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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I also genuinely think Trump thinks it'd be a really clever move that no one else would be smart enough to think of to give less aid to Democrat-heavy states so he can make deaths in those areas looks like their fault and I'm not clear he's being prevented from doing that - 'They need to treat us well'. Actually makes me shiver.

The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to announce its final rule to roll back Obama-era automobile fuel efficiency standards, relaxing efforts to limit climate-warming tailpipe pollution and virtually undoing the government’s biggest effort to combat climate change.
The new rule, written by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation, would allow vehicles on American roads to emit nearly a billion tons more carbon dioxide over the lifetime of the cars than they would have under the Obama standards and hundreds of millions of tons more than will be emitted under standards being implemented in Europe and Asia.
Trump administration officials have raced to complete the auto rule by this spring, even as the White House is consumed with responding to the coronavirus crisis. President Trump is expected to extol the rule, which will stand as one of the most consequential regulatory rollbacks of his administration, as a needed salve for an economy crippled by the pandemic.
The lower fuel-efficiency standard “is the single most important thing that the administration can do to fulfill President Trump’s campaign promise of reforming the regulatory state, and to undo the impact that the previous administration has had on the economy,” said Thomas J. Pyle, the president of the Institute for Energy Research, an organization that supports the use of fossil fuels...

ffs :facepalm::mad:
apparently 100,000 dead Americans will be considered a win by trump

You’ve taken that out of context (do you work for the MSM?:hmm:)

Trump was comparing those projected figures to another model - the do nothing model and ride the pandemic model out which projected millions of deaths. He also mentioned that any deaths are tragic or words to that effect.
Just trying to imagine what it would be like if for a moment The President had just stood there and said to his supporters that he was sorry for getting it so egregiously wrong for 2 months, that he was wrong to say it was going to just go down from 15 to zero cases and somehow disappear like magic. Nope, impossible to even imagine. Never mind.
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apparently 100,000 dead Americans will be considered a win by trump

80,000 died in in last years flu season, and given Covid 19 is both more contagious and more deadly 100,000 would be a win.

Also I confused a Guardian liveupdate feed early Sunday morning which said at the time USNS was setting sail on Saturday. - it arrived NY today. Thank fuck.
Just trying to imagine what it would be like if for a moment The President had just stood there and said to his supporters that he was sorry for getting it so egregiously wrong for 2 months, that he was wrong to say it was going to just go down from 15 to zero cases and somehow disappear like magic. Nope, impossible to even imagine. Never mind.

I'm pretty sure that would be when they'd invoke the 25th Amendment.
80,000 died in in last years flu season, and given Covid 19 is both more contagious and more deadly 100,000 would be a win.

Also I confused a Guardian liveupdate feed early Sunday morning which said at the time USNS was setting sail on Saturday. - it arrived NY today. Thank fuck.
where do you get your figure from? According to this article, in 2018-19 it was 34,000 over 8 months. For 2019-20, it’s estimated it will be between 30-60,000 so between 4-8,000 a month compared to say, 30,000 a month for COVID19, if they limit the deaths to 100,000.

where do you get your figure from? According to this article, in 2018-19 it was 34,000 over 8 months. For 2019-20, it’s estimated it will be between 30-60,000 so between 4-8,000 a month compared to say, 30,000 a month for COVID19, if they limit the deaths to 100,000.

edit so the 80,000 was the year before - remember that flu, it was a bitch, but CDC esitmated in June 2019 it was 61,000 for last winter.
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where do you get your figure from? According to this article, in 2018-19 it was 34,000 over 8 months. For 2019-20, it’s estimated it will be between 30-60,000 so between 4-8,000 a month compared to say, 30,000 a month for COVID19, if they limit the deaths to 100,000.

You've now got me browsing data stats of previous flus....Probably not a good thing whilst in self isolation, the flu season 16-17 that killed 60,000 in the States (can't find the year after which was worse) 25,000 died in Italy....total deaths in Italy so far from COVID 19 is 11,600 with 4000 currently critical, and articles noticing it was a bit longer than usual going on to April :hmm:
I thought his slogan was "America first".

President Trump boasted that the U.S. would send $100 million in medical supplies to Italy despite American hospitals fretting about shortages of home due to the coronavirus epidemic.

'We're going to be sending approximately $100 million worth of things, of surgical and medical and hospital things to Italy,' Trump told reporters Monday in the White House Rose Garden. 'And Giuseppe was very, very happy, I will tell you that, they're having a very hard time.'

I guess he thinks that Italian doctors are not stealing them.
I see that the upper number of deaths in Trump's stated win zone is now 240,000

And yet China with its high density conurbation's ,mass public transport, 4 times the population and no 6 weeks advance preperation time are well on the downward curve and may come in with less than 5000 attributable deaths.
I see that the upper number of deaths in Trump's stated win zone is now 240,000

And yet China with its high density conurbation's ,mass public transport, 4 times the population and no 6 weeks advance preperation time are well on the downward curve and may come in with less than 5000 attributable deaths.

Coronavirus originated in China so they hit their peak first, so naturally will be the first to see a downward curve which appears as to how this virus pans out.
I see that the upper number of deaths in Trump's stated win zone is now 240,000

And yet China with its high density conurbation's ,mass public transport, 4 times the population and no 6 weeks advance preperation time are well on the downward curve and may come in with less than 5000 attributable deaths.

On the plus side for the US, at least they didn't allow the outbreak to spread by arresting doctors and journalists who tried to raise the alarm, though Trump probably would have if he thought he could get away with it.
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