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What is the 'worst' processed food product?

Did anyone see that 3 minute short film last night? About kebabs?

It showed the process from sheep to kebab…..and it was revolting.

The sheep get turned into a massive blob of pink goop, it drops out of a machine into a huge splat and then the factory workers form it into round discs and put it on a skewer, then put a couple of ‘lamb-bacon’ slices on, then another blob of pink shit, then more bacon etc, until they have a full 'torso' like you see in the kebab house. Gross.

Here you go:
phildwyer said:
American cheese. So bad they can't even call it "cheese," it is known as "cheese food."

No there's real american cheese which is only young cheddar and then there's cheese food which is messing with the cheese making process by leaving the water in or something.

Anyway, two different things.
Some people absolutely love them. The ingredients ain't that bad either TBH. Macaroni & cheese, plus pastry. Not a great deal of room for crap.
Pasta and pastry - wouldn't that just mean total carb overload?

*feels sleepy at the thought, goes for lie down*
Melinda said:
Hellish things! Made of chicken bits and pork gristle.

I hate to admit that I love these and can go through 10 in a flash (loads of tommy k, loads of mustard)... I do hate the thought of them though and sometimes that makes me gag whilst eating them... :eek: :confused:

Anyone said those rancid microwave burgers?? Truly truly awful...
Treebeak said:
I hate to admit that I love these and can go through 10 in a flash (loads of tommy k, loads of mustard)... I do hate the thought of them though and sometimes that makes me gag whilst eating them... :eek: :confused:

You're a quality bird Treebeak and no mistake :D
PacificOcean said:
What Rustlers?

I really like them :confused:

I had them once when I was a kid... they're about 5% meat!

Hugh Fernley Whittingstall was looking at the ingredients on that prog of his the other night and found really very little other than e numbers. Then they tested it in a lab and it literally have no real meat in it - made my stomach turn!

pinkmonkey said:
I like them too. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Dr Gillian McKeith would probably have to have me put down if she met me.....

It would be great to see her do the 'turd odour test' after you've eaten nothing but those hot dog sausages for a week! :D
PacificOcean said:
What Rustlers?

I really like them :confused:

Christ. I know I take the piss out of you about believing that Subway's fresh and healthy food, but surely that's conclusive proof that you tastebuds are fucked. There's next to no real meat in Rustler burger - it's like Willy Wonka food.

tarannau said:
Christ. I know I take the piss out of you about believing that Subway's fresh and healthy food, but surely that's conclusive proof that you tastebuds are fucked. There's next to no real meat in Rustler burger - it's like Willy Wonka food.


This from someone who shouts about the virtue of KFC!

He who is without sin......

PacificOcean said:
This from someone who shouts about the virtue of KFC!

He who is without sin......


Sorry mate, anyone who actively enjoys Rustlers burgers should be banned from the suburban forum. :eek: :p

Admittedly, I have been known to buy them from tescos on the way home from a massive piss-up, but that's just so I don't burn the house down by trying to fry real burgers :D
PacificOcean said:
This from someone who shouts about the virtue of KFC!

He who is without sin......


Fried chicken's easy enough to understand though. It's a real lump of chicken coated in breadcrumbs and spices and deep fried - simple and absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's arguably the best method for sealing in the flavour and moistness of the chicken.

Rustlers are a bizarre blend of churned up sawdust and smegma scrapings with minimal meat content, designed to be dinged and dried up by the terminally lazy in a microwave. No contest....
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