They were found guilty of conspiring to cause a public nuisance because it's illegal to block roads. Do you agree people who block roads should endure consequences? Do you think blocking roads should be illegal?
I didn't say anything about voting or not voting since i haven't mentioned it at all in this discussion. I presume that, if you care enough about JSO's cause, you voted? If not then I don't think you have any credibility. Perhaps you could also explain how you have inferred from me saying that I support them taking different action, such as I suggested (something you haven't actually objected to either), that I am against direct action or civil disobedience. I even clarified my position right above in two sentences and you still ignore it. I don't think you're a serious interlocutor. I think you like what JSO because you, and some others, like the romance of it. It all sounds cool.
Do you even know what JSO's goal is? If so, [please explain how blocking roads achieves that. If it doesn't achieve it, and knowing that it is controversial, please explain why you're defending it. I assume you also agree that these protesters, in blocking roads, want to be arrested and punished. Or do you think anyone should be able to block raods for any reason?
Your logic is all over the place. You are constructing a strawman based on the assumption that I am against protest. I have never said that. You haven't even quoted me saying that either. All you are doing is saying "protest is cool, man". It's just romanticising revolutionary politics with no understanding what's involved. The fact you thought the SP was pro violent revolution is proof you know fuck all - and then you criticised me for not wanting violent revolution. You're a fucking clown "this machine kills progressives". Why not just say "MAGA" and be done with you, you posturing twat.