Yes. The failure of the BNP to take advantage of favourable conditions does not imply that conditions all of a sudden aren't favourable for the far right to grow.
It is interesting though just how badly they seem to have botched their opportunities over the last three years. And the implosion of the BNP, with the subsequent rounds of demoralisation, fragmentation, bitterness and bickering may well have serious consequences in terms of limiting the ability of any other far right faction to take advantage of those same opportunities. Unfortunately for the far right you have to work with the human material you've got, and they really do attract a large proportion of incompetents, fantasists and oddballs, and there's likely to be less of a leavening of relatively serious and ambitious recruits in the near future.
Just because opportunities are there doesn't mean that there's anyone capable of taking them. Here in Ireland, for instance, at least in the South, we've been blessed by the low quality of our far rightists. There have been opportunities for them, but they are incapable of even getting a small, stable, group going, let alone holding public events or building public