^So not berry good then? (sorry)
Finally got to try some Japanese mochi for myself - I knew what they were but had never eaten any. Friends' kids are all now into ice cream mochi so I wanted to catch up with the times and got a box of the traditional (traditional-ish) kind - matcha flavoured with red bean inside, coconut-coated with black sesame paste inside, and sesame-seed-coated with red bean inside. All pretty good, hardly sweet at all which suits me, and with that lethal. delicious bouncy-starch texture I love in sticky rice, gnocchi, or pounded yam - they can all choke you to death but it's worth the risk. Anyway the last kind (sesame coating the rice starch and then red bean inside) was already familiar as it turns out, because it's the same as a sort of dim sum I've eaten and liked for decades in Chinatown ... only the Chinese version's the size of a tennis ball not a golf ball and costs half as much.
For the mochi experts: they say 'eat soon after opening' but how soon is soon? They weren't refrigerated to start with and they had a pack of silica gel in with them in the box. They're not individually sealed. I already know from the internets that they don't do well in the fridge because it screws up the starchy bounce, but how soon will they moulder/rot/incubate rice badgers if kept in a cool dark cupboard with the sleeve opened but in their cardboard box?