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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I thought those people say the virus doesn't exist? It's hard keeping up with that lot and that level of madness.

As Orwell put it:
Nineteen Eighty-Four said:
The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies—all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.

Biden's been under a shower of Trumpian spittle for an evening so is also likely to have been exposed. I'm sure the conspiraloons will have a field day with any possible outcome but the favourite option in the death pool at work is for them both to belly-up before the election for the sheer 2020-ness of it.
You know what, I don't want him to die of it, I don't even want him to have a bad case of it.... what I really, really want is for him to get Long Covid and learn what it's like to live with a chronic disease, something I'm sure he considers a feature of weakness in others. That would be Karma.
By the way, I've thought long and hard about my own moral position and tried to think this news with reference to some of my favourite philosophical frameworks. I've also tried to eliminate any ant-Americanism when I think about it in relation to our own Prime Minister's illness. Ultimately, with heavy emphasis on ethical consistency... I HOPE THE CUNT DIES!
I hate to piss on everyone's chips (genuinely) but he's not actually ill is he. They've just had a positive test (though it may have affected Melania's circuitboards).

There is every chance they will be asymptomatic, in which case he's going to gloat bigly.

Yeah, most likely. He'll just say it's a cold, and only weak people get it badly and 'look at all those boo-hoo liberals scared of a cold'
TBH I can think of just about no good outcome for Biden in this, unless it was shown that Trump has infected several others by his stupidity. That almost certainly is the case, but there won't be proof of that. Short of that it's some kind of Zoom 2nd debate and Trump falling ill in the middle of it. Might ultimately have very little impact and it's not really worth guessing at this point, but... my guess, is this pushed the contest back to being 50/50.
You know what, I don't want him to die of it, I don't even want him to have a bad case of it.... what I really, really want is for him to get Long Covid and learn what it's like to live with a chronic disease, something I'm sure he considers a feature of weakness in others. That would be Karma.

Fingers firmly crossed for Karma.
If he does die a lot of people will see it as his own fault for such a fucking atrocious US response and his refusal to wear a mask at relevant times.
A cynical person might smell bullshit.
Yeah, I'm about 20% conspiracist on this one. It would be an insanely dangerous thing to do as he would be finished in every sense if/when it came out. I just wouldn't quite put it past him. He'd have the fallback position of blaming his doctor for misreading the results or something.
Yeah, I'm about 20% conspiracist on this one. It would be an insanely dangerous thing to do as he would be finished in every sense if/when it came out. I just wouldn't quite put it past him. He's have the fallback position of blaming his doctor for misreading the results or something.

“I’ve never even heard of Covid, but it should stand down...”
'I had a test, they said I had it'
- do you mean you just had the test?
'yeah, I had it, bigly'
- but do you mean you have Covid 19?
'Next question, fake news, [aide intervenes] [Zoom session ends]..'
he more than likely be fine and then as has been said use it a poltical tool to whip his supporters in a fury
painting himself as a warrior for surviving it

even the bone spurs did not stop him in this fight

bit like boris has attempted to do
Have the organised a clap for Trump yet?

I hate to piss on everyone's chips (genuinely) but he's not actually ill is he. They've just had a positive test (though it may have affected Melania's circuitboards).

There is every chance they will be asymptomatic, in which case he's going to gloat bigly.


He sounds a little raspy to me, though that could just be from making long stupid speeches all the time.

I heard the news this morning. I'm actually surprised that it took this long. The only thing I can say for certain about this is that it's yet more mess and complication added to an already messy and complicated situation.

Oh well. Sick semper tyrannis.
I doubt Pence would win on his own.

I don't know, there'd probably be a big turnout from Trump voters all choked up by his inspiring deathbed tweets about carrying on his legacy, plus whatever Republican voters there were who were turned off by all the Trumpiness but would be more amenable to voting for an upstanding Christian family man like Mike Pence, despite the fact that he's an evil piece of shit who's even worse than Trump in some ways.
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