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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

This is going to be a bit messy. There was something illuminating, even useful, about having Trump go to a series of debates, underlining his fascist and white supremacist opinions, and have people vote on that. Now the story is all going to be about Trump's illness and how people react to that, rather than about his shitty opinions and politics. It gives him a lot more space to take the moral high ground, which is not something you can often say about Trump.
It gives him a lot more space to take the moral high ground, which is not something you can often say about Trump.

Hard to see Trump reacting to illness in any kind of manner that would give him the moral high ground, but I guess a note of dignity might creep in if he decides to recognize the virus as something stronger than himself, like Vladimir Putin.
Have a look at his timeline. he is, shall we say a little angry and completely unapologetic. A further sample:

View attachment 232643
St Peter is working on his one liners, but at the moment he's going with the classic 'fuck off you, yer not coming in you orange cunt'
St Peter: your name's not down and you're not coming in
Trump: but I donated 1000 dollars to Christian aid, 1000 to Oxfam and 1000 to save the children
St Peter: ok, here's your 3 grand back now fuck off
I think it says a lot about the man that nobody is sanctimoniously pulling people up for wishing him dead.

I probably don't need to add that I hope he dies in a really slow, painful and undignified way. Like shitting himself violently live on telly just before his heart stops
Apart from the fact he's not asymptomatic, that leaves all options open. Anyone who ends up in hospital presumably has a day or two of mild symptoms (or longer).
I'm sure BoZo had a couple of weeks of mild symptoms at first until he ended up in hospital so plenty of time for it to get worse. BoZo is nearly 20 years younger than Trump as well
That’s one possible storyline isn’t it? Trump disappears from view for 3 weeks in isolation before emerging, victorious, a week before the election as the guy who conquered the virus, standing against the old guy who hasn’t yet had the virus.

Are his election strategists really too ethical to have come up with something like that?

You're not the first to suggest it (see timestamp...)

Think there's a it too much caution on the thread, this is bad for him in every way, hopefully physically too but politically regardless of how it plays with his base who are a lost cause it only underlines his failures to any potential waverers which is what counts.
Apart from the fact he's not asymptomatic, that leaves all options open. Anyone who ends up in hospital presumably has a day or two of mild symptoms (or longer).
One step at a time. ;)

From nothing to positive test to showing symptoms all in the space of a day is rather rapid progress, mind you. Could be on a ventilator by the weekend at this rate.

Mixed feelings about him dying right now. I do want to see how he reacts to losing the election. Might feel a bit cheated.
Apart from the fact he's not asymptomatic, that leaves all options open. Anyone who ends up in hospital presumably has a day or two of mild symptoms (or longer).

Often it's a week or two after showing symptoms before admission to hospital, then another 2-4+ weeks before death.

It's going to be a painful few weeks before we know if covid has won, and justice has been served.
One step at a time. ;)

From nothing to positive test to showing symptoms all in the space of a day is rather rapid progress, mind you. Could be on a ventilator by the weekend at this rate.

Mixed feelings about him dying right now. I do want to see how he reacts to losing the election. Might feel a bit cheated.
If he really is just showing 'cold like symptoms' I'm surprised he isn't blasting away on twitter, so it could certainly be worse, even now.
If he really is just showing 'cold like symptoms' I'm surprised he isn't blasting away on twitter, so it could certainly be worse, even now.
That will be telling, I think, how or if he tweets. I remember Johnson going really quiet when he went in hossy, and normally he'd be trumpeting away, trying to make the most of the press attention. When he didn't appear, waving like a cunt from his hospital bed and waffling about the NHS, that really got my suspicions up.
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