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What is the 'worst' processed food product?

Why does this entire thread have a Welsh accent?

Herbsman. said:
Not 'just fungus', no.

Edible mushrooms are 'just fungus'. Perfectly natural.

Quorn is a highly processed product of fungus grown in a laboratory. Just as un-natural, if not worse than any other processed food.

Quorn is a spin-off from Porton Down, I hear.

Once exposed to the correct chemicals, it starts growing again. Real fast and real angry.

Think the end of Ghostbusters crossed with 28 Days Later. Then add vegetarians.

Mmmm. *fires up barbecue*
Toast Toppers are puke

I actually thought Pop Tarts were the king of speed breakfasts til I realised it was probably healthier to just eat a bag of sugar :oops:

What do they do to process processed peas btw?
Orang Utan said:
Also, you know that tinned meat stuff you see in cans, like beef stew and that sort of thing? Has anyone ever tried it? I only see old people buying it. I imagine it's a bit dogfoody.

I've never eaten it myself, but I do recall several posters on this very forum nominating Stagg chilli in a can as the foodstuff that produces the worst and rankest farts from unlucky consumers.
I know that processed cheese slices are rank but sometimes only they will do on a burger :)

The formula for me seems to be:

Cheap burger + cheap processed cheese = YUM
Decent burger + quality cheese = YUM
ShiftyBagLady said:
its got to be tinned spaghetti bolognase. that stuff is all wrong, or as you say in thses parts its 'made of wrong'. i think im getting the hang of this urban lingo

god, that stuff used to be my stoned munchies food of choice :D

don't think i could eat it now, but bloody hell it was good back then :oops:
I thought Cheese Whizz (another aersosol cheese) as soon as I read the thread title.

Although I do remember being very fond of Primula when I was younger. Is it that much different?
Can't believe this thread has made it to three pages without...THIS!!!

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CharlieAddict said:
batchelor's beanfeast - i bought it. enjoyed it. then i read the label. then i wanted to be sick.
what's so bad about beanfeast? i wouldnt eat it nowadays but seriously i dont remember the ingredients looking that bad.
Fish paste! Not Gentleman's Relish cos that's posh innit but that manky old ground up fish heads yucky stuff that Flashy likes on toast and I refuse to go near him when he's eaten that. One of the very very few things I won't eat.
Long Life Bacon Brunch.

Available in all supermarkets - a foil pouch with bacon, spuds and oil in. Looks good for camping, the reality is that its a load of manky spuds with some cat food in.
What about those complete frozen roast dinners for one you can buy?

They've got to be wrong haven't they? :(
moomoo said:
What about those complete frozen roast dinners for one you can buy?

They've got to be wrong haven't they? :(

They bring a lot of cheer to sopme of the old giffers round our way and 99p as well.......:(
moomoo said:
What about those complete frozen roast dinners for one you can buy?

They've got to be wrong haven't they? :(
:D I used to get them as a treat on giro day when the dark times were upon me.
Somerfield's selling what claims to be beefburgers in gravy in a ringpull tin but looks suspicially like sliced dogfood in jelly
*Miss Daisy* said:
:D I used to get them as a treat on giro day when the dark times were upon me.

Were they actually edible? Don't seem like much of a treat. :(

I threaten the children with them occasionally, I'd love to actually buy some and dish them up for dinner. :)
WouldBe said:
I had a Tescos lasagne once. It tasted like it was made with 1/2 lb of mixed herbs and a teaspoon of mince. :eek: It was that bad I wouldn't even give it to the dogs.


Even worse is Tescos "fresh" fish cakes, from the chiller cabinet, you might as well just eat a piece of lard.
King Biscuit Time said:
Long Life Bacon Brunch.

Available in all supermarkets - a foil pouch with bacon, spuds and oil in. Looks good for camping, the reality is that its a load of manky spuds with some cat food in.

I LOVE THESE. They're terrible for you, but so absulutely perfect for a hungover Sunday brunch.
missfran said:
:D well I am a tad surprised at you young laydee! - I thought you'd be the last one to eat crap and admit it!


I eat crap too - Its just easier to point at someone else!:D
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