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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Say your out an about and you are approached by a lady of the night. As it is she who is soliciting. You are free to go on your way.

On the other hand if you were the one doing the approaching (and she turns out be an undercover cop) it is likely to be you who ends up being sanctioned.
Right, but that's not similar to the situation that team Trump are in. Have you got any examples of issues relating to national security where the people involved got lesser charges because they were recruited by a foreign power, rather than actively seeking out a foreign power.
The most interesting thing about this thread is watching the liberals allowing their prejudices to be clearly shown, democracy and the presumption of innocents are discarded like rubbish, a good indication of their lack of political conviction.
I'm not a huge fan of The Democrat party, but this whole Trump/Russia thing is hugely interesting, especially as it's playing out in real time. It may well be the final season of America (as I said months ago, the potential for a nasty civil war is probably higher than it's been since the 1860s) but it's compelling and the season finale is going to be a must watch.
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In The Guardian With UK sidelined, Macron forges unlikely alliance with Trump
It was a specific masterstroke to ask Trump, a natural militarist, to commemorate the centenary of the American entry into the first world war and attend Bastille Day commemorations on Friday.

Trump could hardly reject an invitation to celebrate American military prowess, or to view US troops parading along the Champs-Élysées alongside their French compatriots. Standing alongside a dynamic politician, following visits to the army museum, the tomb of Napoleon and to Les Invalides, is probably a lot more rewarding than staying home throwing the remote at CNN in the Oval Office. Dinner at the Eiffel Tower – “avec caviar facon Alain Ducasse” – was an added attraction.
Well playing to Trump's vanity is now obviously essential statecraft but I didn't expect EM to be quite this agile. Will there an orb and a few arms deals?
Who's defending Trump policies?
The most interesting thing about this thread is watching the liberals allowing their prejudices to be clearly shown, democracy and the presumption of innocents are discarded like rubbish, a good indication of their lack of political conviction.
I don't think there's any presumption of innocence in an impeachment process. It's not like a jury trial.

This mud slinging really isn't much different to what Republicans did to disrupt the Presidency of Bill Clinton. The repeated pursuit of scandals mostly rather thin ones. They were still pissed about Nixon who liberals had hated on for a long time being hounded from office on what many felt were trumped up charges. Throughout the Bush Presidency protesting liberals were condemned as traitors during war time. Some liberals were angry Bush & Cheney where never impeached and even more enraged that they were given a free pass by Obama. With Obama I recall he was styled as an African born, stealth Muslim, Marxist dictator and even a possible Antichrist. Sometimes by the current unlikely incumbent as he built his support. There was talk of impeachment but never good grounds. It didn't really matter that they'd won elections they weren't treated as legitimate. I was around Republicans through all those Presidencies and they were taking no prisoners. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

It's the low politics of payback but that is the American way because Americans love a winner and are real sore losers.
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'Ex' is the operative word. Ex MI6 and ex-Moscow. He never went even went back. And never met his 'sources'. You may be the last man standing to believe it credible.

Sorry. You'd said never been to Moscow, now it's "wasn't in Moscow right then".

Steele couldn't go to Moscow because simply put it'd be dangerous the FSB wanted him, he did have a network of contacts in the country.

Now if you'd like to leap onto the next non sequitur in your dizzying carousel of stupid excuses and obfuscation?
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While most of campaign finance laws are enforced administratively (when they are bothered to be enforced) by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) with civil fines, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has concurrent criminal jurisdiction over willful violations of the campaign finance laws, including the longstanding prohibitions on federal candidates receiving contributions from foreigners.

This is the part of the law (52 USC § 30121), which appears to have been violated by the Trump campaign when they solicited foreign campaign contributions from members of Parliament in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the world in the summer of 2016. If special counsel Robert Mueller is looking at potential crimes by the Trump campaign, then that is some low hanging fruit as MPs literally complained about it in real time.

The US Supreme Court clearly recognizes that campaign finance laws are criminal laws.

Here's the relevant bit to the current couffee:

But this law could have also been violated in the Donald Trump Jr./Natalia Veselnitskaya meeting. As President Obama’s former White House counsel Robert Bauer explains at the Just Security blog: The criminal prohibition on foreign contributions to federal candidates includes the solicitation of such contributions. And the law is not limited to asking for classic contributions like cash money. He notes that the law covers “things of value” as well. Should Mr. Trump (the younger), or Kushner, or Manafort or even Veselnitskaya be charged with violating this part of the law, they will likely argue that the offer of damaging information about Secretary Clinton wasn’t “a thing of value.” But that’s not the same thing as saying 52 USC § 30121 is not a criminal statute.

Yes. Violating Certain Campaign Finance Laws Are Criminal Offenses
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Also Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known - The hacking is largely thought to be not changing votes but tampering with/obtaining registered voter details.
Yes, and precisely nothing is being done to fix/upgrade the voting systems that failed and/or are wide open to hacking. Many Republican dominated statehouses refuse to invest in upgrades, particularly in districts where they expect high levels of Democratic party voters. I read yesterday that some voting machines still run on Windows 2000 for fucksake. :facepalm:
Parts of the dossier have been confirmed in March.
Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

and more recently

Trump Jr's email chain appears to match parts of the dossier's claims
Donald Trump Jr.’s Emails Sound Like the Steele Dossier – Mother Jones

I suspect the pee tape bit isn't true though.

there is a tape but it is not filmed in Russia with supermodels or whatever. It does show sexual activity . I have this on very good authority. I do not know if it contains piss. Steele would have been aware of this and maybe jazzed ( Jizzed) it up a bit .

No I cannot produce evidence obvs.
The most interesting thing about this thread is watching the liberals allowing their prejudices to be clearly shown, democracy and the presumption of innocents are discarded like rubbish, a good indication of their lack of political conviction.
Rubbish. I've never seen "liberals" here suggest previous US administrations weren't flawed or never made shit decisions with negative consequences at home and abroad. But they recognise that the Trump administration and compliant/complicit/collaborating GOP Congress represents a whole new level of fucked-up-edness. Those already the most disadvantaged within and outwith the US will suffer the most from their policies (e.g. climate change denial, ending funds for women's reproductive health, stoking racism, Islamaphobia, homophobia, etc.) And, gee, you know, they'd like to stop this happening.

But those who fixate on "political purity" won't lower themselves to do any heavy lifting lest they be tainted from proximity to those goddamned goody two shoes bleeding heart liberals. Better to admire those plucky, establishment poking Trumpaphiles, and toast a few marshmallows as the world burns. Yep, sure. :rolleyes:
Rubbish. I've never seen "liberals" here suggest previous US administrations weren't flawed or never made shit decisions with negative consequences at home and abroad. But they recognise that the Trump administration and compliant/complicit/collaborating GOP Congress represents a whole new level of fucked-up-edness. Those already the most disadvantaged within and outwith the US will suffer the most from their policies (e.g. climate change denial, ending funds for women's reproductive health, stoking racism, Islamaphobia, homophobia, etc.) And, gee, you know, they'd like to stop this happening.

But those who fixate on "political purity" won't lower themselves to do any heavy lifting lest they be tainted from proximity to those goddamned goody two shoes bleeding heart liberals. Better to admire those plucky, establishment poking Trumpaphiles, and toast a few marshmallows as the world burns. Yep, sure. :rolleyes:
Both right and left purist extremes bash "the liberals" because they are not that much different from each other.
The horseshoe theory in political science asserts that the far left and the far right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, in fact closely resemble one another, much like the ends of a horseshoe......Proponents of the theory point to alleged similarities between the extreme left and the extreme right.
Horseshoe theory - Wikipedia
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This is what we end up with when we try to control the topic of a thread. Two ignorant twats screaming that the sky is falling in and calling everyone nazis, and a wannabe political blogger posting acres of nonsense lifted from the liberal press and avoiding anything that resembles a conversation or debate.

And TomUS there have been plenty of explanations on this board, including entire threads, on what the word liberal has meant to the British left for the past century or two. If you're going to try and converse with people from another country I'd suggest you familiarise yourself with their language before suggesting that they're all nazis.
Both right and left purist extremes bash "the liberals" because they are not that much different from each other.

Horseshoe theory - Wikipedia

Yes that's right, because as a communist, I'm little different to a Nazi or a Randian. I can often be found extolling the virtues of blood & soil as well as promoting the ultimate free market. :facepalm: :rolleyes:

You absolute fucking clown.
Rubbish. I've never seen "liberals" here suggest previous US administrations weren't flawed or never made shit decisions with negative consequences at home and abroad.

Instead they weirdly just accuse anyone who suggests anything along these lines of racism.
Excerpts From Trump’s Conversation With Journalists on Air Force One

I suspect repeated examples of Trump's utter lack of ability or capacity to even vaguely do the job have numbed many into resigned acceptance, though plenty still searching desperately for tiny nuggets that might just signal normality. However, this piece is something to behold - so crap the journalists assumed it was off the record, but published when the President chided them for not doing so. :facepalm:
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