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What is the 'worst' processed food product?

Herbsman. said:
a mate in halls at wolves uni bought one of these IIRC. i think he's dead now :eek:

I should be dead then - probably will be by the end of the week.
I think this thread contains subliminal advertising - wondered into Somerfield to look at Fray Bentos pies, ended up leaving the shop with @ a weeks worth of things in tins that I can't cook because I have no saucepan & have had to bin my microwavable dish's because they've gone mouldy :eek: (how the fuck can plastic go mouldy?) :rolleyes:

something else that doesn't really count as food - melted value plastic cheese slices and value bread -mmm
*Miss Daisy* said:
well I am a tad surprised at you young laydee! - I thought you'd be the last one to eat crap and admit it!


I eat crap too - Its just easier to point at someone else!:D


I grew up on crap - pot noodles, microwaved ready meals, tinned macaroni cheese, fray bentos pies. I love them all :D :oops:
missfran said:

I grew up on crap - pot noodles, microwaved ready meals, tinned macaroni cheese, fray bentos pies. I love them all :D :oops:

me too:) ....having an alcholic family upbringing had its p[lus points after all:D
haylz said:
me too:) ....having an alcholic family upbringing had its p[lus points after all:D

I had an alcoholic family upbringing too but we always had proper food. :eek:

Or perhaps I just dreamed that and I was really brought up on Fray Bentos pies. :D
moomoo said:
Were they actually edible? Don't seem like much of a treat. :(

I threaten the children with them occasionally, I'd love to actually buy some and dish them up for dinner. :)
:) I looked forwards to them, twas like i was eating real food instead of pot noodles or toast!

but they make me feel yuk when i think of them now.
*Miss Daisy* said:
:) I looked forwards to them, twas like i was eating real food instead of pot noodles or toast!

I used to feel like that about baked potatoes from Spud U Like when I was really hard up. :)

I used to live on toast as well - gets boring after a while doesn't it? :rolleyes:
another nomination from the house of baglady: crispy pancakes

god i ate some shit when i was little :(
rollinder said:
something else that doesn't really count as food - melted value plastic cheese slices and value bread -mmm
I lived on value "cheese spread" sandwiches made with value white bread, washed down with bottles of super strength cider for about three weeks once. I wasn't well :(
Part2 said:
ADB in a tin rocks, shame the veggie ones don't seem to be about anymore.

I agree! A camping staple - all day brekkie with some long life bread and a cuppa first thing in the morning in the open air - ahhhhhhhh heaven!!
I agree, I thought I would never have to cook anything separately ever again after discovering those beauts :)
missfran said:
I LOVE THESE. They're terrible for you, but so absulutely perfect for a hungover Sunday brunch.

I love them too, they are great for camping, no fridge needed. We've got through some rough hangovers at festivals with those.
I had an omelette in a bag from Aldi which was absolutely vile and coated in this weird waxy stuff like eggy putty. Hate wasting food but chucked it anyway.
I seem to remember a variation on the 'Squeez-Cheez' front called Sprayo-mayo. Cant find anything about it tho, maybe dreamed it up. If so, that idea is mine!
Kebab Attack.

It's kebab meat, in a can, with by the looks of it some sort of gravy or sauce.

I've never purchased it myself but my chap's workmate did and apparantly it made cat food look appetising.

I tried to find a picture but failed :(
I'd go for dairylea, absolutely hate processed cheese.

Mind you, my husband bought some frozen kebabs once, that's pretty hard to beat in the vile stakes.
Apart from the tinned burgers and tinned breakfasts, I like eating everything mentioned on this thread. :oops:

Is it something to do with being a kid in the 1970's?

We didn't have Jamie Oliver back then.....
butterfly child said:
my husband bought some frozen kebabs once

My dad occasionally has these in his freezer!!!!
For someone who grows all his own veg it is pretty low :)

Nobody mentioned tinned hot dogs yet?
Badgers said:
My dad occasionally has these in his freezer!!!!
For someone who grows all his own veg it is pretty low :)

Nobody mentioned tinned hot dogs yet?

I like them too. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Dr Gillian McKeith would probably have to have me put down if she met me.....
Badgers said:
My dad occasionally has these in his freezer!!!!
For someone who grows all his own veg it is pretty low :)

Nobody mentioned tinned hot dogs yet?
When I were a meaty I used to eat tinned 'dogs by the bucketload. Now I just eat the vegan equivalent (I'm not really sure what's worse!)
subversplat said:
When I were a meaty I used to eat tinned 'dogs by the bucketload. Now I just eat the vegan equivalent (I'm not really sure what's worse!)

Vegan Hot Dogs Ingredents:

Pressed cardboard, sawdust, modified textured hydrolised partially-inverted Polystyrene, salt.
Cheese slices make the best cheese and onion toasties, they turn molten. I also used to love Bacon Grill on a sunday for my breakfast, pref on a white bread sarnie with red sauce. :D

Agree that tinned macaroni cheese is awful, and tinned ravioli - never tried the spag bol, couldn't bring myself to having had these. One summer when I lived in a bedsit with no way to heat food up I lived off tinned prawns, tinned crab meat and cherry pie filling in a jar - it's a wonder I didn't die of malnutrition.
Princes steak in a tin smells (disconcertingly) vaguely like their tinned fish - tastes nice though especially with chips sqaushed in the gravy
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