't saying many things. And if you'd not say them by not posting then everyone would be happier.
I do find it interesting how many people say "what they're doing won't achieve anything". Well it seems that the state entirely disagrees there, and is super keen to punish anyone doing such things at an absurd level to discourage anyone else even thinking about it.
I think that the authorities are shooting themselves in the foot by dishing out custodial sentences for non-violent protest. I wonder what the judges actually think about this; it seems most likely that they've been told to hand out harsh punishments as a matter of political expediency, but surely they must have some awareness that clamping down so tightly bears the risk of creating martyrs to the cause. Perhaps there's a degree of malicious compliance happening. Or maybe they've all lost their marbles and they all think that it will be completely effective without any kind of backfiring or unintended consequences. Who the fuck knows.
Indeed, maybe 'protesters' should in future just mutter to themselves in their garden shed or some overgrown corner of the local park, so as not to annoy or inconvenience anyone. Better still, let's just leave governments and oil companies to it, surely they have all our best interests at heart?

Anyway whatever you do, nobody mention the suffragists! That's different, what they were doing was important whereas this is just hippies and students etc :thumbs:
This is silly false dichotomy. Surely there are other options besdies a) do nothing and b) do something ineffective? I don't think anyone in this discussion has said let the oil barons continue unimpeded.
I don't know what this means. There's a clip of JSO blocking a woman who, unless she's lying, is trying to take her baby to the hospital. I assume it's a non emergency (otherwise it'd be an ambulance). They also admit this actually happened in a separate interview. I don't know who said mother is meant to appeal to wrt permissible violence, but she didn't attack anyone she just screamed at them to get out o fthe way. They didn't seem to care or even listen.

I'm not saying random angry blokes having a pop is ok. I'm saying that blocking the roads affects no one but the general public. It doesn't stop the oil companies nor the government. It's a completely counter productive activity.
Does anyone in the Socialist Party not consider you a grade A prat?
I think that the authorities are shooting themselves in the foot by dishing out custodial sentences for non-violent protest. I wonder what the judges actually think about this; it seems most likely that they've been told to hand out harsh punishments as a matter of political expediency, but surely they must have some awareness that clamping down so tightly bears the risk of creating martyrs to the cause. Perhaps there's a degree of malicious compliance happening. Or maybe they've all lost their marbles and they all think that it will be completely effective without any kind of backfiring or unintended consequences. Who the fuck knows.
Hallam is not a martyr. He encouraged people to get arrested and charged and sentenced and tbh for that he should have imo received a longer sentence. The man claims he's carefully studied protest but he's led many thousands of people to getting needless convictions. He may be on the side of the angels but he's a dangerous and despicable creature
I wonder what the judges actually think about this; it seems most likely that they've been told to hand out harsh punishments as a matter of political expediency, but surely they must have some awareness that clamping down so tightly bears the risk of creating martyrs to the cause.
Class matters quite strictly here, that and training. They're the haut booj, and given they've chosen the judiciary (they'd have a doctor sister and a brother in the cloth if its were the slightly older days) they identify themselves as the guardians of the states laws. Sure they'll be a few of more independent mind but the rest of them are reading from the times editorials and listening to radio 4's shockingly reactionary morning prog each day before they've had a shit and a cuppa
Class matters quite strictly here, that and training. They're the haut booj, and given they've chosen the judiciary (they'd have a doctor sister and a brother in the cloth if its were the slightly older days) they identify themselves as the guardians of the states laws. Sure they'll be a few of more independent mind but the rest of them are reading from the times editorials and listening to radio 4's shockingly reactionary morning prog each day before they've had a shit and a cuppa
You wouldn't want to ingest anything before listening to the emetic toady programme
Hallam is not a martyr. He encouraged people to get arrested and charged and sentenced and tbh for that he should have imo received a longer sentence. The man claims he's carefully studied protest but he's led many thousands of people to getting needless convictions. He may be on the side of the angels but he's a dangerous and despicable creature
Fair enough about Hallam himself, but I was more thinking about the others.
This is silly false dichotomy. Surely there are other options besdies a) do nothing and b) do something ineffective? I don't think anyone in this discussion has said let the oil barons continue unimpeded.

You said earlier that it's not up to those complaining about JSO's actions to figure out an acceptable alternative. Yet here you are throwing "there's an alternative" around, so - what alternative? You can't say there's an alternative but at the same time refuse to conceive one, that's just lazy.
Class matters quite strictly here, that and training. They're the haut booj, and given they've chosen the judiciary (they'd have a doctor sister and a brother in the cloth if its were the slightly older days) they identify themselves as the guardians of the states laws. Sure they'll be a few of more independent mind but the rest of them are reading from the times editorials and listening to radio 4's shockingly reactionary morning prog each day before they've had a shit and a cuppa

Do many of them read history, beyond "so we hanged them and flogged them and justice was served, huzzah!"?
You said earlier that it's not up to those complaining about JSO's actions to figure out an acceptable alternative. Yet here you are throwing "there's an alternative" around, so - what alternative? You can't say there's an alternative but at the same time refuse to conceive one, that's just lazy.
The point was that criticism of JSO, or whoever, stands on its own merits and whether or not the critic provides an alternative isn't really relevant to the point offered. You can reasonably ask what solutions people can offer, and that's a valid discussion that should happen. I said, they should target oil companies and others that people can see are directly connected to climate change.
TBH, i'm not sure where the confusion lies. I didn't say there weren't alternatives to blocking roads. I'd like to hope there are because if that is the only method and it proves ineffetive - for whatever reason - then JSO are going to get absolutely nowhere.
The point was that criticism of JSO, or whoever, stands on its own merits and whether or not the critic provides an alternative isn't really relevant to the point offered. You can reasonably ask what solutions people can offer, and that's a valid discussion that should happen. I said, they should target oil companies and others that people can see are directly connected to climate change.
TBH, i'm not sure where the confusion lies. I didn't say there weren't alternatives to blocking roads. I'd like to hope there are because if that is the only method and it proves ineffetive - for whatever reason - then JSO are going to get absolutely nowhere.

Right but they haven't gone nowhere, they've gone to prison. Which, in terms of so called 'deterrence' is more likely in reality to make them martyrs to the cause - not just any cause, remember - an existential cause, a life-or-death cause, that becomes more urgent with every passing year.

Protests like this aren't going to stop, they're going to get more frequent - and, now you can be punished worse for disruptive protest than for actual bodily harm or affray, may also become violent.

Good job all round 👏
The point was that criticism of JSO, or whoever, stands on its own merits and whether or not the critic provides an alternative isn't really relevant to the point offered. You can reasonably ask what solutions people can offer, and that's a valid discussion that should happen. I said, they should target oil companies and others that people can see are directly connected to climate change.
TBH, i'm not sure where the confusion lies. I didn't say there weren't alternatives to blocking roads. I'd like to hope there are because if that is the only method and it proves ineffetive - for whatever reason - then JSO are going to get absolutely nowhere.
You fell down the stupid tree and banged your head on every branch
Right but they haven't gone nowhere, they've gone to prison. Which, in terms of so called 'deterrence' is more likely in reality to make them martyrs to the cause - not just any cause, remember - an existential cause, a life-or-death cause, that becomes more urgent with every passing year.
I don't think they were sentenced because of the cause (ie climate change). They were sentenced because the state doesn't like people doing disruptive things. I think it would be fallacious to assume that because they've recieved unduly harsh punishments (or perhaps punishments at all) that their protect is effective. You would have to provide evidence of that independently, presumably by polling the public or looking as to whether polluters are changing their habits.
Protests like this aren't going to stop, they're going to get more frequent - and, now you can be punished worse for disruptive protest than for actual bodily harm or affray, may also become violent.
The state, largely thanks to the last government, has cracked down on protest regardless. Remember the heavy handed response to the disturbances in Bristol with cops smashing protesters with their shields? Kettling during the student protests early in the 2010's?

It's possible this judge is an outlier and that their sentences, like other JSO cases, will be quashed.

I agree these sentences are ridiculous. I've said as much already.
Good job all round 👏
I don't know what this means. No one is defending the state here. I'm certainly not
Hmmm. It is a demostration of power by the state to keep people in line. Exemplary. They do the same thing after riots, sending people to prison for looting a bottle of water after the 2011 riots, for example. Was that an indication that the 2011 riots achieved something other than a vicious reaction from the state?
I think it was certainly an indication that the state found those riots extremely threatening.
I don't think they were sentenced because of the cause (ie climate change). They were sentenced because the state doesn't like people doing disruptive things. I think it would be fallacious to assume that because they've recieved unduly harsh punishments (or perhaps punishments at all) that their protect is effective. You would have to provide evidence of that independently, presumably by polling the public or looking as to whether polluters are changing their habits.

The state, largely thanks to the last government, has cracked down on protest regardless. Remember the heavy handed response to the disturbances in Bristol with cops smashing protesters with their shields? Kettling during the student protests early in the 2010's?

It's possible this judge is an outlier and that their sentences, like other JSO cases, will be quashed.

I agree these sentences are ridiculous. I've said as much already.

I don't know what this means. No one is defending the state here. I'm certainly not
When you finally admit to being a mendacious shit you'll be an out liar
I don't think they were sentenced because of the cause (ie climate change). They were sentenced because the state doesn't like people doing disruptive things.

Except royal weddings, remembrance day parades and carnivals etc. Those disruptions are fine.

Of course they're being punished for the why as well as the what. In case other people decide to join in. We must not have that.
I think that the authorities are shooting themselves in the foot by dishing out custodial sentences for non-violent protest. I wonder what the judges actually think about this; it seems most likely that they've been told to hand out harsh punishments as a matter of political expediency, but surely they must have some awareness that clamping down so tightly bears the risk of creating martyrs to the cause. Perhaps there's a degree of malicious compliance happening. Or maybe they've all lost their marbles and they all think that it will be completely effective without any kind of backfiring or unintended consequences. Who the fuck knows.
I suspect they assume that simply exacting blatantly unfair punishments on anyone involved will discourage anyone else from trying the same. I don't think they have any great interest in creating an ethical justification for that, I think they've given up on that part because they are so clearly in the wrong.
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