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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

(CNN) A federal appeals court is allowing the Justice Department to continue looking at documents marked as classified that were seized from former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home and resort.
The emergency intervention upends a trial judge's order over those documents that had blocked federal investigators' work on the documents, and is a strong rebuke of the Trump team's attempt to suggest without evidence that materials were somehow declassified. Trump's options to block the criminal investigation are now dimming with one of his only remaining possibilities being an emergency request to the Supreme Court.
The ruling was issued by a three-judge panel of the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals -- two of whom were nominated by Trump.

the (hopefully) juggernaut moves on
This has to be it now.
America, and the west generally, is so fucked that he can get away with the sexual assaults, the Jan 6th stuff, and god knows what else, but fraud (and really obvious fraud) has to be the nail.

he been bragging about being really smart for not paying taxes for years even whilst president think he pay 750 USD in income tax on his year running for president and maga twats lappedd it up

here is the mechanism overvalue everything and offset any loss deductable from your tax bill

don't underestimate the stupidity of trump fans,
they still think he really is a billionaires whilst emptying their wallets into his bank accounts

Any thoughts

Kelly claimed her source said that Trump would't run because it would mean the RNC would stop paying his legal bills, but one of the podcast shitheads she was talking to disagreed -

"Well, to my understanding, I think the RNC has stopped paying those bills,” Smug said. “I think it was unfortunately right around the time that this latest, you know, case against Trump came up right before — that is when I think some kind of like time period lapse or whatever, the RNC’s no longer paying for his attorneys, that it’s now being paid by the outside group that Trump manages."

Trump's Save America PAC has brought in more than $100 million since the 2020 election and his legal bills are only a fraction of that, donations probably go up every time there's a new case against him.

Of all of Donald Trump’s terrible qualities, the one redeeming one that has always shined through is his steadfast belief that all humans should be treated with fairness and respect, no matter their race, religion, country of origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Indeed, not once during his four years in Washington did he ever give anyone any reason to believe he had even a drop of prejudice or discriminatory inclinations running through his body. “People could learn a lot from how Donald Trump approaches the world,” even his most ardent critics would frequently admit, noting that if Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Anne Frank, Harvey Milk, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Moses were all alive today they’d have great things to say about the 45th president.

Yes, obviously, we’re just f--king with you. In reality, Trump has and likely always will be a colossal bigot, particularly regarding race—though when it comes to groups of people to discriminate against, in this one instance, he does not discriminate. While the examples backing up this claim could fill an entire series of books that we do not have time to type out right now, just a few of the lowlights include:

just a few of the lowlights include:

  • Calling for the execution of five Black and Latino teenagers;
  • Spearheading an entire movement around the lie that the country’s first Black president wasn’t born in the United States;
  • Kicking off his bid for the presidency by describing Mexicans as rapists and criminals;
  • Tweeting an image of Hillary Clinton’s face atop a pile of cash next to the Star of David and the phrase, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!”;
  • Banning travel to the US from seven predominantly Muslim nations;
  • Claiming that a group of neo-Nazis contained some “very fine people”;
  • Telling four congresswoman of color to “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” despite the fact that three-quarters of those women “came from” the US;
  • Describing Baltimore, whose population is majority Black, as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” where “no human being” would “want to live”
  • Pardoning a guy a US Department of Justice expert said oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling by a law enforcement agency in US history;
  • Banning transgender people from joining the military;
  • Ranting that American Jews aren’t loyal enough to Israel;
  • Suggesting Jews control the media;
  • Throwing an absolute shit fit over the removal of statue of a Confederate general who thought Black people should be white people’s property, and insisting said general was one of the greatest military leaders of all time.
He lives in Florida now doesn't he, so at least he's on hand to lob toilet rolls at the residents of Palm Beach. Or is it just Puerto Ricans that get that kind of 'assistance'?
He lives in Florida now doesn't he, so at least he's on hand to lob toilet rolls at the residents of Palm Beach. Or is it just Puerto Ricans that get that kind of 'assistance'?

he claim mar a logos for flooded when it did not and try to called 200 million on an insurance scam
he claim mar a logos for flooded when it did not and try to called 200 million on an insurance scam
I think what's ultimately breathtaking about Trump is that if he hadn't got involved with the presidency, he'd have gone to his grave in a few years having had a very nice life doing nothing but scamming people on a monumental scale, with no real consequences.
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