ideological dogmatist
Not at all. I took your suggestion that the EEC was created to expploit the USA at face value - and that notion is simply bonkers. And no, I'm nounconditional lover of the useful-but-neoliberal EU, for all that Brexit is equally bonkersWhy are you suggersting that I or others "google Jean Monet "to disprove a statement by Donald Trump that I posted commenting about his deranged press conference? I know it's silly and I posted it with the assumption that others would know it's silly.
Are you some crazed Europhile, a self-appointed member of the Brussells inquisition, sniffing out perceived heresy regardless of the clumsily nuanced context in which you found it?
Do you assume that others here are stupider than you?
E2A: I now see you were being facetious, which i completely missed at the time - my bad, apologies.