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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I've never bother responding to any of his tweets before, but I have tweeted "fuck off" to him on that one. He's vile. I hope May will condemn this attack on the mayor of a city under terror attack and this disgusting attempt to link that mayor's religion - which is what he is doing, have no doubt - to the attack.

Hmm, I'm not so sure, you've assumed that he knows the mayor of London is a muslim, like Trump would have done his research before twatting.

And yes of course terrorist attacks are alarming. But I doubt he was trying to make sense.
Oh yeah, he knows alright. His son has had a go at him too. It's a major talking point on the right in America from the little I've seen. It might even be the best-known current fact about London - "they have a Muslim mayor. They have sharia law!" has been thrown at me a number of times online.
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Oh yeah, he knows alright. His son has had a go at him too. It's a major talking point on the right in America from the little I've seen. It might even be the best-known current fact about London - "they have a Muslim mayor. They have sharia law!" has been thrown at me a number of times online.
I'm sure he knows exactly where all the local and national leaders are Muslim, "suspected of" being so, are brown, black or other non-white, or are otherwise undesirable (having set aside the "friendly" ones e.g. Saudi Arabia,) so he can use this to his advantage when required. I doubt he's done the research, but Bannon and others in his "team" will have briefed him on this.
He's famously all about revenge, too, isn't he. "Punching back" he calls it. Richard Branson said something when El Trumpo was elected about a lunch they'd shared in which Trump talked almost exclusively about his revenge fantasies about a list of people who he felt had let him down when he was in trouble in the 1990s. Branson was quite disgusted by it.
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On Politico Trump National Security Team Blindsided by NATO Speech
It was not until the next day, Thursday, May 25, when Trump started talking at an opening ceremony for NATO’s new Brussels headquarters, that the president’s national security team realized their boss had made a decision with major consequences – without consulting or even informing them in advance of the change.

“They had the right speech and it was cleared through McMaster,” said a source briefed by National Security Council officials in the immediate aftermath of the NATO meeting. “As late as that same morning, it was the right one.”

Added a senior White House official, “There was a fully coordinated other speech everybody else had worked on”—and it wasn’t the one Trump gave. “They didn’t know it had been removed,” said a third source of the Trump national security officials on hand for the ceremony. “It was only upon delivery.”

The president appears to have deleted it himself, according to one version making the rounds inside the government, reflecting his personal skepticism about NATO and insistence on lecturing NATO allies about spending more on defense rather than offering reassurances of any sort; another version relayed to others by several White House aides is that Trump’s nationalist chief strategist Steve Bannon and policy aide Stephen Miller played a role in the deletion. (According to NSC spokesman Michael Anton, who did not dispute this account, “The president attended the summit to show his support for the NATO alliance, including Article 5. His continued effort to secure greater defense commitments from other nations is making our alliance stronger.”)
It must be like dealing with a deranged eight year old and his gang.

Edited to add: the podcast is worth a listen. Strobe Talbott makes an interesting observation on Putin. Putin's not a spy by trade but a counter-intelligence guy. Being very paranoid in that game is cultivated as a virtue Talbott says. So different from the impulsive, instinctual Trump; a careful calculator.
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In The Atlantic What Trump Really Fears
“My fear is that a bunch of people were freelancing—doing things not thinking about the repercussions, but thinking Trump would be so impressed by it,” said one person close to the president. He said that with all the resources the government is putting toward the investigation, “they’re going to want a return.” And in a climate like that, any misguided meeting, bluntly worded email, or undisclosed contact with a Russian official—whether or not Trump himself knew about it—could surface as an incriminating bombshell.

Given the characters this president likes to surround himself with, it’s easy to see why he might be worried.

Long before he entered politics, Trump established a managerial M.O. that came to govern his universe of aides, allies, and hangers-on. Essentially, he populated his team with a cast of scrappy, hard-charging mini-Trumps—people who idolized their boss, and sought to emulate him in every way—and then infused them all with an eat-what-you-kill ethos. Employees are rarely paid impressive salaries at first, but nor are they micromanaged. Instead, they are encouraged to hustle their way up the food chain, competing ferociously with each other to win Trump’s respect, and always seeking out new ways to prove their value.

“He likes to pit advisers against each other,” said one former campaign aide. “He likes the infighting … It’s definitely an environment where you might feel pressured to go the free-range-kid model and say, ‘Hey, let’s see what I can drum up to impress him with.’”

The aide added, “Someone could easily take it a step too far trying to gain something that no one else could gain.”
As Talbott says in the Podcast above there's an awful lot of smoke the question is does the fire engulf Trump or just some of his poorly vetted minions. I suspect it's the latter and Trump may not even know what they've got up to as he runs a very loose ship full of over promoted second rate people with the morals of weasels eager to emulate an arrogantly transgressive boss. That's a criminogenic environment. Trump's done enough very dodgy business and is probably cunning enough to keep firewalls of deniability.

That sudden twist away from affirming Article 5 fits with this style. He's had McMasters, Mattis and Tillerson bending him round to their way of thinking for days. Then he pivots away from them to the Bannon camp and his own potty previous position fixated on how unfair he thinks NATO is without warning. Then they're all running round doing damage control with perturbed NATO allies. Because The Donald is the boss and it's all about him.
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This has made me very angry. I didn't think my disdain for this person could sink any lower, but he's surpassed himself here. What an utter fucking cunt.
Well said Danny. I don't do Twitter (life's too short etc) but if I did I'd be on there exploding with rage right now.
And does anyone seriously doubt he'd have loosed off like that at a Mayor who happened to be a) white, and b)xtian?
Note to Trump; you have just enraged every single Londoner (and probably most Mancunians).
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Edit: My late mother despised the Presidential "unholy trinity" of Nixon, Reagan and Bush Junior with a passion. I can hear her spinning in her grave from 5000 miles away, complimented by whirring from my dad in the next door grave.
Tbh, trump made those 3 look and sound like moral and political coloissi, in comparison
Utter fucking cunt doesn't even begin to cover it. I've never loathed a person so much in my life, along with all the people who enable him - his administration, the GOP congress and the the vile bastards that make up 84% of my home town, who voted for him and according to my sister, believe he's the greatest leader America has ever known. It makes me angry that this makes me so angry, the fuckers. :mad:

Edit: My late mother despised the Presidential "unholy trinity" of Nixon, Reagan and Bush Junior with a passion. I can hear her spinning in her grave from 5000 miles away, complimented by whirring from my dad in the next door grave.

Who would have thought that we'd be thinking of those times as "the good ol' days"?
Who would have thought that we'd be thinking of those times as "the good ol' days"?
It's what Trump prepares the ground for I worry about. What happens with the Supreme Court really matters in US politics. That's why the GOP establishment finally backed Trump despite his unsuitable background and sometimes progressive sounding "populist" schtick that they saw for the bullshit it was and are now proceeding to largely ignore.

There'll probably be some future GOP President in the Oval Office who makes even the bumbling, destructive Trump look relatively benign. Ted Cruz I'd contend would have vexed progressives even more as the clever bugger is a very competent lawmaker, Godly and actually more authoritarian than Trump. Dodged a bullet there then but he's only 46 and there may be even worse critters lurking under some rock in Dixie.
According to this morning's Metro he might make a surprise visit to London this week to proffer his solidarity. I can't see an politician on the stump welcoming his support, or the security bods being keen on yet another thing to deal with. He also gave a speech at the Ford Theater on Washington DC today, which strikes me as tempting fate.
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Tbh, trump made those 3 look and sound like moral and political coloissi, in comparison

How soon you've forgotten the bloody debacle on Iraq, the carpet-bombing of Southeast Asia, the coup on Chile and the other crimes by their cronies in Latin America.

The man's a shit but I don't think he's worse than his predecessors.
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So, Trump's failure to commit to NATO and Article 5 in his speech didn't just surprise other NATO members then.

Trump National Security Team Blindsided by NATO Speech

They thought the president would commit to the principle of collective defense. They were wrong.

. . . the president also disappointed—and surprised—his own top national security officials by failing to include the language reaffirming the so-called Article 5 provision in his speech. National security adviser H.R. McMaster, Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson all supported Trump doing so and had worked in the weeks leading up to the trip to make sure it was included in the speech, according to five sources familiar with the episode. They thought it was, and a White House aide even told The New York Times the day before the line was definitely included.
The president appears to have deleted it himself, according to one version making the rounds inside the government, reflecting his personal skepticism about NATO and insistence on lecturing NATO allies about spending more on defense rather than offering reassurances of any sort; another version relayed to others by several White House aides is that Trump’s nationalist chief strategist Steve Bannon and policy aide Stephen Miller played a role in the deletion. (According to NSC spokesman Michael Anton, who did not dispute this account, “The president attended the summit to show his support for the NATO alliance, including Article 5. His continued effort to secure greater defense commitments from other nations is making our alliance stronger.”)
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How soon you've forgotten the bloody debacle on Iraq, the carpet-bombing of Southeast Asia, the coup on Chile and the other crimes by their cronies in Latin America.

The man's a shit but I don't dou hink he's worse than his predecessors.
Really? Look at the clusterfuck his administration has created - less than 5 months into a four year term, and that's just the stuff we know about.
once they start getting into the Russian stuff ,,,the Trumpsters gonna need some bigley diversions .

The USS Reagan is now out in the sea of japan in "maneuvers" with the Vinson ,,,,and may be joined by the Nimitz ....3 nuclear powered battlegroups in Jongs backyard ...what could go possibly wrong

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Not Trump per se, but close

Ottawa police are debunking a right-wing American news outlet’s claim that thousands of pro-Trump supporters descended on Parliament Hill Saturday.

Breitbart News reported Saturday that up to 5,000 people protested in favour of U.S. President Donald Trump’s conservative agenda Saturday. Protesters, the controversial outlet said, were also angry about Prime Minster Justin Trudeau liberal policies.

As of Monday morning, the piece has been shared more than 33,000 times on social media.

Ottawa Police Const. Marc Soucy confirmed a protest was planned for Parliament Hill. He said he couldn’t confirm the numbers but estimated the crowd was “less than 100.”

“It wasn’t 5,000,” Soucy told iPolitics, adding he was downtown Saturday and didn’t notice any large protest.

Parliamentary Protection Services spokesperson Melissa Rusk told iPolitics they estimate between 300 to 400 people attended Saturday’s protest. The service is under the command of the RCMP.

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Really? Look at the clusterfuck his administration has created - less than 5 months into a four year term, and that's just the stuff we know about.
Nah Tim has a point. What happened in Chile under Pinochet was inexcusable and was backed by the CIA. In more recent times we have the coup in the Honduras also given the nod by Hillary Clinton, that's just to name but two. I can think of more if you like without trying too hard which have resulted in the torture and disappearances of large numbers of people just because they espoused socialist ideals that ran contrary to US interests. The man's an unmitigated arsehole for sure but he's still got a way to go to even come close to the above. Let's hope he doesn't get the chance.
Really? Look at the clusterfuck his administration has created - less than 5 months into a four year term, and that's just the stuff we know about.
A clusterfuck, yes, but as long as he keeps the clusterfuck primarily domestic, that's not an issue for the rest of the world. The overseas crimes of the Trinity mentioned and their Democrat counterparts are what concern me more. As to NATO, if it ceased to exist I would rejoice. With regard to the Paris accord, it was Bush appeasing his Rustbelt voters and politicians elsewhere jumping on the bash Bush bandwagon. I doubt it'll ha e much influence on the move away from hydrocarbons which seems to have developed its own momentum regardless of treaties
Nah Tim has a point. What happened in Chile under Pinochet was inexcusable and was backed by the CIA. In more recent times we have the coup in the Honduras also given the nod by Hillary Clinton, that's just to name but two. I can think of more if you like without trying too hard which have resulted in the torture and disappearances of large numbers of people just because they espoused socialist ideals that ran contrary to US interests. The man's an unmitigated arsehole for sure but he's still got a way to go to even come close to the above. Let's hope he doesn't get the chance.
A clusterfuck, yes, but as long as he keeps the clusterfuck primarily domestic, that's not an issue for the rest of the world. The overseas crimes of the Trinity mentioned and their Democrat counterparts are what concern me more. As to NATO, if it ceased to exist I would rejoice. With regard to the Paris accord, it was Bush appeasing his Rustbelt voters and politicians elsewhere jumping on the bash Bush bandwagon. I doubt it'll ha e much influence on the move away from hydrocarbons which seems to have developed its own momentum regardless of treaties

Not defending the unethical crap previous US administrations were responsible for around the world. But Trump is stirring the pot in volatile areas all over the world, motivated by greed, overtly supports the use of torture and showing not a whit of concern for basic human rights, beyond those of his family and rich pals. I don't see any signs of him changing course, he doesn't listen to any national leaders who don't flatter and agree with him, and after the big omission from his NATO speech, merrily ignores most of his own cabinet when it suits.

I get that folk who don't live in America may not care about what his rule means for people in America (and some think its just desserts for what the US has wrecked in other countries) but those who will suffer most are those who already have the least. Rolling back measures on climate change, scientific research, protection of national parks and natural habitats, weakening regulation of the pharmaceutical industry, cutting aid to other countries, privatising air traffic control, etc. - all that will have an impact outside the US, and a big one.

I'd like to think his administration won't get the chance to cause more harm than it already has, but so long as the GOP led congress still backs him and/or he manages to change enough rules to ensure there isn't anything like a fair election from now on, I think there's potential for some serious shit to happen, at various points on the globe.

The US Ambassador to the UN, who made that extremely patronising speech after her appointment, is now floating this idea. :(

US may withdraw from UN Human Rights Council: report

Haley in an op-ed for The Washington Post on Friday said she planned to outline necessary changes to the council during her visit to Geneva this week.

“The council must also end its practice of wrongly singling out Israel for criticism,” Haley wrote.

“When the council passes more than 70 resolutions against Israel, a country with a strong human rights record, and just seven resolutions against Iran, a country with an abysmal human rights record, you know something is seriously wrong.”

Haley in the op-ed also criticized countries such as Venezuela and Cuba, both council members, for their human rights abuses.
Unethical crap is such a lovely euphemism for torture and mass murder.

The belief that Trump is worse than his predecessors is a liberal fantasy.
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The UN Human Rights Council has 47 members including bastions of liberty such as Kyrgyzstan, the Philippines, Rwanda, Qatar and the UAE. I have as much faith in it as I have inTrump himself.
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