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What is the 'worst' processed food product?

its got to be tinned spaghetti bolognase. that stuff is all wrong, or as you say in thses parts its 'made of wrong'. i think im getting the hang of this urban lingo
stat said:
is quorn so bad? ain't it just fungus?
Not 'just fungus', no.

Edible mushrooms are 'just fungus'. Perfectly natural.

Quorn is a highly processed product of fungus grown in a laboratory. Just as un-natural, if not worse than any other processed food.

No contest.
Errol's son said:
I think those ready made lasagnes that you just put in the oven are disgusting.
I had a Tescos lasagne once. It tasted like it was made with 1/2 lb of mixed herbs and a teaspoon of mince. :eek: It was that bad I wouldn't even give it to the dogs.

LD Rudeboy said:
Cheese in a can. :eek:
Linda McCartney frozen vegetable curry.

It made American cheese food (yes, I've had it! :eek: :D ) taste like something you'd buy in Neal's Yard Dairy.

Since the Linda McCartney frozen vegetable curry experience - I had to throw it away, it was inedible - I've been wondering what on earth I was doing buying Linda McCartney frozen vegetable curry.
ShiftyBagLady said:
its got to be tinned spaghetti bolognase. that stuff is all wrong, or as you say in thses parts its 'made of wrong'. i think im getting the hang of this urban lingo
I once tried some tinned macaroni,and it tasted like dog food. Not that i've eaten dog food,but I've smelt enough of it in my time to know what it wouldtaste like.

and that squirty cheese in a can is just sooo wrong!!
Cheese strings. Utterly, utterly foul and bear no resemblance whatsoever to proper cheese.

Nowt wrong with Smash tho - tart it up with cheese and loads of pepper and its quite palatable.

eta - talking of cheese in a tin - has anyone had that orange salty non-squirty cheese in a tin? Common in tropical countries? Its totally gross too.
Tinned macaroni. It looks quite nice but its utterly rank in every other way. I think its the rankest thing in a tin. I've no idea how Heinz make a profit on tinned Macaroni. I have images of all the workers in Heinz running out side and puking from the smell every time they make a batch.
Sunray said:
Tinned macaroni. It looks quite nice but its utterly rank in every other way. I think its the rankest thing in a tin. I've no idea how Heinz make a profit on tinned Macaroni. I have images of all the workers in Heinz running out side and puking from the smell every time they make a batch.

yes the smell is grim:D
When there is nuclear war, I can imagine the macaroni will still be on the shelf in the burnt out and destroyed Tescos.
I love Fray Bentos pies, they are lush. The pastry is just the right sogginess to crispyness ratio. I'll eat packet noodles and tinned spaghetti hoops, but processed peas are evil. Did you know they are grey from the processing and have to have to the green colour added afterwards?

Quorn I like, I prefer it to chicken in curries and chinese dishes, coz it soaks the sauce up a bit like tofu does. I haven't bought chicken to cook at home since the Bernard Matthew bird flu thing - conditions in chicken farms are ick. It's Quorn all the way for us now, though we tried the lamb flavour steaks last week, like Scholl foam insoles with loads of lamb seasoning on it, I guess I was asking for trouble buying that.

I love flying saucers sweets but how processed are they? Any foodstuff that manages to gain the texture of polystyrene is definately very wrong.

My mother was feeding my nephew ham slices in the shape of teddy faces today, now that's processed!
pinkmonkey said:
I love Fray Bentos pies, they are lush. The pastry is just the right sogginess to crispyness ratio. I'll eat packet noodles and tinned spaghetti hoops, but processed peas are evil. Did you know they are grey from the processing and have to have to the green colour added afterwards?

Quorn I like, I prefer it to chicken in curries and chinese dishes, coz it soaks the sauce up a bit like tofu does. I haven't bought chicken to cook at home since the Bernard Matthew bird flu thing - conditions in chicken farms are ick. It's Quorn all the way for us now, though we tried the lamb flavour steaks last week, like Scholl foam insoles with loads of lamb seasoning on it, I guess I was asking for trouble buying that.

I love flying saucers sweets but how processed are they? Any foodstuff that manages to gain the texture of polystyrene is definately very wrong.

My mother was feeding my nephew ham slices in the shape of teddy faces today, now that's processed!

Flying saucers are just rice paper with sherbet in the middle. I doubt its possible to get a less processed item.
pinkmonkey said:
I love Fray Bentos pies, they are lush. The pastry is just the right sogginess to crispyness ratio. I'll eat packet noodles and tinned spaghetti hoops, but processed peas are evil. Did you know they are grey from the processing and have to have to the green colour added afterwards?

Quorn I like, I prefer it to chicken in curries and chinese dishes, coz it soaks the sauce up a bit like tofu does. I haven't bought chicken to cook at home since the Bernard Matthew bird flu thing - conditions in chicken farms are ick. It's Quorn all the way for us now, though we tried the lamb flavour steaks last week, like Scholl foam insoles with loads of lamb seasoning on it, I guess I was asking for trouble buying that.

I love flying saucers sweets but how processed are they? Any foodstuff that manages to gain the texture of polystyrene is definately very wrong.

My mother was feeding my nephew ham slices in the shape of teddy faces today, now that's processed!

i love you:D :cool:
WouldBe said:
Fray bentos pies come in tins. :eek:

Smash. Only time I've ever had that it smelled of Ajax. :eek:
Car smash and Babies Heads (S'n'K) ones are great. The pastry is lovely.
pinkmonkey said:
I love Fray Bentos pies, they are lush. The pastry is just the right sogginess to crispyness ratio. I'll eat packet noodles and tinned spaghetti hoops, but processed peas are evil. Did you know they are grey from the processing and have to have to the green colour added afterwards?

Quorn I like, I prefer it to chicken in curries and chinese dishes, coz it soaks the sauce up a bit like tofu does. I haven't bought chicken to cook at home since the Bernard Matthew bird flu thing - conditions in chicken farms are ick. It's Quorn all the way for us now, though we tried the lamb flavour steaks last week, like Scholl foam insoles with loads of lamb seasoning on it, I guess I was asking for trouble buying that.

I love flying saucers sweets but how processed are they? Any foodstuff that manages to gain the texture of polystyrene is definately very wrong.

My mother was feeding my nephew ham slices in the shape of teddy faces today, now that's processed!
:cool: :cool:
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